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James Thomas Dickerson
James Thomas Dickerson's father was Andrew Leroy Dickerson. His mother was Grace Dexter Chumbler. Jimmy was born 1 June 1926 in Saltillo, TN. He died 10 Dec 1983 and is buried in Midland TX. His first marriage was to Patricia Jean Sanders.


Summer Dickerson
Patti Dawn Dickerson
Jon Thomas Dickerson

These children went to live with their mother after the divorce, and they were adopted by their step-father, Curt Marshall, whom they call Papa. All three children went by their step-father's last name. They accompanied Jimmy many times to visit the Dickerson grandparents and family in Tennessee.

Second Marriage / Children

Jimmy's second marriage was to Betty Blandford.

Kyle Dickerson
Kathy Dickerson


  1. Kyle and Kathy were Betty's before her marriage to Jimmy, and he adopted them.
  2. After Jimmy died, Betty remarried. When that marriage ended, Betty retook the Dickerson surname. She said it was the best name she ever had.