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Salamun Alaikum

AMARAN : Laman ini untuk membincangkan tentang ISLAM dengan merujuk kepada al-Qur'an berbanding dengan kitab tulisan tangan manusia. Bagi anda yang sensitif, sila kembali ke laman sebelumnya.


Firdaus dan Jahanam - Satu kepulangan abadi bab 1 hingga 3.
Firdaus dan Jahanam - Satu kepulangan abadi bab 4 A.
Firdaus dan Jahanam - Satu kepulangan abadi bab 4 B.
Firdaus dan Jahanam - Satu kepulangan abadi bab 5 hingga 8.
Firdaus dan Jahanam - Satu kepulangan abadi bab 9 hingga 10.
Firdaus dan Jahanam - Satu kepulangan abadi bab 11 hingga 12.

Laman Utama

Bab 1 – Salam

Bab 9 – Mati dan selepasnya


"Habis tu kalau shafaat pun tak ada, mati pula tak ada siksa kubur, apa yang bakal jadi ?. Aku ni kalau nak tanya pun tak berapa reti. Titi Sirotul Mustakin ada tak ? Padang Mashar ada tak ?". Pak Rashid mula bertanya pada Brahim sambil dia kerling sekali lagi pada Ustaz Harun.


"Mana ada Titi Sirutul Mustakim yang secara otomatik dapat membesar jika orang beriman melaluinya, dan menjadi sehalus rambut dibelah tujuh jika orang yang kafir melaluinya, dan mana dia bukti kita akan dikumpulkan di Padang Mashar ?". Tanya ku lagi.


"Sirutul Mustakim ada pada surah Fatihah 1:6. Tunjukkanlah kami jalan lurus," dan itu hanya doa, bukan titi !". Kata ku lagi.


Seterusnya aku membaca ayat-ayat dibawah.


2:28 "Bagaimanakah kamu boleh tidak percaya kepada Allah memandangkan kamu adalah orang-orang yang mati, lalu Dia menghidupkan kamu, kemudian Dia mematikan kamu, kemudian Dia menghidupkan kamu, kemudian kepada-Nya kamu dikembalikan ?".


75:3 dan 4 "Apa, adakah manusia menyangka bahawa Kami tidak akan mengumpulkan tulang-tulangnya? Kami berkuasa untuk membentukkan semula jari-jarinya".


58:6 "Pada hari apabila Allah membangkitkan mereka kesemuanya, kemudian Dia memberitahu mereka apa yang mereka telah buat. Allah menjumlahkannya, dan mereka melupakannya. Allah saksi atas segala sesuatu".


22:7 "Dan kerana Saat pasti datang, tidak ada keraguan padanya, dan Allah membangkitkan sesiapa sahaja yang di dalam kubur".


81:10 hingga 13 "Apabila naskhah-naskhah gulungan dibukakan, Apabila langit dibuka, Apabila Jahim dinyalakan, Apabila Taman didekatkan",


36:51 hingga 53 "Dan trompet ditiupkan; kemudian tiba-tiba, mereka melongsor dari makam-makam mereka kepada Pemelihara mereka. Mereka berkata, "Celakalah kami! Siapakah yang membangkitkan kami daripada tempat tidur kami? Inilah apa Yang Pemurah menjanjikan, dan para utusan berkata benar." Ia hanyalah satu Teriakan; kemudian tiba-tiba, mereka kesemuanya dihadapkan kepada Kami".


70:43 "Pada hari mereka keluar dari makam-makam dengan cepat, seakan-akan mereka bersegera kepada berhala-berhala mereka",


54:7 dan 8 "Menjatuhkan pandangan mereka, mereka keluar dari makam-makam mereka, seakan-akan mereka belalang-belalang yang bertaburan, Berlari dengan menjulurkan leher mereka kepada penyeru. Orang-orang yang tidak percaya berkata, "Ini, hari yang sukar!"


45:27 hingga 29 "Kepunyaan Allah kerajaan langit dan bumi. Dan pada hari apabila Saat datang, pada hari itu, orang-orang yang mengerjakan yang palsu akan rugi. Dan kamu akan melihat tiap-tiap umat melutut; tiap-tiap umat dipanggil kepada Kitabnya, "Pada hari ini, kamu dibalas apa yang kamu telah buat. Inilah Kitab Kami, yang berkata-kata terhadap kamu yang benar; Kami mencatat segala apa yang kamu buat."


69:19 hingga 26 "Kemudian bagi orang yang diberi kitabnya di tangan kanannya, dia akan berkata, "Mari, bacalah kitabku! Sesungguhnya aku menyangka bahawa aku akan menemui perhitunganku." Maka dia berada dalam kehidupan yang memuaskan hati, Di dalam Taman yang tinggi, Tandan-tandannya dekat untuk dicapai. "Makan dan minumlah dengan puas dan cukup kerana apa yang kamu telah mendahulukan dahulu pada hari-hari yang lalu." Tetapi bagi orang yang diberi kitabnya di tangan kirinya, dia akan berkata, "Sekiranya aku tidak diberi kitabku, Dan tidak mengetahui perhitunganku !".


17:13 dan 14 "Dan tiap-tiap manusia, Kami ikat ramalannya pada lehernya; dan Kami mengeluarkan untuknya, pada Hari Kiamat, sebuah kitab yang dia menemuinya terbuka.. "Bacalah kitab kamu! Cukuplah dengan jiwa kamu sendiri pada hari ini sebagai penghitung terhadap kamu."


19:68 "Demi Pemelihara kamu, sungguh Kami akan mengumpulkan mereka, dan syaitan-syaitan, kemudian Kami mengarakkan mereka di sekeliling Jahanam dengan melutut".


19:72 "Kemudian Kami menyelamatkan orang-orang yang bertakwa; dan orang-orang yang zalim, Kami meninggalkan di dalamnya, sambil melutut".


9:35 "Pada hari mereka dipanaskan di dalam api Jahanam, di mana dahi mereka, dan lambungan mereka, dan punggung mereka, akan dicap, "Inilah apa yang kamu simpan untuk diri-diri kamu; maka rasalah apa yang kamu simpan."


19:86 "Dan menghalau orang-orang yang berdosa ke Jahanam, dalam keadaan dahaga,"


39:71 "Kemudian orang-orang yang tidak percaya dihalau dalam kumpulan-kumpulan ke Jahanam, sehingga apabila mereka datang kepadanya, pintu-pintunya dibuka, dan penjaga-penjaganya berkata kepada mereka, "Tidakkah rasul-rasul datang kepada kamu daripada kalangan kamu sendiri, dengan membacakan kamu ayat-ayat Pemelihara kamu, dan memberi amaran kepada kamu terhadap pertemuan hari kamu ini?" Mereka berkata, "Ia, benar; tetapi kata azab telah wajar ke atas orang-orang yang tidak percaya."


39:72 "Dikatakan, "Masuklah pintu-pintu Jahanam, untuk tinggal di dalamnya selama-lamanya." Buruknya tempat tinggal orang-orang yang menyombongkan diri !"


20:74 "Sesiapa yang datang kepada Pemeliharanya sebagai seorang yang berdosa, baginya Jahanam; di dalamnya dia tidak mati, dan tidak juga hidup".


38:56 dan 57 "Jahanam, di mana mereka dipanggang - satu buaian yang buruk! Semua ini; maka mereka merasainya - air yang mendidih dan nanah,"


39:60 "Dan pada Hari Kiamat, kamu melihat orang-orang yang berdusta terhadap Allah, muka-muka mereka menjadi hitam; tidakkah di dalam Jahanam tempat tinggal orang-orang yang sombong ?"


4:56 "Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang tidak percaya kepada ayat-ayat Kami, Kami pasti akan memanggang mereka di Api. Setiap kali kulit-kulit mereka hangus kesemuanya, Kami menukarkan dengan kulit-kulit yang lain, supaya mereka merasakan azab. Sesungguhnya Allah adalah Perkasa, Bijaksana ".


22:19 hingga 22 "Inilah dua penyangkal yang bertengkar mengenai Pemelihara mereka. Bagi orang-orang yang tidak percaya, bagi mereka, pakaian-pakaian daripada api yang dipotongkan, dan dicurahkan ke atas kepala mereka, air yang mendidih, Yang dengannya, apa sahaja yang di dalam perut mereka dan kulit-kulit mereka dicairkan. Bagi mereka pencangkuk-pencangkuk besi. Setiap kali mereka menghendaki, dalam kesengsaraan mereka, untuk keluar darinya, mereka dikembalikan ke dalamnya, dan, "Rasalah azab yang membakar !"


40:71 hingga 73 "Apabila belenggu dan rantai berada pada leher mereka, dan mereka diheret, Ke dalam air yang mendidih, kemudian di dalam Api mereka dibakar, Kemudian dikatakan kepada mereka, "Di manakah mereka yang kamu menyekutukan"


5:10 "Dan orang-orang yang tidak percaya dan mendustakan ayat-ayat Kami, mereka itulah orang-orang Jahim".


