Age of Enlightenment Timeline 540-1799
Untying Body Mind Spirit Vision

Age of Enlightenment Timeline1900-1929

540-1799 1800-69
The Enlightenment timeline clearly demonstrates the ever increasing control, secrecy,
manipulation and deviation that has taken place in recorded history.

With thanks to Trufax

1915 The ship Lusitania leaves New York with a shipment of explosives and is sunk by a German submarine. American lives are lost.

1916 I.G.Farben official Werner Daitz first describes "national socialism".

1916 Walter S. Gifford organizes the US Council on National Defense, formed to involve the US in World War 1. Gifford later becomes a chairman of the board of the Carnegie Institution and an officer of the Rockefeller Foundation.

1916 The first evidence of brown mottling of teeth is reported in the United States.

1916 Walter Rathenau in Germany works to establish world socialism. He would eventually be murdered.

1916 FDR is Secretary of the Navy in the United States, and orders Navy contracts in advance of US entry into World War 1.

1916 French ship Sussex sunk, injuring Americans on board.

1916 Introduction of graduated income tax in the US.

1916 British War Office purchases 7,000 acres in Porton Down for a chemical warfare installation.

1917 Constituents try and force Harrison Drug Control Act on Coca-Cola and are defeated.

1917 Freud writes "Introduction to Psychoanalysis".

1917 Wagner von Jauregg treats syphilitic paralysis by injecting malaria.

1917` Congress passes the Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917. The US was at war with Germany.

1917 Congress passes the Espionage Act of 1917.

1917 Carnegie's schooling system is brought to New York by William Wirt and tried in twelve schools that were predominently Jewish. Jewish immigrants, realizing what was being perpetrated, riot for three weeks.Over 200 school children were jailed. (Ref: The Great School Wars, Diane Ravitch) (See 1910, 1930)

1917 Congress passes the Invention Secrecy Act in the United States as a wartime measure to prevent disclosure of inventions that "might be detrimental to the public safety or defence. The act ended in 1918, but was resurrected in 1940 and reinstituted in the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951.

1917 United States intervenes and enters World War I.

1917 Tesla describes the invention of radar in the Electrical Experimenter of August 1917.

1917 Second Communist Revolution in Russia successful. The regime of Lenin would be responsible for 4,017,000 murders between 1917-1924.

1917 Tesla reluctantly accepts the "Edison Medal". Tesla had achieved a charge of 20 million volts in some of his devices.

1917 US passes Trading With the Enemy Act , forbidding US firms or their foreign subsidiaries from trading with enemies of the US except under license.

1917 Post WW1 supplies of chlorine designated to be added to water supplies.

1917 21.3% of WW I draftees rejected because of handicaps.

1917 AMA hostility toward compulsory health insurance.

1917 Britain informs Lord Rothschild of the intent to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine, supported by the Zionist movement created by British Intelligence.

1917 Outbreaks of encephalitis in China and Europe.

1917 Trotsky arrives in New York aboard the steamer Montserrat, picks up funds and heads for Russia to start the Bolshevik Revolution.

1917 Prohibition amendment ratified in the US with scheduled implementation in the year 1920.

1917 British use phosgene gas shells on the Germans.

1917 Fifteen states in the US have eugenics laws on the books which authorize sterilization of criminals, epileptics, the retarded and insane.

1918 Henry Moray finds a post-war job as a fireman on a rail road, then obtained work as a civil engineer for the Denver and Rio Grand Railroad, and as an electrical engineer for several companies in Salt Lake City. He became a certified member of the Amercian Assn of Engineers.

1918 World War I ends after the use of 66 million poison gas artillery shells.

1918 Congress passes the Sedition Act of 1918.

1918 Great influenza epidemic attributed to widespread use of vaccines.

1918 The Surgeon General of the United States issues a report that states that tuberculosis is the leading cause for discharge of men from the Armed Forces.

