There is a great difference in the time required for the
development in soul.slumber by different souls. Some dwell in
this state for a very short time, while souls of a higher degree
of attainment require a much longer time in the soul-slumber
state. Here, too, we find a remarkable correspondence with the
phenomenon of gestation and birth on the material plane, which
should be considered by the student. For instance, in the case
of these animals whose natural life period is short, we find, as
a rule, that their period of gestation in the womb is
correspondingly short; on the other hand, animals of a natural
long life spend a much longer period in the womb before birth.
Thus, the elephant has twenty or twenty-one months in the womb;
man, nine months; rabbits,one month; guinea-pigs, three weeks;
the natural life of each bearing a relation to the period of
gestation. In the same way, the gestation period on the Astral
Plane-the period of the soul-slumber is found to vary in
proportion to the time the awakened soul is to pass on the
Astral Plane. An apparent exception to this rule is found in the
case of persons of highly advanced spiritual power and
knowledge, in which the soul is able, by its knowledge and
power, to largely control the natural processes instead of being
under their general control.
The difference in the period of soul-slumber in varying cases,
above noted, arises from the fact that the soul during its
slumber period discards the lower portions of its mental nature
(as well as its Astral body) and awakens only when it has
reached the highest state of development possible for it, when
it is able to pass on to the particular plane or sub-plane for
which its degree of development calls. A soul of low development
has very little to shed in this way, and soon awakens on a low
plane. A soul of higher development, on the contrary, must shed
and discard sheath after sheath of the lower mental and animal
nature, before it can awaken on the plane of its highest
attainment. When we say shed or discard, we mean rather prepare
to shed or discard, for the actual process of discarding or
shedding these lower fragments of personality occurs immediately
after the first stage of the awakening, as we shall see in the
next paragraph.
The soul feeling the impulses of re-awakened life, stirs itself
slowly and languidly, as one does in awakening from a sound
slumber in earth-life. Then, like the butterfly throwing aside
the chrysalis shell, it slips away from the Astral body, and in
rapid succession unconsciously discards the lower principles of
its nature. This occupies but a short time, and occurs while the
soul is slowly regaining consciousness. At the moment of the
actual awakening, the soul is free from all these worn out
shells and encumbrances, and opens its eyes upon the scenes of
its new activities and existence in the Astral World.
Each soul is destined to dwell on the plane of the highest and
best in itself, after the dross of the lower elements has been
discarded. It awakens on the plane in which the highest and best
in itself is given a chance to develop and expand. The soul may,
and often does, make great progress on the Astral Plane, and
during its stay there, may discard more of its lower nature as
it passes to higher and still higher planes or sub-planes.
It is a beautiful fact this of the soul dwelling on the plane of
its highest and best. The student immediately recognizes that
this answers the longing of the soul; and the aspiration of the
There is often something within individuals which is much higher
and better than their everyday life and actions would
seem to indicate. Material environment and circumstances tend to
retard and prevent the expression of the best in us,
in many cases. Therefore, it is pleasant to know that on the
other side the soul is relieved of all that tends to hold it
and drag it down, and is rendered free to express and develop
those qualities and characteristics which represent the best
and truest that is in it. This fact accords not only with the
sense of justice and equity; not only with the longings and
cravings of the imprisoned soul, but also with the facts and
principles of evolution, which ever attracts upward and onward,
toward some far off goal of attainment and perfection.
If passing on the plane of its future activities, the soul has
discarded its Astral body, that strange counterpart of the
physical body is discarded still further back. Henceforth the
soul does not wear the form and shape of the human being, but is
something of a far higher order of being to which the terms
shape and gform do not apply. Our physical bodies (and their
Astral counterparts) are the result of physical evolution, and
are but the bodies of developed animals. The soul on the higher
planes has no need of arms and legs, hands and feet,-it dwells
where these instruments of a lower form of expression are not
needed. It is a being transcending the limitations of physical
The discarded mental principles soon are resolved into their
original elements (but the discarded Astral body becomes what is
known as an Astral shell, and, forsaken by its former occupant
it sinks, by what may be called astral gravitation, to the
lowest planes of the Astral, there to slowly disintegrate. The
lower planes of the Astral are filled with these discarded
Astral shells, floating about in the Astral atmosphere. They are
not pleasant things to see, and happily the soul on the other
side does not witness them, for it dwells on a plane far above
their region. But persons in earth-life who dapple in things
physical, before they understand the first principles of psychic
science, often find themselves on the lower planes of the Astral
Plane and consequently witness some very unpleasant sights in
thisregion, as might be expected.
The plane upon which the soul awakens is not a place, you
remember, but a state or condition of existence-a degree in the
scale of the vibratory energy of the spiritual world. As we have
said, each soul awakens on the plane representing its highest
and best, upon which plane it dwells during its stay on the
Astral Plane, excepting where it develops itself and moves on to
a still higher plane, or, when, as alas! sometimes happens, it
longs for the fleshpots of Egypt and is attracted by memories of
lower principles and descends to a lower plane where it finds
more congenial company and surroundings. There is naturally a
great difference between the various planes and sub-planes of
the Astral Plane. Some are very little removed from the low
scenes of earth-life, while others express the highest
conceptions of the human soul. And each attracts to itself those
who are fitted to dwell in its region-those whose bestand
highest correspond with the new environment.
But the highest and best of the soul of low development is but
very little above the everyday thoughts and actions of the same
soul in the body. Persons of low spiritual development must
needs go through many periods of purification and development
before they can escape the lure and attraction of the material
world. There are souls so earth-bound-so hypnotized by the low
pleasures of earth-life-that on the other side they even refuse
to forsake their Astral shells, and actually strive to abide in
the worn-out and disintegrating shells while they last, and
maintain a rapport condition with the scenes and associates of
the former life. Others find themselves on planes in which there
is a conflict between the upward attraction of the higher things
of spiritual life and the lower things of the material world,
and they live a more or less unbalanced life in the Astral, at
least for a time, until one attraction proves the stronger and
they rise and fall in the spiritual scale, in accordance
therewith. Others still find themselves on a plane in which
there is but little or no attraction from the material world,
and to them the Astral Life is lived out in advancement,
development, and a fuller expression of the highest and best
within them.
The awakening of the soul is akin to a new birth-an entrance
into a new world of experience. The soul manifests no fear of
its new surroundings, but is full of activity in the direction
of expression and manifestation of its new powers. There is much
to occupy the soul, as we shall see as we proceed. It is not
lonely or lonesome, for it has the companionship of those in
harmony and sympathy with itself, and is free from the inharmony
and friction of association with those of different natures. It
finds opportunity for the fullest expression of its activities
and desires, and, particularly on the higher planes, finds life
much happier than on the material plane. Only the souls of the
lowest development those poor earth-bound creatures-are unhappy,
for they are removed from the only thing which gives them
pleasure, the things of earth. And even in their cases there is
at least something like happiness at times.
After the soul-slumber, the soul awakens into life not into a
region of Death. Like the butterfly, it spreads its wings and
enjoys its new state of existence, and does not mourn the loss
of the chrysalis form and life. In the succeeding chapters you
will see the nature and incidents of this new life, in further