73:12 hingga 13 "Kerana di sisi Kami ada belenggu-belenggu, dan Jahim, Dan makanan yang mencekik kerongkong, dan azab yang pedih,"


69:30 hingga 32 "Ambillah dia, dan belenggukanlah dia, Dan kemudian panggangkanlah dia di dalam Jahim, Kemudian pada rantai tujuh puluh hasta panjangnya, selitkan dia !".


76:4 "Sesungguhnya Kami menyediakan bagi orang-orang tidak percaya, rantai-rantai, dan belenggu-belenggu, dan yang Menyala".


88:4 hingga 6 "Dipanggang di api yang menghanguskan, Diberi minum di mata air yang mendidih, Tidak ada makanan bagi mereka kecuali pohon berduri,"


37:62 hingga 67 "Adakah itu lebih baik sebagai satu sajian atau pokok zaqum? Kami membuatnya sebagai satu cubaan bagi orang-orang yang zalim. Ia adalah pokok yang keluar di akar Jahim, Seludang-seludangnya seperti kepala-kepala syaitan, Dan mereka memakannya, dan dengannya memenuhkan perut-perut mereka, Kemudian di atasnya mereka mendapat minuman campuran air yang mendidih,"


44:43 hingga 48 "Sesungguhnya pokok Zaqum, Makanan orang yang bersalah, Seperti leburan tembaga merah yang menggelegak di dalam perut, Seperti air yang mendidih menggelegak. "Ambillah dia, dan tolaklah dia sampai di tengah-tengah Jahim, Kemudian curahlah di atas kepalanya azab air yang mendidih!"


56:52 hingga 55 "Kamu akan memakan daripada pokok Zaqum, Memenuhkan perut-perut kamu dengannya, Dan minum di atasnya air yang mendidih, Dengan meminumnya seperti unta minum."


18:29. "Katakanlah, "Yang benar adalah daripada Pemelihara kamu; maka hendaklah sesiapa yang menghendaki, percaya; dan hendaklah sesiapa yang menghendaki, tidak percaya." Sesungguhnya Kami menyediakan bagi orang-orang yang zalim, api, yang gejolaknya meliputi mereka; jika mereka meminta pertolongan, mereka diberi pertolongan dengan air yang seperti leburan tembaga merah, yang melecurkan muka-muka mereka - betapa buruknya minuman, dan betapa buruknya tempat istirahat !"


17:97 "Sesiapa yang Allah memberi petunjuk, dia mendapat petunjuk yang benar; dan sesiapa yang Dia menyesatkan, kamu tidak akan mendapati bagi mereka wali-wali (pelindung-pelindung), selain daripada Dia. Dan Kami akan mengumpulkan mereka pada Hari Kiamat di atas muka-muka mereka; buta, dan pekak, dan bisu; tempat menginap mereka ialah Jahanam, dan setiap kali ia pudar, Kami menambahkan bagi mereka yang Menyala".


Selanjutnya aku membaca surah 7 ayat 40 hingga 52.


"Orang-orang yang mendustakan ayat-ayat Kami, dan menyombongkan diri terhadapnya, pintu-pintu langit tidak akan dibuka untuk mereka, dan tidak juga mereka akan masuk Taman sehingga unta melintasi lubang jarum. Begitulah Kami membalas orang-orang yang berdosa. Jahanam menjadi buaian mereka, dan di atas mereka, penutup-penutup. Begitulah Kami membalas orang-orang yang zalim. Dan orang-orang yang percaya, dan membuat kerja-kerja kebaikan - Kami tidak membebani sesuatu jiwa melainkan menurut kesanggupannya; mereka itulah orang-orang Taman, di dalamnya tinggal selama-lamanya. Kami mencabutkan perasaan dendam yang ada di dalam dada mereka; dan di bawah mereka mengalir sungai-sungai, dan mereka berkata, "Segala puji bagi Allah yang memberi kami petunjuk kepada ini; sekiranya Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada kami, tentu kami tidak akan mendapat petunjuk. Sesungguhnya rasul-rasul Pemelihara kami telah datang dengan yang benar." Dan diumumkan, "Inilah Taman yang kamu diwariskan kerana apa yang kamu telah buat." Orang-orang Taman memanggil orang-orang Api, "Kami mendapati apa yang Pemelihara kami menjanjikan kami adalah benar. Adakah kamu mendapati apa yang Pemelihara kamu menjanjikan kamu itu benar?" Mereka berkata, "Ia." Dan kemudian seorang penyeru antara mereka menyeru, "Laknat Allah adalah ke atas orang-orang yang zalim, Yang menghalangi daripada jalan Allah, dan menginginkan ia bengkok, dan tidak percaya kepada akhirat." Dan antara keduanya ada tabir, dan di atas Benteng adalah lelaki-lelaki yang mengenali masing-masing dengan tanda mereka yang memanggil orang-orang Taman, "Salamun alaikum!" Mereka belum memasukinya, dan mereka sangat menginginkannya. Dan apabila penglihatan mereka dipalingkan ke arah orang-orang Api, mereka berkata, "Wahai Pemelihara kami, janganlah Engkau meletakkan kami bersama kaum yang zalim." Dan orang-orang di atas Benteng memanggil lelaki-lelaki tertentu yang mereka kenal dengan tanda mereka, dengan berkata, "Apa yang kamu mengumpulkan tidak berguna, dan tidak juga apa yang kamu menyombongkan". "Adakah ini orang-orang yang kamu bersumpah bahawa Allah tidak akan sampai dengan pengasihan? Masuklah ke Taman; tiadalah ketakutan pada kamu, dan tidaklah kamu bersedih." Orang-orang Api memanggil orang-orang Taman, "Curahkanlah kepada kami air, atau daripada apa yang Allah merezekikan kamu!" Mereka berkata, "Allah mengharamkan mereka kepada orang-orang yang tidak percaya, Yang menjadikan agama mereka sebagai satu hiburan, dan satu permainan, dan yang kehidupan dunia telah menipu mereka." Maka pada hari ini, Kami melupakan mereka sebagaimana mereka lupa akan pertemuan hari mereka ini, dan mereka menyangkal ayat-ayat Kami. Dan Kami telah mendatangkan kepada mereka sebuah Kitab yang Kami menjelaskan, berdasarkan pengetahuan, menjadi satu petunjuk, dan satu pengasihan, bagi kaum yang mempercayai"". Kata ku lagi.


"Ini bukanlah suatu aturcara yang lengkap. Kalau bwtul-betul nak faham lagi, tolonglah baca Quran. Jangan biarkan diri kita tertipu, tambah-tambah lagi kalau si penipu tu tahu cakap Arab, dan dihiasi pula dengan serban, jubah dan celak. Takut nanti bila dah kena panggang macam BBQ, barulah nak tebus diri dia dengan anak-pinak dia, isteri dia atau semua umat bumi". Kata ku lagi.


"Cuba lihat ayat ini 70:11 hingga 14. "Sedang mereka saling melihat antara mereka. Orang yang berdosa menginginkan bahawa dia dapat menebus dirinya daripada azab hari itu dengan anak-anaknya, Dan isterinya yang temannya, dan saudaranya, Dan keluarganya yang melindunginya, Dan sesiapa yang di bumi, kesemuanya, untuk menyelamatkannya". Kata ku lagi.




Bab 10 – Imam Muktabar lawan perintah Tuhan


"Brahim, kalau macam tu, takanlah pula imam-imam muktabar tu sanggup tipu kita dan aku rasa sesuatu yang tak kena kat sini, susah untuk aku nak percaya pada hang !". Lebai Ngah bersuara. Dia mula kelihatan resah.


"Sebenarnya Lebai, Lebai bukan sangsi pada saya. Maaf cakaplah Lebai, Lebai sangsi pada ayat-ayat Tuhan". Kata ku sambil tenung pada sang Ustaz.


"Aku percaya, kalau kamu ada bukti lagi". Lemah saja sang Lebai bersuara.


"Nah, Lebai, ini yang saya dah buat masa cuti saya baru-baru ini, tapi dalam bahasa Inggeris, kalau Lebai nak baca silalah". Kata ku, sambil mengeluarkan beberapa naskah yang telah aku tulis dari beg galas ku.


1. Prophet Solomon went to one hundred women in one night but only one became pregnant and gave birth to a half- formed child (Bukahri, vol.3, Book of Nikah, p.110).