1918 Wilson calls for the formation of a League of Nations.

1918 Paris Peace Conference.

1918 Beginning of period of near-anarchy in Germany, that would last until Hitler becomes President of the Reich in 1933. Conflict between Communist element and National Socialist Democratic Party, with Hindenburg administration presiding.

1918 Karl T. Compton assigned to American Embassy in Paris. Compton would later become a special advisor on Atomic Development and would later advise Truman to drop the two atomic bombs on Japan. Compton would become a director of the Ford Foundation, Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute and the Royal Society of London.

1918 President Wilson aids the new Soviet regime with bridge building projects.

1919 Adolph Hitler joins the Thule Society, which founds National Socialist Party to drum up support for another war. British fascists are tied closely to the Thule Group, the Golden Dawn, etc. Hitler is also trained as a police spy under Captain Mayr of the Bavarian Army Group Command IV. In September Hitler enters the German Workers Party (DAP), a creation of the Thule Society. Hitler, still in the Army, is assigned espionage duties.

1919 Bert Walker formally organizes the W.A.Harriman & Co private bank. In the autumn of 1919, Prescott Bush meets Bert Walkers daughter Dorothy, and they are married in August 1921. The wedding was attended by Yale Bonesmen from the class of 1917.

1919 Warren Bechtel awarded first federal road building contract in U.S.

1919 Diphtheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.

1919 Allan Dulles serves with Barnard Baruch on Supreme Economic Council.

1919 British use arsenic smoke when intervening in the Russian Civil War.

1919 Royal Institute of International Affairs founded (RIIA) founded by 21 Americans and their British counterparts.

1919 Death rate from encephalitis accelerates. Between 1919 and 1928, over 500,000 deaths and 1,000,000 cases of neurological impairment were attributed to this disease, which affects males more than females. Recent research indicates that this epidemic was a late manifestation of the post World War I influenza outbreaks, and that both were due to the appearance of a swine flu virus.

1919 From 1919 to 1920, William Donovan sent on classified missions to China and Siberia.

1919 Versailles Treaty. Germany, who lost WWI, is forbidden to have any type of intelligence gathering agency. A proposal is made by the American government (Morgenthau's Pastoral Policy), signed by Wilson, as one of the provisions of Germany's surrender, the extermination of the Germans as "an inherently warlike race". The document is now kept in the Sid Richardson Research Center at the University of Texas, Austin.

1919 Paris Peace Conference. League of Nations founded.

1919 Hitler's military intelligence operation engaged in domestic terrorism. Rohm takes Hitler to see Dietrich Eckart, the morphine addict who heads the German Thule Society.

1920 In Germany, the DAP becomes the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party).

1920 Montague Norman achieves governorship of the Bank of England until 1944. It was Norman who decided that Hitler should get help from London's financial sector to build his influence against the Bolsheviks in Germany in 1934.

1920 Britain declares its opium war against the United States. Prohibition in the US brings narcotics trafficking and large scale organized crime into the US.

1920 Banking panic of 1920. Federal Reserve orders bank to recall loans.

1920 Dr. Otto Walberg experiments with human cells. Removes 35% of the oxygen and cells become non-reversibly cancerous.

1920 I.G. Farben signs working agreements with Sandoz and Ciba-Geigy in Switzerland.

1920 Dr. Bergius discovers hydrogenation process.

1920 William Donovan meets Adolph Hitler at Berchtesgaden and Pension Moritz.

1920 Period begins where 400 political figures in Germany are assassinated.

1920 Henry Moray injured on the job, which forces him back to examine radiant energy.

1921 Milner becomes head of Rio Tinto Zinc until his death in 1925.

1921 Council on Foreign Relations formed in New York City from US RIAA branch under the direction of Colonel Mandell House.

1921 US banks number 31,076.

1921 The regime of Chiang Kai-shek in China would be responsible for the murder of 10,214,000 people between 1921 and 1948.

