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 Last updated 09/21/2002


Here is the Scores Page, here you will find the scores of our Clan Members.

Aznoutlaw's recent game score: 90

Aznoutlaw's Best Overall Score in a Single Game: You wouldn't believe me.

Powers16's Recent Game Score : 60

Powers16's Best Overall Score in a Single Game: You Wouldn't believe me.

WiL-siN 's Recent Game Score: 120

WiL-siN Best overall Score in a Single Game: You Wouldn't Believe me.

Nikon A.KA TGD2442 Recent Game Score: 63

Nikon A.K.A TGD2442 Best Overall Score in a Single Game: 120

Skill Levels.

1. AznOutlaw.... v2.0            

2. Powers16....v2.5               


4. Nikon aka Tgd2442.....1.8



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