2. The (Exalted) Messenger used to visit all nine of his wives every night (Bukhari, book of Nikah, vol.3, p.52). (If Exalted Messager is refered to Nabi Muhammad then this hadith is completely against the Quran 4:3)


3. The Holy Messenger used to have intercourse with all his wives in one hour of the day and night (without taking a bath). And these (wives) were eleven. He had the (sexual) power of 30 men (Bukhari, book of bath, vol.1, p.189), and now watch Bukhari’s contradiction book of bath 1/93 i.e vol 1, p.193 saying that Mamoona saw Prophet taking bath after intercourse (He did this and that) until she saw him wash his private parts. (Bukhari, the book of bath 1/93 i.e vol 1, p.193) (Completely against the Quran 4:3, 4:43, and 5:6 )


4. The Prophet said that the best man among my followers is the one who has most wives (Bukhari, Book of Nikah, vol.3, p.52). (Completely against the Quran 2:82, 2:277, 4:124, 10:9, 11:11, 16:97, 34:37)


5. Aisha said to the Prophet "Would you rather not graze your camel onto a tree whose leaves have not yet been grazed. Arwa bin Zubair said Aisha meant that she was the only virgin wife the Prophet had. (Bukhari, Book of Nikah, vol.3, p.55).


6. The Prophet disapproved of a companion Jabir marrying a widow, "Why did you not marry a virgin so that you played with her and she played with you (Bukhari, book of Nikah, vol.3, p.55). (Completely against the Quran 24:32)


7. Prophet Abraham lied three times (Bukhari, Book of Nikah, vol.3, p.57). (Completely against the Quran 3:33, 3:95, 4:54, 4:125, 6:161, 11:75, 16:120, 19:41, 60:4)


8. After conquering Khyber, people described the beauty of Safia binti Hui, the new bride of a slain enemy soldier. The Prophet chose her for himself. On way to Madina he had intercourse with her. His companions did not know if she was a wife or a concubine (since a nikah had not been performed. When later a veil was drawn between her & men, they knew that she was a wife) (Bukhari, Book of Sales & Book of Nikah, vol.3, p.59). (Completely against the Quran 2:235, 4:24, 4:25, 5:5 )


9. The Prophet said bad luck, misfortune & "jin" can be present in wife, home and horse. (Bukhari, Book of Nikah, vol.3, p.60).


10. The most damaging tribulation for men after me are women (Bukhari, Book of Nikah, vol.3, p.61).


11. A woman Khola bint Hakim offered herself to the Prophet. Aisha said "I see, O' messenger of Allah, that Allah always hurries to please you!" (Bukhari, Book of Nikah, vol.3, p.63).


12. The Prophet said to a man "I make you the owner of this woman because you can recite some Surahs of the Quran." (Bukhari, Book of Nikah, vol.3, p.69). (Completely against the Quran 4:25)


13. A woman presented herself to the Prophet. He intently gazed at her from head to toe and then lowered his head. (Meaning he was not interested). (Bukhari, Book of Nikah, vol.3, p.71).


14. When the Prophet married Aisha she was 6 years old and the marriage was consummated when she was 9 (& he was 54) (Bukhari, Book of Nikah, vol.3, p.75).The Quran ties marriage to adulthood and mental maturity by calling marriage a solemn covenant.


15. I saw that most of those entering the gate of hell- fire were women (Bukhari, Book of Nikah, vol.3, p.97). (Completely against the Quran 46:9, 6:50, 11:31)


16. Fitna (Tribulation) is in the East. (Bukhari, Book of Talaq Vol.3, p.132). (Completely against the Quran 2:177)


17. Aisha said to the Prophet, "Ah! My head is bursting". He replied, "I wish" Aisha responded " You want me to die so that you spend the next night with another wife" (Bukhari, Book of Medicine, vol.3).


18. Run from the leper as you run from the lion (Bukhari, Book of Medicine, vol.3, p.259), and now watch Bukhari’s contradiction "There is no such thing as contagious disease".


19. A man asked, "We earn income from these bond women, (other narratives mention prostitution). Can we do coitus interruptus with them?". The Prophet said, there is no sin in doing that (Kitabul Qadr, vol.3, p.543). (Completely against the Quran 4:25-26, 5:5, 17:32, 25:68)


20. According to Bukhari 56/152 and Hanbal 3/107, 163; the Prophet recommended that people drink camel urine to recuperate after an illness Later on when the same people killed the Prophet's shepherd, he commanded that they be seized, their eyes taken out and their hands and feet cut and left them thirsty in the desert. (Completely against the Quran 16:66, 68:4)


21. Seeing a black woman in dream is the sign of an epidemic (Kitabul Ta'abir).


22. The Prophet’s wives slept a little late one morning. He said, "Many women who are dressed up in this world will be risen naked in the Hereafter (Kitabul Fatan, vol .III, p.718), (Completely against the Quran 46:9)


23. Some Muslims in fact sided with Musrikin and idolaters and invited them to attack the Prophet! (Kitabul Fatan, vol.III, p.723).


24. Ali Murtaza and Fatima prayed only when they could get up. The Prophet rebuked them, "Man is more contentious than all things." (Kitabul Aetesam).


25. The Quranic verses used to get were abrogated (ref Anas bin Mahik, Kitabul Jihad). (Completely against the Quran 6:115)


26. The Prophet allowed Mohammad bin Muslima to kill a non-Muslim Kaab bin Ashraf through deception (Kitabul Jihad, vol.II, p.134).


27. The Prophet became very restless and got frightened whenever he saw the sky overcast (Beginning of creation, Bukhari, vol.2, p.213).


28. "Hoors" (women of paradise) will be full breasted and free of menstruation (Beginning of creation, Bukhari, vol.2, p.225).


29. The hellfire complained to Allah "one part of mine is eating the other part." So, the hell fire was allowed two breaths. Once in summer and once in winter. That is how you see changes of seasons (Beginning of creation, Bukhari, vol.2, p.231).


30. Azan , the call to prayer, makes the Satan to stampee expelling gas (Beginning of creation, Bukhari, vol.2, p.237).


31. Satan spends his night in your noses (Beginning of creation, Bukhari, vol.2, p.241).


32. Rooster sees angel, and donkey sees Satan (Beginning of creation, Bukhari, vol.2, p.213).


33. I believe, the lost tribe of Israelites are rats because they drink not the camel's milk and do drink the goat milk (Beginning of creation, Bukhari, vol.2, p.244).


34. Five animals are sinful so kill them even in Makkah: rat, scorpion, eagle, crow, and biting dog (Beginning of creation, Bukhari, vol.2, p.245).


35. The Prophet has ordered to kill dogs. (Beginning of creation, Bukhari, vol.2, p.247). (Completely against the Quran 18:18)


36. Woman was created from rib so she will always remain crooked. Leave her crooked as she is. (Beginning of creation, Bukhari, vol.2, p.251). (Completely against the Quran 23:13-14)


37. Prophet Job was bathing naked. Locusts of gold started raining on him (Kitabul Anbia).


38. The Prophet declared that modesty is part of Faith. Modesty and Faith are tied together. But for centuries our priesthood has been repeating, "There is no shame in religion". Many a woman has been dishonored on this assumption. See an example of shamelessness. "Abu Hurairah reported, when tips of the genitalia meet, the man sits between the woman's legs and pushes, a bath becomes obligatory (Bukhari 1/95 Chapter 201 ).


39. If the Prophet wanted to have intercourse with a menstruating wife, he ordered her to tie loin cloth even though the menstruation would be at its peak. Then he had intercourse. (Completely against the Quran 2:222). On the same page of Bukhari said "Maimoona said that whenever the Prophet wished to have intercourse with a menstruating wife he would order her to tie a piece of cloth around her waist (Muhaddith Hamad Ali Shaibani writes in his "Ummahatil Mumineen" that the Prophet particularly enjoyed having intercourse with menstruating women) and now watch Bukhari’s contradiction. "Aisha said, "No one of you has as much control over his desire as the Prophet did!" (1/98, Chapter : 207. The book on menstruation. )


40. Abu Haraira narrates the Prophet said "I was praying. Satan came in front of me and tried to force me to break my prayers. But Allah gave me control over him and I threw him down. I thought of trying him with a pillar so that you could see him in the morning. (1/469, Chapter: 766 Bukhari)


41. Aisha relates that the Prophet used to have intercourse with us and kissed us while he fasted. Then she slied away smiling. (Bukhari 2/691) (Completely against the Quran 2:187)


42. Khola bint Hakeem gave herself to the Prophet as a gift. Aisha exclaimed, " The woman does not feel ashamed of saying this!" But, the Prophet started receiving a revelation and Aisha complained, " O’ messenger of Allah! I see that your Lord rushes to fulfill your desires". (Bukhari Kitab-un-Nikkah p.67


43. The summary of hadith #309 is that an angel writes everything while a person is in the mother’s womb, male or female, would it be good or evil, money, age, death everything.


44. Now begins the book of salat. #339 state that in Makkah the roof of the Prophet’s house ripped then angel Gabriel descended. " My breast was then opened up and washed with the water of " Zam Zam". Then a platter of gold filled with faith and wisdom was poured into my chest which was then closed. Then the angel held my hand and took me straight to the heavens".


