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The Celebrity of The Underground/Hawk en HiLL @ Hawk Entertainment

Andrea Hill

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Not easy being the Underground Celebrity says Hawk.....

So how does an artist find time to write lyrics,book shows,record an album in the studio, have dance rehearsals, update the website, advertise,sell tickets,make and sell cd's, promotion on and off the internet, and build a fan base when they have to go to school, have a job, hang with friends, play some playstation, go clubbin with the crew, spend time with family,market all of the Artists under Hawk Entertainment and Universal Industry Group,write new issues for On Da Mic Magazine,make beats for the Beat Vault, distribute and assemble Hawk Ent Studios Mix Compilations, and yadda yadda yadda,etc...

The answer for Hawk en HiLL is:
"Give it All up". Yep, these two have given up the everyday normal lifestyle that most of you enjoy. Everyday its a 19 hour repetitive cycle. Theres just not enough time in a day for the two performers. They are currently finishing up There 3rd album in the past 10 months, and now starting a fourth. Fourth Album should be out by Summer-time, then its onto number 5 for Christmas of 2004.

Hawk has just become a major influence on the underground scene. Artists from all countries and states are turning to hawk for that extra exposure and help. Hawk designs websites for Underground and Clebrity artists in need as well as featuring them in his online zine and underground websites. A few times a year Hawk will put together some showcases and invite such artists to perform.

Its really taken over my life says Hawk...I have been pretty damn busy in my life thus far. You name it I've done it. i dont think there isnt a job i havent had or a car or truck i havent owned. Its just been one hell of a ride. I gotta admit, the industry has definitley got me busier then ever. I gave up or lost just about everything ive owned, and friends/girlfriends that ive once had. Its really disgusting and lonely, but its the choice ya gotta make when you dont have a huge label backing you up with marketing. From 9am to about 3-4 am every day, im on the biz. For myself and others.

Its really been rewarding thus far and i have met some great people and alot of promising contacts for myself,hill, and other artists under Hawk Entertainment. I really think its the year that Hawk en Hill will get the key to the Industry gates and Hawk Entertainment will become successful. Our ride has been nothing but successful and rewarding this far and the name H-A-W-K is finally stamped as the Underground Celebrity. Im ready to rise.......

Drop us an email and buy a ticket to Hawk en Hill's next show, as we love to see the fans there as they work so hard on the music, its the only time we get to show it off.
Email and find the next show date available in your area. The BootCamp Tour is now underway and will commence in May of 2004. Hawk en Hill we be hitting alot of new territory/states in the U.S. and overseas.......

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