The Barkley Marathons
60 hours to run 100 miles
36 minutes a mile
I don't care how tough the course
I don't care how steep the hills
I can run 36 minutes a mile
All it takes to finish
I must only not quit
Over 300 runners have thought this
Only one has backed it up
The others have heard a voice
A pitiful, plaintive voice in the wilderness crying
"Mommy, I can't take it anymore."
"Mommy, I want to go home."
And the voice was their own
Humility Awaits
at the Barkley
Changed the page design/layout, it's much nicer now (or at least I think so).
Newly added Elevation Profiles of the course can be found in the Pictures section of the website.
The Barkley Marathons webpage 1999-2000 Case