45. In the same #339 by the end you find the story of Moses repeatedly advising the Prophet that he return to God and get some reduction in the number of prayers (from 50 eventually down to 5).


46. Hadith #361 in the book of Salat wants us to believe that a companion requested a concubine from the captives of Khyber. Safia was given to when the holy Prophet saw Safia he said to the companion "you pick another one" ……..on their way back (to Madina) Umm Saleem dessed up Sofia and sent her to the Prophet at night. The morning saw him a bridegroom.


47. The Prophet used to pray ( Salat ) with his shoes on. ( Hadith #376 )


48. People told Aisha ( the mother of believers ) that salat becomes null and void if a dog, a donkey or a woman comes in front. Aisha said, "You made us dogs" (#484).


49 According to the books of Hadith, a woman is compared to a black dog or a monkey (Bukhari 8/102 and Hanbal 4/86).


50. Abu Hanifa and Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal were munkireen ( deniers ) of hadith. Abu Hanifa accepted only 17 hadith. (Khateeb 13/387)


51. The messeger of Allah addressed his wife Safia as this : O’ you bald headed the perished one! (Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Talaq, p.143) (Completely against the Quran 68:4)


52. Umro bin Maimon reported: I saw a monkey surrounded by a swarm of monkeys. He had committed adultery with a monkeys. So, all monkeys stoned him to death. I stoned him too. Another hadith chapter reports that the monkeys had been lying down with a middle aged monkey when a young monkey came and gestured with his eye. She slowly pulled her hand away from under the head of the middle-aged monkey and tip toed away from him. Then she committed adultery with the young monkey. The older monkey knew what happened so he yelled and gathered all monkeys in the area. They stoned both to death! (Bukhari, vol 2, p.261)


53. Do you ever see an animal born with deformed organs? (meaning it never happens) Bukhari (vol.1, p.525)


54. When a woman refuses to come to her husband’s bed, angels curse her until she returns. (Bukhari Book of Nikah, p.96)


55. The Prophet admonished, "Go not to a lone woman". A man asked about the husband’s younger brother. The Prophet said : He is "Death" –(Kitabun-un-Nikah, p.108)


56. Muslim 32 The Prophet said: "When the slave runs away from his master, his prayer is not accepted"; he is an infidel.


57. Muslim 97 The Prophet said: "When anyone awakes from sleep, he must clean his nose three times, for the devil spends the night in the interior of his nose." also: "When anyone wipes his anus with pebbles he should do this an odd number of times." (see hadith 31)


58. Muslim 103 The Prophet said: "Five are the acts of Fitra: (male) circumcision, shaving the pubes, cutting the nails, shaving the hair under the armpits and clipping the moustache.


59. Muslim 104 The Prophet said: "When answering the call of nature neither turn your face or back to Mecca." "After excretion the right hand is not to be used, nor is a bone to be used nor camel dung. "Nor should you hold your penis with your right hand while urinating. Nor should you breathe into the vessel from which you drink."


60. Muslim 124 The Prophet said: "If a woman experiences orgasm in a dream she should take a bath."


61. Muslim 156 The Prophet said: "When Satan hears the call to prayer, he runs 36 miles."


62. Muslim 211 The Prophet said: "He who eats of garlic should not enter our mosque, as the angels are harmed by the same things as man." Also: "I saw in a dream that a cock pecked me twice, so I know my end is near."


63. Muslim 234 The Prophet said: "Then go to the persons who do not join the congregational prayer and order their homes to be burnt..."


64. Muslim 330 The Prophet said: "The dead body is punished for the lamentations of his family."


65. Muslim 430 The Prophet said: "If anyone dies owing some fasts, his heir must fast on his behalf."


66. Muslim 540 The Prophet said that he saw a woman coming and going in the shape of a devil and she fascinated him. So he came to his wife, Zaynab as she was tanning leather and had sexual intercourse with her. That drove out what he felt in his heart.


67. Muslim 557 The Jews used to say: "When a man has intercourse with his wife through her vagina but from behind, the child will have a squint." So Allah revealed the verse: "Your wives are your tilth; go then unto your tilth as you may desire." (2:223) "If he likes he may have intercourse being on the back or in front of her, but it should be through one opening, the vagina."


68. Muslim 576 The Prophet said: "Woman has been created from a rib, and will in no way be straightened for you. Had it not been for the children of Israel, food would not have gone stale or bad; and had it not been for Eve, a woman would never have been unfaithful to her husband." (see hadith 36)


69. Muslim 619 Selling a cat, selling a dog (unless it is a working dog) and the earnings of prostitutes (unless they are non-Muslims), fortunetellers and sorcerers are all forbidden.


70. Muslim 619 The Messenger was fond of cats but he disliked dogs. At first he sent men to the corners of Medina that all dogs should be killed. Later he relented and allowed the possession of working dogs and guard dogs. However, he said: "It is your duty to kill the jet-black dog having two spots on the eyes, for it is a devil." (see hadith 35)


71. Muslim 680 The Prophet said: "When an unmarried couple fornicate they should receive one hundred lashes and banishment for one year. In the cases of a married male committing adultery with a married female, they shall receive one hundred lashes and be stoned to death. If one of the pair is unmarried, one hundred lashes and exile for a year. (Completely against the Quran 24:2, 4:25)


72. Muslim 685 For drinking wine the Prophet ordered forty stripes of two lashes. (Completely against the Quran 2:219, 5:91)


73. Muslim 767 The Prophet said that anyone who tries to disrupt the unity of the Muslims should be killed by the sword.


74. Muslim 777 The Prophet said: "Do not take the Qur'an on a journey with you, for I am afraid lest it should fall into the hands of the enemy who may quarrel with you over it."


75. Muslim 842 The Prophet said: "None of you should drink while standing; and if anyone forgets, he must vomit", and now see Muslim contradict himself in hadith 843 It is reliably reported that the Prophet drank water from the Zamzam well while standing.


76. Muslim 846 The Prophet said: "The Satan is present with any one of you in everything he does; so if any one of you drops a mouthful he should remove anything dirty on it and eat it and not leave anything for the devil; and when he finishes eating he should lick his fingers, for he does not know in what portion of his food the blessing lies."


77. Muslim 866 The Prophet forbade the wearing of clothes dyed in saffron (yellow). "Those are clothes usually worn by non-believers, so do not wear them. Burn them."


78. Muslim 882 A'isha may have let a puppy into her house. The Prophet made her put it out. Gabriel came and said: "It was the dog in your house which prevented me from coming, for we angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture." The Prophet said: "Those who paint pictures would be punished on the Day of Resurrection and it would be said to them: 'Breathe soul into what you have created'". The commentator says that an artist wishes to rival the creator or to create something to worship? Even photographs or statues are not exempted from this stricture and yet we all have seen photographs of the Ayatollah and of martyrs in that most Islamic of countries, Iran. (see hadith 53)


79. Muslim 927 The Prophet said: "Nigella seed is a remedy for every disease except death."


80. Muslim 935 The Prophet said: "Kill the snakes having stripes over them and short-tailed snakes for they cause miscarriage of a pregnant woman and adversely affect the eyesight." He forbade the killing of domestic snakes. This only applies to Medina where some of the jinns have embraced Islam and have taken the form of house snakes.


81. Muslim 946 The Prophet said: "He who played chess is like one who dyed his hand with the flesh and blood of swine."


82. Muslim 1176 The Prophet said: "Every person in Paradise will have two wives." Also: He said: "Those who get into Paradise will have their faces as bright as stars in the sky". They will neither pass water, nor void excrement, nor will they suffer from catarrh, nor will they spit, and their combs would be made of gold, and their sweat will be musk, the fuel of their brazier will be aloes, and their wives will be large-eyed maidens and their form would be alike as one single person after the form of Adam sixty cubits tall."


83. Muslim 1177 The Prophet said: "In Paradise there would be no dissension between the two wives and no enmity in their hearts." When questioned about what would happen to the food if there was no defecating, the Prophet said that their eating would be digested in the form of belching.


84. Muslim 1187 The Prophet said: "When the dead body is placed in the grave, he listens to the sound of the shoes as his friends and relatives walk after burying him." He heard a sound and said "It is the Jews who are being tormented in their graves." "The souls of unbelievers are cursed and have a foul smell. The dead bodies of the unbelievers at Badr were left unburied for three days and then thrown in the well."


85. Muslim 1226 The Prophet said: "When you yawn, you should try to restrain it with your hand to prevent Satan entering therein."


86. Muslim 1227 The Prophet said: "A group of the Children of Israel was lost. I think that they turned into the shape of rats."


