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As most of my friends know I spent almost 9 months in Scotland
from December 1998 till August 1999.
It wasn't quite a full 9 months since I did come back to
the states for a month.
It was my first taste of flying and also International
travel. AM I GLAD THAT IS OVER!!!!
I based my stay while there in Aberdeen,
a very historical city and like all of the big Scottish cities
Aberdeen has her fair share of statues with stories.
I spent Christmas in a very small fishing town in the southeast
called Kirkcudbright. This is a very unique town with the
most breathtaking views I have ever had the pleasure of
beholding. Some of those views in Kirkcudbright and
surrounding areas will soon be available for viewing.
I spent some time in historical Edinburgh also.
There is a story about Edinburgh but I need to call my friends
in Scotland and get my facts straight on it before I
put it here for public viewing so expect that in the near future also!
Loch Ness and the Castle Urquhart is a beautiful and relaxing
drive through the Scottish country side.
I made a whole lot of wonderful friends while there and still talk to all of them on the phone and would LOVE to go back again!

Scottish Friends





Loch Ness and Nessie

I took loads of castle pics both inside and out. However, the pics inside didn't turn out so great so when you go to look at them only pics of the outside are showing.


Other Miscellaneous Pictures and Places

The Royal Yacht

Threave House and Gardens

Clints of Drummore

My White Christmas

Celtic Lovers WebRing

This Celtic Lovers Webring
site is owned by Elaine Dee.
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