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This is the The Judge Advocate General's office. Astro Fleet's JAG is like a judge in a courthouse. She settles disputes between players when they can't handle it themselves, and when an offense occurs, the Captain of that RPG inside of Astro Fleet comes to her with the guilty person(s) and a hearing is schedualed for a certain date. A player has rights, and when they are charged with doing something, they may request their rights. If a player is spamming a board, they are in serious trouble. A hearing will be schedualed for the closest day possible, and then they are prosocuted, banned, or just have their rank removed, on depending how serious the offense is. So, keep in line, and you won't end up in here.

Name Rank Email
Heather T. Cains

To read the Policies that Heather has graciously written up for Astro Fleet, click here. I suggest that you read these...