1921 Duke of Bedford, Marquis of Tavistock, creates the Tavistock Institute in London to study the effect of shellshock on British soldiers who survived World War I. Its purpose was to establish the "breaking point" of men under stress, under the direction of the British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare, commanded by Sir John Rawlings-Reese. Led to the creation of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London, home of its prophet, Sigmund Freud. The Tavistock Institute developed the mass brain-washing techniques which were first used experimentally on American prisoners of war in Korea. (Think of the implications of this). Its experiments on crowd control methods by modifying human behavior through topical psychology have been widely used on the American public.

1921 National Institute for Industrial Psychology founded in London.

1921 Hitlers storm troopers agitate against political opponents in Germany.

1921 Second International Congress of Eugenics held in New York City. Sponsoring committee includes Herbert Hoover and the presidents of Clark University, Smith College and the Carnegie Institute of Washington (Rockefeller).

1921 Ghandi begins agitating against the British opium imports into India. He would be eventually assassinated.

1921 BCG tuberculosis vaccine developed.

1921 Fredrich Dessauer advocates x-ray therapy.

1921 Lenin establishes Soviet trade policy of acquaintance with US technology.

1921 US Supreme Court redefines Trading With Enemy Act to apply in wartime.

1922 William (Bill) Donovan appointed US District Attorney for New York.

1922 H.H. Laughlin, the expert eugenics agent of the US House of Representatives Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, proposes the Model Eugenic Sterilization Law - a model to be followed by Hitler in 1933. Laughlins law would mandate destruction of criminals, the insane, those with TB, the blind, the deformed, the crippled and the dependent.

1922 School becomes the ultimate screening mechanism and ultimate creator of a receptive, docile public. Individual communities were gradually denied the right to hire their own teachers. State legislatures forced to accept the idea of "certification" by Carnegie/Rockefeller controlled Education Trust and teacher colleges.

1922 Aluminium production (along with production of toxic by-product sodium fluoride) increases. Aluminium cookware is mass introduced in the US, beginning the gradual accumulation of aluminium in the brains of Americans. Additional aluminium is injected into society in "antacids".

1922 Steve Bechtel , son of Warren Bechtel, is a student at the University of California.

1922 Coca-Cola plant built in Ashtabula, Ohio. The drink contains coal tar derivatives , flavouring, and massive amounts of sugar.

1922 Concept for future Bank of International Settlements created in Genoa, Italy.

1922 Illinois Medical Journal says AMA has become an autocracy.

1922 Tesla files various patents in the field of fluid mechanics.

1922 By 1922, more than 100 radiologists died from X-ray induced cancer.

1922 A study by Samuel Torrey Orton connects emotional disturbance with neurological problems. This insight was lost after World War II when psychology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis became popular, breaking the connection. The emotional disturbances caused by vaccines then became financial fodder for the new psych-industries. With the causes suppressed, a new industry was born.

1923 Karl Haushofer ghost writes Hitler's Mein Kampf in prison. Haufshofer later forms the Vril Society.

1923 Interpol founded in Vienna. The Germans would control Interpol through 1944.

1923 Rockefeller Commission decides that Adolph Hitler was to lead the German people to their suicide in a Wagnerian Tragedy, fake his suicide and make a secret exit. Hitler returns the twice-stolen saucer secrets to Rockefeller in a secret deal, with the US acting in security mode.

1923 Canadian physician Frederick Banting receives Nobel Prize for discovery of a way to extract the hormone insulin , which permitted control of blood sugar in those with diabetes. This opens a whole new medical market because of the growing sugar addiction in the US public.

1923 Earl of Inchscape publishes his report which insists that British opium trade must be maintained to protect the revenue of the British Empire, much to the protest of the League of Nations.

1923 In the US, 18,718 businesses fail.

1923 From 1923 to 1976, the regime of Mao Tse-tung in China would be responsible for 37,828,000 murders.

1923 Nazi's assassinate all political opposition. Ernst Rohm is killed and the German military is consolidated under Hitler.

1923 In Germany, massive inflation takes place as the Reichbank issues a total of 92.8 quintillion paper marks. One pound of butter = 6 trillion marks.

