Justin Mundie
Hey guys. Didn't freese do an excellent job with our site. Tell him how
much you appriciate it. Our songs can be downloaded at the lycos music
room. The link isn't up yet but i was just gonna tell you. Sometimes I
like to wander mindlessly around the house waiting for a cheesebuger
after the Price is Right goes off the air. I love Bob Barker.
Mitch Holt
Hello I'm Mitch. You will often find me playing
the guitar. My favorite bands are: Dashboard Confessional, The Juliana
Theory, AVAIL, Living Sacrifice, Enya, Elliot Smith, and Saves the Day.
My email adress is mitchy25@juno.com, or if you would like to email the
band, graymontcove@angelfire.com. And my screen name is goodriddence2.
As you might know,we are a new band trying to make ourselves known. If
you feel inclined to spread the word about us, please do! We would love
your prayers or any other kind of support you could give us. Our purpose
is this: Jesus Christ is the ultimate sacrifice, and he gave everything
he had away for us...even though we are so worthless.
Joey Strawn
I am Joey Strawn. I love Garfield and girls and football and girls and
God and uhhhhhhh.........Girls.
Michael Mullins
Hey, my name's michael, i have curly hair and i play the drums. i've been
playing for around 6 years now...i'm 18 and very single, so ladies, drop
me a note ToxicWaist@aol.com we should be playin at the Chi in may sometime,
but hopefully we'll play somewhere else before then...we'll keep ya posted
Daniel Wade
Yea, I'm the sound man for Graymont Cove. These guys play great music and you should buy our CD. Graymont Cove is an awesome band that seeks to please God through its music. Yes, I played the keyboard on that song. We're beginning to play alot so come support us. Catch you later. Click on my name and email me.