The Southern Women newsletter had become huge! So in order to break things up this is what we will be doing from now on. We have set up a new list at egroups which you are free to subscribe to or not. This list will be used to send out the "southern bits" about once a week or so, depending on the input we get. This is where we will post members request, recipes, movie reviews, and anything you want to share in general with the other members. Have you updated your page and want people to take a look? This is where that info will be found. Have you made a special page for someone and would like people to sign the guestbook? Yep, this is where that info will go also. Need a graphic? Need some help with something? Prayer request? All of the about will be sent out in the egroups southern bits. If you have anything which you would like to contribute, plese email it to Louise with the subject "southern bits".
We will continue to have a monthly newsletter which will be sent to EVERYONE that belongs to the webring. It will contain our monthly games, programs, awards, and general news about the ring.
I hope this will be much more convienent and an easier format for everyone. As always, we are open to your suggestions about any part of the newsletter.
If you want to refer back to this at a later date,
please be sure to bookmark it. The information to join the new egroups
will be posted to our main website so you can always go there to join.
Southern Women Webring
Click to subscribe
to southernbits
Thank you
Louise and Pam
With that said and done please continue on to the newsletter!
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