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The Dickersons of West Tennessee
All the information I have to date is located on these pages. Please use the links in the menu to get to my databases. Only the deceased have their vital information and biographies. Of the living, names and relationships to one another are all I've presented, out of respect for their privacy.

Dickerson Migration from Prince Edward County, Virginia to Dyer County, Tennessee

info to come.

Allied Families

Alfresco | Ashendorf | Bass | Batsel | Birdwhistell | Bishop | Blandford | Blaylock | Brotherton | Bryant | Byrd | Campbell | Carr | Cate | Chandler | Childress | Chumbler | Claypool | Collins | Conner | Cook | Crow | Dahlstrom | Denny | Deshotel | Dycus | Elks | Ervin | Esztergar | Evans | Fears | Fessmire | Ford | Gardner | Gauldin | Gifford | Granade | Hanson | Harris | Hartwell | Hinnerman | Horspool | Huddlestrom | Hueter | Hunt | Johnson, Johnson | Lavoi | Linton | Little | Manos | Marshall | Massey | Marvin | Mathis | Montgomery | Murray | Neeley | Neher | O'Connor, Owen | Parnell | Pavey | Peglia | Phillips | Pickens | Purvis | Sanders | Sandifer | Shanahan | Sisson | Slack | Slovensky | Sondheim | Stark | Steinmetz | Stigall | Thweatt | Watson | Webb | Whittaker | Young