1923 US President Harding dies mysteriously after reading a coded message.

1923 US Congressman Stephen Porter passes a bill through Congress calling for import quotas on opium that would reduce consumption 90%, leaving the remaining 10% for "medical purposes".

1924 William Donovan comes to Washington DC at the request of Harlan Stone, one of Donovan's professors at Columbia, to become Asst Attorney General of the US. Donovan requests Edgar Hoovers removal from FBI, but Stone appoints him to head the agency. Donovan becomes involved in the persecution of Senator Burton Wheeler.

1924 Dr. Seale Harris of the University of Alabama discovers that sugar can cause hyperinsulinism and recommends people cut sugar consumption. The medical establishment comes down on Harris and his work is suppressed. Harris would be awarded a medal by the AMA 25 years later as pharmaceuticals to control low blood sugar are developed and put into production. The basic contribution of refined sugar to the problem remains suppressed.

1924 Fritz Thyssen sets up his Union Banking Corporation in George Herbert Walkers bank in Manhattan.

1924 Federal Reserve begins Open Market Operations.

1924 George Herbert Walker Bush born in Milton, Massachusetts. "Bunny" Harriman brings Prescott Bush into US Rubber Company in New York.

1924 Hoover takes Donovan to the Bohemian Club, the West Coast power club.

1924 Heroin, originally created by I.G. Farben, is outlawed as a prescription drug in the United States.

1924 Diphtheria vaccinations kill 25 in Bridgewater, Ct and 20 in Concord, NH.

1924 Diphtheria vaccinations kill 6 in Baden, Austria.

1924 Krupp Industries receives $10 million loan from Wall Streets Goldman Sachs.

1924 American banker Charles Dawes arranges $800 million foreign loan to consolidate chemical and steel companies into cartels.

1925 Mein Kampf published in Germany.

1925 Danish researcher Thorvald Madsen tries a modified Pertussis vaccine during an epidemic in the Faroc Islands. It did not prevent Pertussis. (See 1933).

1925 T.Henry Moray begins to see further improvement on extraction of energy from ambient space and offers his invention to the United States Government, who declined, saying it would compete with public utilities. Advancements in the device prompted demonstrations. Moray calls on General Electric Company On December 23, 1925, Moray burns out the machine. It would take a year to reconstruct.

1925 From 1925, the Round table Group receives major financial contributions from wealthy individuals, foundations and companies associated with the international banking community, including the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, organizations associated with J.P. Morgan, and the Rockefeller Group.

1925 Doctors at the Paris Academy of Medicine discuss deaths occurring shortly after vaccination in Holland and other European countries.

1925 In England, less than 50% of infants are vaccinated for smallpox. 6 deaths occur. (See 1872).

1925 Institute of Pacific Affairs set up in 12 countries, interlocking with the Round Table Group and the RIIA.

1925 General vaccine programs against tuberculosis began in the United States.

1925 Another major US rail road collapses.

1925 Fischer and Tropsch synthesis leads to industrial development of synthetic oil.

1925 Inventor T.Henry Moray contacts General Electric about his work.

1925 Conference on International Arms Trade in Geneva produces the Geneva Protocol of 1925 against Chemical Warfare. The US and Japan refuse to ratify the agreement.

1925 Bechtel becomes major pipeline contractor for oil companies.

1925 International Convention Against Narcotics Trade.

1925 I.G. Farben is reorganized by the Warburg's as a merger between Badische Anilin, Bayer, Agfa, Hoechst, Welierter-Meer, and Griesheim Elektron. Max Warburg is the Director of I.G. Farben (Germany) and I.G. Chemie (Switz).

1926 American I.G. founded as a holding company controlling I.G. Farben assets in the United States. Some board members were Edsel Ford, Charles Mitchell (President of Rockefeller's National City Bank of New York), Walt Teagle (President of Standard Oil), Paul Warburg (Federal Reserve chairman and brother of Max Warburg, financier of Nazi Germany's war effort and Director of American I.G.) and Herman Metz, a director of the Bank of Manhattan, controlled by the Warburg's. Three other members of the Board of Governors for American I.G. were tried and convicted as German war criminals.