87. Hadith Malik 21:84 Sa'id said that one should not stop praying even if pro-static fluid flows down one's thigh.


88. Hadith Malik 33:123 A'isha said that a man can have intercourse with a wife in menses if he tied a skirt on the lower part of the body and had intercourse with that. (Completely against the Quran 2:222) (see hadith 39)


89. Hadith Malik 330:1113 The Prophet said: "When anyone of you marries a woman or buys a slave-girl, he should hold her forehead and pray for bliss, and when you buy a camel, put your hand on its hump and seek refuge from the evil of the cursed Satan."


90. Hadith Malik 361:1216 When the master or husband of a slave-girl dies, her iddah (period of waiting to remarry) is two months and five days. (Completely against the Quran 2:228, 2:234) ( see hadith 39)


91. Hadith Malik 364:1234 If a woman suckles a baby she becomes its foster mother and her husband a foster father. If a man has two wives and one suckles a boy and the other a girl, the boy cannot marry the girl as the foster father of each is the same. (Some of the ulama say that that suckling ten times is needed to establish a foster-relationship.)


92. Hadith Malik 365:1245 A man said: "My wife has wilfully given my slavegirl with whom I used to cohabit her own milk to drink. What is my relationship to my slave-girl?" Omar said: "Punish your wife and go into your slave-girl."


93. Hadith Malik 366:1246 The Prophet said: "I had intended to prohibit the father from going into the mother while she breast-feeds her infant, but I came to know that the people of Rome and Persia did so without it affecting the offspring."


94. Hadith Malik 486:1511 A slave-girl had used sorcery on Hafsah, wife of the Prophet. The slave-girl was sentenced and executed.


95. Hadith Malik 493:1530 Ibn Shihab said that a man committing sodomy should be stoned whether he be married or unmarried.


96. Hadith Malik 497:1542 The Prophet said: "The theft of fruit hanging from a tree or of a sheep straying on the hillside will not entail the cutting of a hand. When the sheep comes home or the fruit are picked and cut and they are stolen the hand will be cut off provided the price is 3 dirhams or more.


97. Hadith Malik 539:1681 The Prophet used to wear a gold ring. One day he threw it away; the people also threw their gold rings away. He had a silver ring made for him. The people followed suit. (Completely against the Quran 7:32, 5:87, 6:140, 6:151, 7:157)


98. Hadith Malik 542:1687 There was a child crying in the house and the Prophet was told that it was affected by the evil eye. He told them to exorcise it. (Completely against the Quran 6:137, 6:140, 6:151)


99. Hadith Malik 565:1757-8 The Prophet said: "There was evil in three things; a horse, a woman and a house. Leave a house, if you think it evil." (see hadith 49)


100. Hadith Malik 588:1812 The Prophet said that man's fires are only one seventieth the parts of Hell-fire.


101. Mishkat 65,66,75 The Prophet said: "Sometimes the Satan asks "But who created God?" ... Then you should spit on the left side three times and seek refuge from Satan, the accursed."


102. Mishkat 70 The Prophet said: "The cry of an infant at the moment of birth is due to the prick of the Satan."


103. Mishkat 79,80 The Prophet said: "Allah prescribed the Decrees of all creatures 50,000 years before He created the heavens and the earth. His throne was on water. Everything has been decreed even in prudence and shrewdness."


104. Mishkat 94 The Prophet said: "The first thing which Allah created was the Pen. He commanded It to write. But It said: "What shall I write?" Allah said: "Write the decree", so It wrote what had happened and what would happen up to eternity."


105. Mishkat 117 Khadijah asked Muhammad about her children who had died in the days of ignorance. He replied that they were in Hell fire. When he saw the disgust on his wife's face he said that if she were to see their station (sic?) she would hate them.


106. Mishkat 122 It is narrated by Ubayy that the spirit of Jesus entered Mary by her mouth. (Completely against the Quran 3:47, 19:21,66:12)


107. Mishkat 134 The Prophet said: "There dominate ninety-nine dragons over the unbeliever in the grave. They constantly bite him and sting him till there comes the Hour of Resurrection. These dragons are so poisonous that if one of them exhales in the earth, no vegetation would ever grow upon it." (Completely against the Quran 36:52 )


108. Mishkat 306 The Prophet said that anyone feeling something in his intestines should not leave the mosque unless he hears the noise of windbreak or senses its smell. (Completely against the Quran 5:6)


109. Mishkat 319 The Prophet said: "When anyone of you touches the sexual organ he must perform ablution." (Completely against the Quran 5:6)


110. Mishkat 455 Anas reported that Muhammad used to have sexual intercourse with his wives with a single bath. (He simply performed ablution between each act and took a bath at the end.) But Mishkat 470 Abu Rafi, slave of Muhammad, reported that one day the Prophet went through his wives taking a bath after intercourse with each. (Completely against the Quran 4:60, 4:82) (see hadith 3)


111. Mishkat 489 Umar (the second caliph) said: "Do not take a bath in water exposed to the sun, for it results in leprosy."


112. Mishkat 520 The Prophet commanded that when traveling we should not take off our shoes for three days and three nights, except in the case of seminal emission and not to do so because of easing ourselves, urinating or sleeping.


113. Mishkat 553 The Prophet said: "When a person has sexual intercourse with his wife as she is menstruating, he should give half a dinar to charity for this act of transgression. Half a dinar when the blood is somewhat yellow and one dinar if the blood is completely red." (Completely against the Quran 2:222) (see hadith no 39)


114. Bukhari & Muslim (Alfahim 169) The Prophet said: "Fever comes from the vehement raging of Hell, so cool it with water."


115. Hadith mentions that "fever" is from the "heat of hell" [Hadith 621,622, page 417, vol 7].


116. Hadith Qudsi 10:3 (Ahmdd etal) The Prophet said that, on the Judgment Day, those who know their Qur'an will be asked to recite it slowly and steadily. At the end of each verse (6236 verses) he will rise higher in Paradise.


117. Hadith Qudsi 14:1 "Laa ilaha il-lallah wala haula wala guwwata illa billah." The Prophet says that if a patient recites the above holy words during his sickness and dies, fire will not burn him.


118. Hadee's-e-Qudsi 19:5 (Ahmad) The Prophet said that Allah commanded him to destroy all the musical instruments, idols, crosses and all the trappings of ignorance. Allah said that if a man took even a mouthful of wine, He would make him drink the same quantity of pus of the wounds of the people in Hell.


119. Hadith Qudsi 28:12 (Omama) The Prophet said that the last man to enter Paradise without going to Hell will roll and toss with his belly on the bridge of Hell like a child being beaten by his father.


120. Hadith Qudsi 28:14 (Wailami) The Prophet said that Allah, on the Day of Judgment, will favor those who kept away from the devil's music.


121. Hadith Qudsi 30:10 (Khateeb) The Prophet said that the horses in Paradise will not need to pass urine or dung. They will have wings.


122. Hadith Qudsi 33:39 (Ibne Asakar) The Prophet said that Allah told Adam that He would not have created him if He had not intended to create Muhammad. (Completely against the Quran 2:136, 3:84) (see hadith 136)


123. Bukhari 4:52:192 Ali, his son-in-law, had eye trouble. The Prophet spat in his eyes and Ali was cured.


124. Sa’d said, "Kill all their men and take their women and children as slaves" The Prophet replied, "You have judged according to God's Judgment" (Completely against the Quran 68:4, 73:10)


125. Bukhari 8:82:794 The Prophet ordered that the renegades’ eyes be branded with heated pieces of iron and that their cut hands and legs should not be cauterized (8:82:796) … and when they asked fir water to drink they were not given it." (Completely against the Quran 68:4)


126. Abu Dawud (38:4396) A thief was brought to the Prophet four times and his punishments were amputations of the right hand, the left foot, the left hand and then the right foot On the fifth occasion the Prophet had him killed "We then dragged him and cast him into a well and threw stones over him." (Completely against the Quran 5:38)


127. Abu Dawud (38:4397) On another occasion, the Prophet ordered that the thief’s hand be hung on his neck.


128. Abu Dawud (38:4449) If anyone has sexual intercourse with an animal, kill him and kill it along with him." Ibn Abbas asked the Prophet, "What offence can be atttributed to the animal?" The Prophet disapproved of its flesh being eaten when such a thing had been done to it


129. Abu Dawud (38:4467) The Prophet said, "If they drink wine, flog them Again if they drink it, flog them. Again if they drink it kill them." But in (38:4469) they received three cautionary floggings before being killed on the fourth occasion. (Completely against the Quran 2:219)


"Apa macam, boleh kita sambung lagi. Nah, lihat pula pada yang ini". Kata ku lagi.


