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The Nisa's


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July 30, 2003

San Marcos fans have a new place to see The Nisa. The Nisa has begun playing at Katy Station on 400 Cheatham Street in San Marcos. The band's first show at the new Katy Station was on Friday, July 25. Look for the next show on Saturday, August 23 starting at 8:30 PM. The Nisa can also be seen at Katy Station's open mic nights on Thursdays.
It's album time for The Nisa. Songs written for the next album have already been copyrighten.
The Moods of Innocence is now available on this website.
The Moods of Innocence is also available at these Texas locations:
Austin - Waterloo
Lubbock - Cyclone Music, Hastings, Ralph's
New Brunfels - Hastings
San Marcos - Hastings, Sundance
Seguin - Hastings

April 23, 2003

The Nisa's new video for "Child Wakes from Sleep" is now completed. It was written and directed by Shannon Whimmer of Swimmer Films. This web site will have more news on where the video can be seen in the coming months.
The band is now affiliated with the Talent2k agency and is currently looking for labels to record the band's next album.
The Nisa played in Lubbock this past Friday, April 18th. Despite wind conditions and late rains, The Nisa played a very well recieved show benefitting the Texas Tech chapter of NORML. More shows in Lubbock are being planned for the coming months. Again, the shows will be posted as more news becomes available.

March 25, 2003

The Nisa is currently speaking with a talent agency and is looking to be affiliated with a record company in the coming months.
Several plans are in the works to bring The Nisa's music to other mediums. Magazine reviews, a video, and new mp3s on this web site are all being created. This web site will have more information on these projects as it becomes available.
With so many projects in the works, the band has been booking fewer shows until plans become more concrete. The band has been and will be playing at several open mics throughout the Austin and San Marcos areas in order to keep playing at live venues.
The band has added one more show in Lubbock on April 18th. Again, more news on this show will be posted as it becomes available.

March 7, 2003

The move to San Marcos took longer than expected, but the band is already set up and playing shows in Austin and San Marcos.
The Nisa's first show in Austin was at the Poodle Dog Lounge on February 26.
The band's first tour is already in the works for the second week in April. The show dates include Lubbock, TX on the 11th and Albuquerque, NM on the 12th of April. More shows will be added in the coming days.

December 23, 2002

The Nisa's final show in Lubbock went well despite the ominous playing date of Friday the 13th.
The band played for over three hours at the Amaranth Cooperative and was joined by former member Rick Savage as well as Jason Warren and Taquache, all on percussion.
Also on the bill that night was Tori Atchison, who played her own song, "Gin and Tonic" with The Nisa and percussionists. She performed a small set in the middle of The Nisa's set to allow the band to rest during the long show.
Erik and Isaac of The Nisa are currently packing their bags in anticipation of their move to San Marcos, where the band will start playing in January.
The Nisa thanks all of its fans in Lubbock for supporting them for the past three years.

November 22, 2002

The Nisa will be relocating to San Marcos, Texas at the beginning of January.
The band's final show in Lubbock is set for Friday the 13th of December and will be at the Amaranth Cooperative.
Production of The Nisa's sophomore album will not begin until the band is settled in San Marcos.
The Nisa will be selling the new album in Lubbock as well as San Marcos.

October 7, 2002

The big news concerning The Nisa involves geography.
The band is planning to relocate from Lubbock, TX to San Marcos, TX.
Lubbock residents should look for a going away show some time in January of 2003.
Material for a new album has aready been written.
Look for The Nisa's sophomore album in stores in the spring of 2003.

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