1926 General Medical Society for Psychotherapy created in Germany, an international organization.

1926 Tesla has radio towers erected at the Waldorf in New York. Claims to get signals from space.

1926 Dan Magdiel, friend of T.Henry Moray, goes to the Soviet Union to see if they are interested in Morays work.

1926 Hitler sends Goebels to Berlin to prepare for his entry in three years.

1926 Knights of Malta support ascent of Italian dictator Mussolini.

1926 Frank Howard of Standard Oil visits Baldische plant in Ludwigshafen.

1926 Jersey Oil Company enters into a business agreement with I.G. Farben.

1926 I.G. Farben merges with Dynamit-Nobel.

1926 Prescott Bush joins W.A. Harriman & Co as vice-president. George Herbert Walker would join Harriman in 1928 and later finances the building of Madison Square Garden in New York. Walker's son, George H. Walker, Jr., would become chairman of Walker-Bush Oil Corporation and Zapata Petroleum (owned by George HW Bush).

1926 I.G. Farben approaches Standard Oil to discuss synthetic coal - threat to S.O.

1927 Conference at the Hague, under the auspices of the League of Nations, on the subject of vaccination-caused deaths in Europe.

1927 Pavlov wins the Nobel Prize for his discovery of a process of organism conditioning through external stimuli in a precisely controlled external environment. Western and European science focus on the conditioning stimuli. Soviet scientists focus on the aspect of external environment. Both aspects would later blend in an overall mind control paradigm in the latter 20th century. Heavy research would be conducted in Germany, which later contributed to development of a mind control infrastructure in the U.S. based on a mechanistically-based synthetic environment tied to body consciousness, temporal structure, drugs and electronics. Soviet contributions would add to the moulding of the underlying psychological sub-structure. China would also adopt the paradigm as a basis for control of their vast population of 1 billion.

1927 John Watson has achieved an experimental basis for the behaviourist school of psychology with his experiments in "molding the infant mind". Using external stimuli combined with positive and negative reinforcement, Watson perfected a mechanistic method of mind control based on fear. Developments would wait for the introduction of operant conditioning by B.F. Skinner, whose first guinea pig was his own daughter - who would later commit suicide at the age of 21.

1927 Henry Moray files a sworn certificate on Nov 14, 1927, describing a germanium compound using the words "pure germanium."

1927 Oliver Wendell Holmes writes the US Supreme Court decision in the case Buck v. Bell. In the case, a psychiatric inmate, Carrie Buck, was chosen for sterilization after having a child because she was deemed "feeble-minded"; Oliver Wendell Holmes writes, "It is better if society can prevent our being swamped with incompetence, it is better to prevent those who are manifestly unfit from breeding their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting of the fallopian tubes ... three generations of imbeciles is enough". They then sterilized Carrie Buck. The crux of the matter is that Carrie Buck was not retarded, but just a little slow, based on environmental conditions. Her child grew to be an honour student.

1927 John Foster Dulles director of GAF Company (American I.G.) until 1934.

1927 Diphtheria vaccinations injure 37 and kill 5 people in China.

1927 Brookings Institution incorporated by Frederic Delano (FDR's uncle), Harold Moulton and Leo Rowe. Delano was one of the original members of the Federal Reserve Board.

1927 Standard Oil agrees to cooperative program to develop hydrogenation.

1927 Rockefellers begin to pour money into the CFR.

1927 Austrian psychiatrist Menfred Sakel develops insulin shock ( insulin coma treatment , ICT). Patients are overdosed with insulin, which induces a coma. By 1937, all neuropsychiatric hospitals in Germany would use ICT.

1927 Four percent of US banks fail.

1927 British government appoints a committee to inquire into "vaccine lymph", as it is noticed that the "glycerinated calf lymph" used in vaccinations causes deaths from "sleepy sickness". Two London professors bring notice of the problem to the government in 1922. It takes 5 years before the government responds.