130. The Prophet according to Bukhari in one of the narration tells his companion Abu-Dharr Ghafari that the sun goes around the earth, in the apparent description that he gives (Hadith 421, pg. 283, vol. 4 of M.Muhsin Khan's translation of Sahih Bukhari). (Completely against the Quran 13:2, 14:33, 21:33, 31:29 35:13, 36:40)


131. According to Hadith no disease is contagious [Adwa]. This as we all know is inaccurate. What about the common cold and viruses like Ebola etc. [Hadith 649, page 435, volume7]


132. Books of Hadith contain many home-remedies, according to ideas prevalent at that time, which are scientifically absurd. The Hadith mentions there being a cure for every ailment in black cumin seed [Hadith 591, pg.400, vol 7]. (see hadith 79)


133. "If a fly falls into the vessel of any of you, let him dip all of it (in the vessel) and then throw it away [and use the material in the vessel], for in one of its wings there is a disease and in the other there is a healing [Bukhari, Hadith 673, pg. 452, vol 7]


135. According to Hanbal 6/136, 192,213, the Prophet "Never urinated in a standing position." However Bukhari in his "authentic" book of Hadith says that the Prophet indeed urinated in a standing position. (Bukhari 4/60-64) (Quran 4:82)


136. The Quran commands believers not to make any distinction between any of God's messengers (Quran 2:285 and many other places), yet according to Bukhari's books of Hadith (Bukhari 97/36), the Prophet contradicted the Quran saying that he was the "most honorable" among all the messengers. Not only this, the books of Bukhari make the Prophet even contradict himself by saying in a different Hadith (Bukhari 65/4,6 and Hanbal 1/205,242,440) that we should not make any distinction between the messengers and that he was not better than even Yunus. Could the Prophet have contradicted the Quran? Could the Prophet of Allah have contradicted himself? The books of Hadith in fact insult the Prophet by attributing to him things he never said or did.


137. A woman is called bad luck in the haidth (Bukhari 76/53). Also, according to the collection of Muslim (Sahih Muslim), most of the people in hell were of the feminine gender! According to Bukhari, "Women are naturally, morally and religiously defective. (see hadith 48, 49)


138. The Quran describes accurately, the shape of the earth as being rounded (Quran 39:5), and the cause of night and day as being the rotation of the earth. The Hadith and similar writings however contain mythological concepts, which are then by hook or by crook attributed to the Prophet. The most famous commentary of the Quran, that by Ibn Kathir (2/29 and 50/1) makes extensive use of the Hadith as explaining the Quran. In that spirit, Ibn Kathir suggests that the earth is "carried on a giant bull." When the bull shakes its head, an earthquake results. As stated earlier, Bukhari's book of Hadith states that the sun revolves around the earth. (Quran 4:82)


139. According to Hanbal 4/85, 5/54, the Prophet ordered that all black dogs be killed because they were devils. Inspired by that Hadith so called "Muslims" kill hundreds of dogs all over the world and consider them unclean. The Quran, on the other hand talks about the sleepers in the cave (Sura 18) as having a dog, inside their dwelling place and allows meat killed by hunting dogs. There is nothing in the Quran, which even remotely suggests that dogs are unclean as pets. Indeed the Quran states that God has subjected animals to be of use to humankind. (see hadith 35)


140. The Quran states that," Vision cannot comprehend God, who comprehends all vision," yet the Hadith of Bukhari 97/24 and 10/129 says that to prove his identity to Muhammed, God showed the Prophet his thigh. (Completely against the Quran 7:143)


141. The Quran states that God is the protector of true believers, yet the Hadith states that the Prophet was bewitched by a Jew and for many days, he didn't know what he was doing (Bukhari 59/11, 76/47; Hanbal 6/57 and 4/367). This Hadith goes completely against the Quran, which counters in many places the claim of the unbelievers that the Prophet was bewitched.


142. The Quran talks of itself as being the only message that God intended the Prophet to convey (Quran 42:52 14:52 69:44 6:19 etc.). The Hadith of Muslim quotes the Prophet as saying (Muslim, Zuhd 72, Hanbal 3/12,21,39) that no one should write anything from him other than the Quran. This particular Hadith is in harmony with the Quran, but then another Hadith contradicts not only the Quran but this Hadith. The Prophet is quoted as asking, in Hanbal 2/162, Amr bin As, his companion to write everything he spoke.


143. The Quran states that those who forbid things even though God has allowed them, are committing a great sin. Yet the followers of Hadith have forbidden (haraam) the use of silk and gold by men, even though Allah never forbade these in the Quran. Contrary to that Allah specifically allows them (Quran 7:30-32 42:21 22:23 35:33). The Hadith in keeping with its reputation of contradictions, even contradicts this forbidding law by stating that the Prophet allowed a "gold ring" to be worn by one of his companions and forbade the others! Could the Prophet have invented laws not in the Quran? Could he then have been partial in implementing those laws?

"Mari kita teruskan dengan Ehyaul Uloom, karangan Imam Ghazali yang dicetak oleh Maktaba Rahmania Urdu Bazaar,Lahore, dan diterjemahkan oleh Al Fadzil "Maulana" Mohammad Ehsan Nanotwi". Kata ku lagi.


144. Imam Junaid Baghdadi used to say, "I need sex as much as I need food" (Ehyaul Uloom p.53).


145. Imam Hazrat Umar Farooq used to break his fast (not by eating or drinking), but by having sexual intercourse. During Ramadhan he used to have intercourse with three concubines before Salat-il-Isha (Ehyaul Uloom 2:52).


146. The best prescription for good health is to marry young women (Ehyaul Uloom 2:37).


147. Men of knowledge sleep on their right side, kings sleep on their left, and Satan sleeps with his face down (reference same, p.39).


148. Going for a bath without breakfast and then delaying breakfast will kill a person. I will be surprised if he survives (Ghazali quoting Imam Shafaai, reference same, p.39).


149. Sahabi Maaz bin Jabl was dying of Plague. He said, "Have me married, because I hate to meet Allah while I am single" (reference same, p.42).


150. The best among my friends is the one who overeats and places big morsels in his mouth (Imam Ja'afar Sadiq quoted by Ghazali, reference same 2:12).


151. The Prophet said that a piece of rug lying in a corner of the house is better than a woman who is infertile (reference same, p.48).


152. A hadith says a dark woman who bares children is better than a beautiful woman who bares no children (reference same, p.49). Did you notice dark used as a synonym for ugly?


153. Find a woman who is beautiful, well mannered, has big black eyes and black hair, and a white complexion (reference same, p.73).


154. The Prophet said, "The best wives are those who are beautiful and their mehr (marital gift) is small" (reference same p.74).


155. Do not marry a woman who is infertile (p.75).


156. In Ehyaul Uloom vol.2 p.52 Ghazali goes on to say, "When a man's organ is in erection, two thirds of his mind and two thirds of his religion have departed from him." This is the wisdom of our "Hujjatul Islam" (meaning The Testimony of Islam, a nickname for Ghazali)!


157. After finishing your meal lick the cup or plate and drink its washings. That becomes a marital gift for the hoors (p.13).


158. Imam Hasan used to divorce four women and marry four women at the same hour. That is why the Prophet has said, "Hasan is from me" (p.55). According to the Holy Prophet the most undesirable among permissible acts is divorce.


159. Prophet David fell because of his eye and committed sin with his neighbor's wife (Kimiya-e-Saadat p.497).


160. A wife should forever remain a bondwoman to her husband. Do not let her go to the door, to the top of the house, or outside (p.265).


161. Here is a direct assault on the character of the Holy Prophet: When the mother of believers, Saudah, became older, the Prophet thought of divorcing her. She urged the messenger of Allah, "I will give my nights to the young Aisha. Please do not divorce

me." Upon hearing this, the Prophet began spending two nights with Aisha (Ghazali on the authority of Bukhari).


162. On p.53 of Ehyaul Uloom, vol.2, Ghazali further insults the Holy Messenger thus: He came out of his house. On his way he saw a woman. The messenger turned back at once, went inside his house and had sex with Zainab. Then he came out and said, "Whenever a woman comes in front, she comes in the form of a Satan.".


163. There he goes again on p.56 of the same book: Rasul complained to the angel Gabriel of his impotence. Gabriel advised "Harissa" (a herb). Ghazali and Ibnil Qayyam explain elsewhere that the herb was an important prescription since there was an army of women who could marry no one else and their desire had to be fulfilled.


164. The Prophet said, "If a husband has all of his body, from head to toe, filled with pus and the wife licks him all over, even then she has not thanked him enough" (Ehyaul Uloom 2:103).


165. Quoting Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Ghazali writes that obtaining exquisite pleasure from sex is the fortress of religion (Ehyaul Uloom 2:73).

167. Ghazali advises that the health of a newborn baby will be better if the sexual encounter between the husband and the wife was vigorous (Ehyaul Uloom 2:76).


166. On p.81 of the same book Ghazali insults Hazrat Umar: Umar said, "Ask women their choice in any matter and then act precisely in opposite terms. There is a blessing in doing the opposite of what women advise."

