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Graymont Cove

March 14, 2002

>Well hello. I assume LUke is one of the only ones who has visted us in the past 10 months. We just received wonderful news. Michael will be returning to memphis as of this summer. he will be attending U of M next fall so the original line up will be intact. We are still going to change our name to North of Boston and the new site is Be sure to check it out. Freese is again doing our site. Soon I'll be shutting this one down.... when ever the N O B site is up and running for good. THanks for all the memories guys.

November 29, 2001

Has it really been 6 months? Man, a lot has happened since then. Our drummer michael departed for college in florida and our idol band DORA has a new lead singer. I [justin] had surgery on my foot. LOTS of new songs have been written. We're looking at the possibility of a new drummer after 3 months without. Look out in the next month but nostlikely the new year. We'll be back with more shows and more songs.

July 7, 2001

I wish that we could thank personally everyone who came to the show last night. We had a few minor mishaps with Mitch';s pedal but other than that it went great. Dora played a great show also, minus thier share of technical problems. we don't know where we are playing next, hopefully soon though, before michale leaves for college.

June 30, 2001

Thanks to the few people who came to the show at the Tree of Woe on June 22. We played alright but we missed our sweet Mitchy who had to go on a church retreat. You all come to the New Daisy on July 6th for a great show. April moon and Dora are playing w/ us. It will be tight. Peace out.

May 26, 2001

Our show went really well last night. It definetly wasn't our crowd that we were playing to but there were several people who were really liking what they heard. Thanks to Jeff, Jake, Angela, Chisolm, Ray, Swan, J.T., Sarah, Lindsay, Beth, and of course everyones parents except mine (cause they're in florida)and thanks to mr holland who also showed up. Thanks Brad for letting us play, and definetly no thanks to bradley who has been making fun of us on all freakin week. Get a life man.

May 22, 2001

Hey, I"ve got something i want to say to everyone. We do not bash any sort of religion on our site. It disturbs me greatly that someone so immature would sign something like that. (look in our guestbook under jesus h. christ) Graymont Cove isn't about anything like that. and things like that on our site will not be tolerated. Thank you.

May 6, 2001

The cd artwork is now finished. Download it now! (Left click on the picture and select save as.)

May 4, 2001

The pics from The Shaq are finally up.

Click here for old news


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©2001 Graymont Cove