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Incorporating Tables into a Word File

*Note: For this topic it may be useful for you to have you Table Toolbar open.  To do this click on the View menu, then move your cursor to Toolbars, then click on Tables and Borders.  You should now be able to see you table toolbar.

Overview of Tables

Inserting a Table

Sizing Your Table

Moving the Borders on Your Table

Merging Cells

Drawing a Table

Inserting Pictures Into Your Table

Overview of Tables

Tables are a type of chart made up of rows (these run horizontally from left to right) and columns (these run vertically top to bottom).  Usually you use tables to present data you have collected, but you can also put text, pictures, and other tables in them as well.

Parts of a Table

Moving Handle- Click and hold and drag your whole table to a new location.

Sizing Handle- Click and hold this then drag you table to the desired size.

Border- These are the lines around your table and each cell in your table.

Cells- These are the rectangles that are used for entering you information.

Inserting a Table

  1. Place your cursor where you want you table and click.
  2. Open the Table menu, move your cursor to insert and click on table.
  3. Choose the number of columns and rows for you table, then hit O.K.

Sizing Your Table

If you want to make your table larger or smaller then do this:

  1. Place your cursor over the table and the sizing handle should appear.
  2. Click, hold, and drag the sizing handle until the table is the correct size.

Moving the Borders on Your Table

Sometimes you may want to move the borders on your table to make your columns, rows, or cells bigger or smaller.  To do this:

  1. Position the pointer of your over the border you wish to move.  You will see the pointer turn into two arrows pointing in opposite directions.
  2. Click and hold the mouse button on the border you wish to move..
  3. Drag the border to the desired position.
  4. Release the mouse button.                                                                 

Merging Cells

If you want to turn two or more cells into one follow these directions:

  1. Highlight all the cells to be merged.
  2. Right-click on the highlighted cells and click on Merge Cells.
  3. The highlighted cells should turn into one cell.

Drawing a Table

  1. Open the Table Menu and select Draw Table.  The Table Drawing Toolbar should open and the cursor should turn into the shape of a pencil.                                                                       
  2. Place the cursor/pencil wherever you want the table, then click-hold-and drag it until you table is as big as you want it.  You will see a dotted outline to let you know the size of your table.
  3. If you want to change the size of your table click, hold, and drag the sizing handle until your table is the desired size.
  4. If you want to move your table click, hold, and drag the moving handle until your table is in the desired location.
  5. To add cells, rows, and columns click on the Draw Table Icon on the Table ToolbarClick on the border of the table and drag the pencil across until you reach the other side of you table.  This will create a new cell.  Repeat until finished.                                                                       
  6. To delete a line on your table click on the rubber tool, then place the rubber over the line and click your mouse button.                                                                                                         
  7. To change the border colour, style, size, or to fill in cells with colour then use the tools indicated below.  The best thing to do is to experiment.

Inserting Pictures Into Your Table

  1. Click on the cell into which you want to insert a picture.
  2. Open the Insert Menu and navigate to Picture and then ClipArt or From File.
  3. Choose the clip art or picture you wish and insert it.
  4. For more info on inserting pictures follow this link.