169. Hazrat Ali said, "Start your food with a breakfast of salt and Allah will remove seventy afflictions. Eating sweets causes the testicles to dangle" (Ehyaul Uloom 2:36).


167. Always marry a woman who gives birth to plenty of children (Ehyaul Uloom p.75, Ghazali here seeks authority from Baihaqi and Bukhari).

171. Around the year 140 Al-Hijra, the tomb of the Holy Prophet needed repairs. Builders asked Imam Ja'afar Sadiq whether it was okay to climb the roof. The Imam responded, "Maybe you will find him engaged in sex with one of his wives" (Usool-e-Kafi, Imam Kaleeni, Kitabil Hujjat 1:452).


168. A disciple of Junaid Baghdadi walked across the Tigris river reciting, "Ya Junaid, Ya Junaid." When he said, "Ya Allah, Ya Allah," he almost drowned (Malfoozat Ahmed Raza Khan Barelwi 1:117).                

169. "La Ilaha Ill Allah is the Kalema of the jahileen" (Imam Ghazali, Mishkatul Anwar p.25).

170. Hazrat Ali should have been the first Khalifa. Hazrat Usman played with the Qur'an as he liked. Amir Mu'awia used to drink alcohol (Musnad-e-Ahmed bin Hanbal and Manaqib Ahmed bin Hanbal p.168).


171. The earth is resting on the horns of a great bull. When he shakes his head he brings earthquakes (Ibne Kathir 2:29, 50:1). Then Ibne Kathir changes his mind: The earth is resting on a fish. The fish is resting on water, water on (the mountain of) Safa in Makkah, Safa on an angel, the angel on a rock, the rock on air. When the fish moves it causes earthquakes (Imam Ibne Kathir, Tafseer part I p.76).


172. If the wife is not beautiful the husband's body becomes weak (Imam Ibnil Qayyam, Tibbe-Nabawi, "Medicine of the Prophet" p.479).


177. A person suspected of causing the evil eye must be imprisoned until death (Imam Ibnil Qayyam, Tibbe-Nabawi p.320).

173. In the night of Meraj (Ascension), Imam Ghazali rebuked Prophet Moses. Prophet Mohammad said, "Respect him O' Ghazali!" (Malfoozat Haji Imdadullah Mahajir Makki, Imdadul Mushtaq by Ashraf Ali Thanwi).

174. Take the front leg of a goat after Friday prayers. Be completely unclothed. Write Sura Yasin and the name of the person you desire. Then place the meat in a cooking pot. That person will surely fall in love with you (Mulla Ashraf Ali Thanwi, known as "The Wise of the Nation", Monthly "Khalid", Deoband Darul Uloom).

175. If you wish to kill your enemy, write A to T on a piece of bread. Recite Surah Ra'ad. Break the bread into five pieces and feed them to five dogs. Tell these dogs, "Eat the flesh of my enemy." By the Will of Allah your enemy will have huge boils on his body (reference same).


176. Say "Fazabooha" (slaughtered) before you cut a melon, (or anything else for that matter) and you will find it sweet (Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Aamal-e-Qur'ani).

177. Recite the verse, "When the heaven will split." Write it (on a piece of paper) and tie it to the left thigh of any woman in labor and childbirth will be easy. Cut the hair of that woman and burn them between her thighs and childbirth will be easier still (Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Aamal-e-Qur'ani).


178. During labor pains let the woman hold the hadith book, Mawatta Imam Malik for instant delivery (Thanwi, Aamal-e-Qurani).


179. Now more enlightenment from the "Hakeemul Ummat" Thanwi: Keep reciting "Al Mughni" during sex and the woman will love you (reference same). Thanwi's wife spent half her married life in her parents' home.


180. "Maulana" Yousuf Ludhianwi taught a simple method to make interest (usury)

halal: Borrow from a non-Muslim (Masaail-e-Jadeedah).                                                              

181. Imam Abu Suleman Jozjani told Mohammad bin Saad, "I was in the company of Imam Malik. Imam Malik was asked, 'Can a man have rectal intercourse with his wives.' Malik struck his head with his hand and replied 'O' dummies! I am coming directly from bath after doing that. Don't you read in the Qur'an that your wives are your tilths, go into them as you please!'" (Amdatil Qari, Tafsir Bukhari).

182. The wife of Mulla Jalaluddin Rumi thought that he lost his sexual desire. The Mulla came to know of her suspicion in a trance of revelation (kashf). That night he went to his wife and did it 70 times, (the language has been made milder) so much so that she asked his forgiveness (Shamsuddin Akhlaqi, Manaqib-il-Arifain p.70).

183. Now see what garbage Mulla Ashraf Ali Thanwi is trying to unload. The same Thanwi whom other Mullas call "Hakeemul Ummat" (The Wise of the Nation)! He writes on in Imdadul Mushtaq p.110: There was a true monotheist. People told him if delicious food is part of the person of Allah and feces too is a part of Him, then eat both. The Sheikh first became a pig and ate feces. Then he became a human being and ate food!

184. Here is another pearl of wisdom from him: There was a Pir Sadiq from Ashraf Ali Thanwi's town. He taught his disciples "There is no God but Allah and Sadiq is His messenger." Thanwi approved of that teaching (Hazrat Masood Usmani, Iman-e-Khalis p.109).


185. Bring these items to my grave twice a week: The ice of milk, chicken biryani, chicken pulao even if it is from goat (read again, chicken from goat), shami kabab, parathay (fried homemade bread), milk cream, custard, meat patties, special lentils, ginger, apple water, pomegranate water, a soda bottle, ice of milk from buffalo, homemade (Ahmad Raza Khan Barelwi, Wasaya Sharif p.8). Some descendant or disciple might be feeding the dead Pir Sahib in his grave to this day, who knows?!


186. There is a great advantage in having sex with virgin girls (Tibb-e-Nabawi p.320 with reference to Zadil Ma'ad).


187. Evil spirits cause epilepsy. The treatment you ask? Well, the healer need only say, "Get out!" (Imam Ibnil Qayyam, Tibbe Nabawi p.145).

188. What should be done then is 100 lashes on one day then stoning on the following day as in Hazrat Ali's time (Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Al-Balagh-il-Maarif).


"Adakah hadis-hadis yang dikatakan sahih diatas yang telah saya petik dari koleksi hadis-hadis Qudsi, Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tarmidzi dan Imam Malik tadi dapat membantu saya untuk "memperjelaskan" Quran ?. Tanya ku lagi.


"Cuba Ustaz lihat, saya tidak akan berhujah degan hadis-hadis yang daif atau maudu". Kata ku lagi.


"Tapi…", Uataz cuba membantah.


"Tapi apa Ustaz, bila dah tak boleh tahan nafsu seks, boleh pula kita ikat perut isteri kita bertujuan memberhentikan darah haid. Lepas itu, bayar denda satu dinar atau setengah dinar seperti hadith nombor 39, 88 dan 113. Ikhlaslah Ustaz, tanya pada diri sendiri, adakah Rasullulah buat perangai macam tu ?". Tanya ku.


"Astafirullah, kita semua tertipu". Perlahan saja Pak Rashid bersuara.


"Tapi, itu mungkin salah Ulamak lama". Ustaz cuba berhelah.


"Ulamak lama mahu pun baru, dua kali lima, lima kali dua juga". Kata ku perlahan.


"Brahim, ko ingat Ulamak moden macam Prof Dr Haji Yusof Qardawi pun boleh buat silap ka ?". Ustaz cuba mencari helah.


"Ustaz ada buku Prof Tuan Haji Dr Yusof Qardawi yang bertajuk "Al Halal Wal Haram Fil Islam* ?". Tanya ku.


(* bermaksud, Yang Halal dan Haram dalam Islam. Publisher: Shorouk international (U.K.) Ltd. 1985. Author: Yusuf al Qardawi. Translated into English by Kamal El Helbawy, Moinuddin Siddiqui and Syed Shukry).


"Ada… ada…" Jawap sang Ustaz sepatah-sepatah.


"Baiklah, 1. Dalam bab 1, Qardawi setuju benar dengan pendapat si Ibn al Qayyim yang berkata "He (God) has prohibited gambling but has permitted betting on forms of competition which are useful for the Muslims religious striving, such as horse and camel racing and competing in marksmanship."


"Betul" jawap sang Ustaz sepatah.


"Itu Yusof Qardawi yang kata, tapi, Allah berfirman seperti ayat 5:90/91 "Wahai orang-orang yang percaya, arak, dan judi, dan berhala-berhala, dan ramalan anak-anak panah, adalah kotoran, sebahagian daripada amalan syaitan; maka jauhilah ia agar kamu beruntung". "Syaitan hanya menghendaki untuk menyebabkan permusuhan dan kebencian antara kamu dalam arak dan judi, dan untuk menghalangi kamu daripada mengingat Allah, dan daripada solat. Mahukah kamu berhenti?