1927 Smallpox in England dwindles almost to the vanishing point. Fatality of the unvaccinated cases is less than half of the vaccinated cases.

1928 Federal Reserve withdraws $80 billion from the US Government.

1928 Moray shows his device to Harvey Fletcher and Carl Eyring of Bell Labs. The division of Bell Labs headed by Fletcher would then "come out with" the transistor in 1948.

1928 Edward L. Bernays, nephew to Sigmund Freud, writes the book Propaganda, in which he explains the structure of the mechanism which controls the public mind, and how it is manipulated by those who wish to create public acceptance for a particular idea or commodity. Says Bernays, "those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. Our minds are moulded, our tastes are formed, largely by men we have never heard of." Bernays represents another connection to Germany.

1928 Cases of post-vaccination encephalitis force creation of two Committees of Investigation in Britain.

1928 Fleming discovers penicillin.

1928 Development of the discovery of the EEG machine and brain waves.

1928 American Eugenics Society sponsors essay contest on causes of decline in Nordic fertility.

1928 Third International Congress of Eugenics. At the conference, a Dr. Robie calls for the sterilization of 14 million Americans with low IQ scores.

1928 Japan begins experimental production of mustard gas at Tandanoumi Arsenal.

1928 Brown discovers electro gravity.

1928 Over $50 billion is invested in Tesla's 19th century induction motors and systems of power transmission around the world.

1928 Henry Ford merges assets with I.G. Farben.

1928 John D. Rockefeller interlocks his empire with I.G. Farben in Germany.

1928 Standard Oil begins operations in the Middle East.

1928 Most US corporations have no debt at all.

1928 The 1928 United States Army Training Manual defines Democracy as "A government of the masses. Results in communistic attitude toward property, negating property rights. The will of the majority regulates without restraint or regard to consequence. Results in anarchy." In effect, this progresses quickly into an oligarchy, where a minority controls the majority. Only a Republic protects both majority and minority.

1929 William (Bill) Donovan organizes the law form of Donovan, Leisure, Newton and Irvine on Wall Street. The firm defends AT&T in a government anti- trust lawsuit.

1929 Dr. Wiley's book The History of a Crime Against the Food Law published, detailing the subversion of the food purity laws and government corruption; all the books produced are mysteriously bought up, and no copies can be found. Wiley's Bureau of Chemistry is dismantled and replaced by the Food Drug and Insecticide Administration, precursor of the FDA. All lists of "dubious compounds in food" were declared "Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS)".

1929 Consumption of refined sugar in Sweden 120 pounds per person annually.

1929 Secretary of State Stimson abolishes State Department code-breaking office.

1929 Admiral Byrd conducts expeditions to both poles. Discovers new areas.

1929 Standard Oil gains 1/2 rights to hydrogenation process in world except Germany.

1929 I.G. Farben, Standard Oil and Shell Oil consummated agreement.

1929 Royal Bank of Canada gives Venezuelan Diego Cisneros his start on a financial empire involved with drug trafficking that would be worth over $3.3 billion in 1992. Cisneros has close associations with Rockefeller family, was a partner in a Florida finance corporation associated with drug and gun running. (See 1980). Is the Cisneros on the Clinton cabinet a relative?

1929 Fourth Psychotherapeutic Congress in Germany. Matthias Garing indicates his philosophical problems with Freud and his influence in the psychiatric profession. Göring maintains that Jews could not be helped psychologically because of the "racial difference".

1929 The Fascist control of the Vatican hierarchy is complete.

1929 I.G. Farben concluded limited cartel agreements with Dupont Chemical in US. 1929 Montagu Norman, head of the 1900 By 1900, all Ph.D's in the United States were trained in Prussia (Germany). The degree is a German invention. These German educated men would become presidents of American Universities, heads of research facilities (both corporate and government). 1900 AMA began to achieve goal of replacing existing medical system with allopathy