"Jadi, Tuhan kata judi itu kotor dan sebahagian daripada amalan syaitan dan syaitan itu pulak hanya menghendaki untuk menyebabkan permusuhan dan kebencian antara kamu, tiba-tiba Ulamak yang bernama Yusof Qardari kata yang "Nabi Muhamad bersabda " …race Kuda dan Unta, kira boleh pulak ? Adakah ini yang dikatakan hadis yang menjelaskan Quran ?". Kata ku.


"Maka si Yusof Qardawi ini berkata lagi, dalam Bab 2, yang dia petik Hadis dari si Parsi Buta (Bokhari) yang berkata "Prophet forbade the eating of animals with canine teeth and birds with talons".


"Itu Yusof Qardawi yang kata, tapi, Allah berfirman seperti ayat "6:145. Katakanlah, "Aku tidak mendapati, dalam apa yang diwahyukan kepadaku, tiada yang diharamkan untuk dimakan kepada orang yang memakan daripada itu, kecuali ia bangkai, atau darah yang tercurah, atau daging babi - itu adalah kotoran - atau kefasiqan yang disucikan kepada selain daripada Allah; namun begitu, sesiapa yang terpaksa dengan tidak menginginkan, dan tidak juga menderhakai, sesungguhnya Pemelihara kamu Pengampun, Pengasih."


16:115. Hanya benda-benda ini yang Dia mengharamkan kamu: bangkai, dan darah, dan daging babi, dan apa yang disucikan kepada selain Allah. Namun begitu, sesiapa yang terpaksa, dengan tidak menginginkan dan tidak juga menderhakai, maka sesungguhnya Allah Pengampun, Pengasih ". Kata ku lagi.


"Cuba Ustaz ambil nafas panjang-panjang, lepas, tarik dan lepas, kemudian, Ustaz fikir, adakah Tuhan lupa tulis dalam Quran pada masa Quran diturunkan hingga terpaksa Tuhan melantik manusia lain datang dan "modifiedkan" hukum-hakam yang telah lengkap itu ?". Tanya ku pada si Ustaz.


Ustaz diam, yang lain masih menumpukan perhatian. Malam masih pekat, angin malam sesekali menyapa. Kekadang berdiri bulu roma ku.


"Cuba kita imbas kembali ayat 16:116. Dan janganlah mengatakan apa yang lidah kamu menyifatkan dengan dusta, "Ini halal, dan ini haram," supaya kamu mengada-adakan dusta terhadap Allah; sesungguhnya orang-orang yang mengada-adakan dusta terhadap Allah tidak akan beruntung".


"Cuba Ustaz fikir, bila mereka tanya Nabi, apa yang boleh makan apa yang tidak, Ustaz ingat Nabi berani jawap selain dari ayat 6:115 ?.


"Tentulah tidak". Sampuk Pak Rashid.


"Betul, kalau Nabi berani menambah, Tuhan akan potong urat jantung dia". Balas si Wak.


"Baiklah, kita teruskan dalam bab 2, Tuan Doktor ni kata lagi "The prophet said that if any animal shot with an arrow had run away and died in the woods, the sahabah (companions of the prophet) could eat the animal_s meat that is not decayed, up to three days after the animal had disappeared. Malangnya pada part awalan pula dalam bab yang sama Qardawi berkata ada sahabah makan ikan paus mati yang mereka jumpa diatas pantai selama 22 hari, lalu mereka jumpa Nabi. Nabi bukan sahaja kata OK, tapi Nabi minta sedikit dari isi paus itu (masuk ini dah hari ke 23), kemudian sahabah pun pergi balik dan ambil sedikit untuk Nabi".


"Nah, dia "contradict" apa yang dia kata. Mula-mula kata sampai tiga hari, sekarang dia kata sampai 22 atau 23 hari. Nah, Tuhan kata jangan makan bangkai, tetapi spesis Ulamak ini suka makan bangkai yang dah reput sampai 23 hari". Kata ku sinis.


"Cuba suruh doktor ni baca ayat 16:14 Dia yang menundukkan untuk kamu laut, supaya kamu makan daripadanya daging yang segar, dan mengeluarkan daripadanya perhiasan-perhiasan untuk kamu pakai; dan supaya kamu melihat kapal-kapal membelahinya; dan supaya kamu mencari pemberian-Nya, dan supaya kamu berterima kasih". Kata ku lagi.


"Malangnya ada pihak orantalis yang berjanggut dan serban memfitnahkan Nabi makan bangkai. Buat pengetahuan sekelian yang ada, Nabi kita makan sea-food yang segar. Tak gitu Ustaz ?". Tanya ku pada sang Ustaz.


"Kita teruskan dengan pembohongan si orantalis ini. Tuhan tak kata pun tak boleh buat patung dan ukiran. Yang tak boleh ialah kalau kamu merafat sembah ia sebagai Tuhan. Si Qardawi ini pula ambil satu hadis yang kata Nabi simpan patung dalam rumahnya". Kata ku lagi.


"Tiba-tiba dalam bab 3, si mamak orantalis Arab ini, tukar statement dia, lalu dia berkata " The angels do not enter a house in which there are statues (or figures) - ihya-ulum ul Din dan "Among the people receiving the harshest punishment on the Day of Resurrection will be the makers of figures – Muslim ". Kata ku lagi.


"Dia, mabuk kot ?". tiba-tiba Lebai Ngah menyampuk.


"Kalau orang Muslim nak bantah pun boleh, dia akan baca ayat 34:12-13, dan kalau dia tanya satu soalan logik, apa sal malaikat maut masuk juga dalam rumah Cina/India/Kristian walaupun rumah itu ada tokong dan patung, apa dia nak jawap ?". Tanya ku lagi.


"Nah, bila Qardawi dah kesan "silly mistake" dia, dia kata pula, malaikat tak masuk rumah Nabi, kerana ada patung. Lalu, Nabi cacatkan kepala patung itu, maka baru Jibrail masuk rumah Nabi". Kata ku lagi.


"Kalau Tuhan tak bagi ada patung, kenapa asalnya rumah Nabi ada patung dan sebab apa pula Nabi Muhamad simpan lagi patung yang telah dicacatkan kepalanya ? Bakal sampahkan saja dari simpan patung yang cacat – tak gitu Ustaz ?". Tanya ku pada sang Ustaz, lulusan Al-Azhar.


"Seterusnya Tuan Doktor ini mula kelentong mengila. Dia kata


A dirham of riba which a person consumes knowingly is worse than committing zina thirty six times. (Ahmad) (1 darham = 3600 kali sebatan )


Do not wear silk, for those who wear it in this life shall not wear it in the Hereafter. (Bukhari, Muslim). (berlawanan dengan 7:26, 7:32, 18:7)


Whoever eats or drinks from gold or silver utensils, is indeed filling his stomach with the fire of hell. (Muslim). (berlawanan dengan 7:26, 7:32, 18:7)


Ibn Abbas said, "David was a maker of coats of mail and shields, Adam was a farmer, Noah a carpenter, Idris a tailor, and Moses a shepherd. (Hakim).


The eyes also commit zina, and their zina is the lustful look. (Bukhari and others).


"Ali, (Ali ibn Abu Talib) do not let a second look follow the first. The first look is allowed to you but not the second." (Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi).


07-.Three matters should not be delayed: salat when its time comes, burial when the funeral has arrived, and the marriage of a single woman when a man of equal status has proposed". Kata ku lagi.


"Sebagai kesimpulan, Quran itu telah sempurna dan 5:3 … Pada hari ini orang-orang yang tidak percaya berputus asa daripada agama kamu; maka janganlah takut pada mereka, tetapi takutilah Aku. Pada hari ini, Aku menyempurnakan agama kamu untuk kamu, dan Aku mencukupkan rahmat-Ku ke atas kamu, dan Aku merelakan Islam sebagai agama untuk kamu …, oleh itu saya tak perlu lagi kitab yang sangat mengarut, menipu, tak berguna dan penuh dengan contradiction. Apa yang pasti, membaca kitab ini membuat saya lebih yakin akan kebenaran ayat-ayat Tuhan dalam kitab terakhirNya. Maka benar firman Tuhan saya yang Dia telah menjelaskan secara terperinci apa yang halal dan apa yang haram didalam sebuah kitab yang jelas". Kata ku bersungguh-sungguh.


"Cuba renungkan ayat 39:3. Tidakkah kepunyaan Allah agama yang tulus? Dan orang-orang yang mengambil wali-wali (pelindung-pelindung) selain daripada Dia - "Kami hanya menyembah mereka supaya mereka mendekatkan kami dalam kedekatan dengan Allah" - sesungguhnya Allah akan menghakimkan antara mereka mengenai apa yang padanya mereka memperselisihkan. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada pendusta, yang berdegil dalam ketidakpercayaan ". Kata ku lagi.


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