Age of Enlightenment
Timeline 1954-1957
The Enlightenment
timeline clearly demonstrates the ever
increasing control,
secrecy, manipulation and deviation that has
taken place in recorded history.
With thanks to Trufax
Wilhelm Reich begins cloud buster
experiments in Maine.
1954 Smith, Kline and
French puts Thorazine on the market. By
1975, doctors would write 200,000,000
prescriptions annually for psychotropic
drugs for people not hospitalized.
1954 First recorded
Bilderberger meeting in Oosterbeek, Holland.
1954 Attempted
assassination of several Congressmen by
"Puerto Rican Nationalists".
1954 Joseph McCarthy vs.
The Communists scenario.
1954 Salk vaccine begins
to be given to school children in
1954 Parke-Davis
pharmaceutical company combines the DPT shot
with Polio vaccine. The new combination of
four vaccines is called Quadrigen. (See
1954 Nobel prize to
Enders & Robbins for work on polio
1954 United States
explodes another hydrogen bomb in Bikini
1954 Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA) memo deems LSD A
"new agent for unconventional warfare." CIA
orders 100 million doses from I.G. Farben
through Sandoz for mind control experiments
well into the 1960's.
1954 New York Times
announces Stephen Bechtel, chairman of
Bechtel Corp., has become a partner of J.P.
Morgan Company.
1954 Oppenheimer
dismissed from government service.
1954 Temple of Mithras
excavated in London.
1954 Locust plague in
1954 Physicists Enrico
Fermi and Fritz London die.
1954 Euro vision network
1954 Army germ warfare
project in Point Magu and Fort Hueneme,
1954 Russian KGB created
to replace secret police.
1954 A study is
published which links fluorides and the
development of cancer in animals. Ref: A
Taylor, "Sodium Fluoride in the Drinking
Water of Mice", Dental Digest, Vol 60,
1954 Broadcaster Frank
Edwards fired for discussing UFO on radio
1954 "Strange voice from
space" speaks from shut-off radios in
Midwestern US and London. Voice warns
against preparations for war.
1954 Mass introduction
of sugared soft drinks in the United States.
1954 Wilhelm Reich
organized expedition into American south
west to undertake experiments on desert
development. Reich also disables two UFOs
with his cloud buster. DOR removal programs
begin with cloudbuster.
1954 General vaccination
programs against Polio begin in the United
1954 Reward of $30,000
offered to anyone who proves polio vaccine
not a fraud. Not one person was able to
claim the reward.
1954 C.E.Perkins,
I.G.Farben chemist, admits fluoride is to
reduce resistance in people to authority.
1954 Mrs. Oveta Gulp
Hobby, Secretary of Health, Education and
Welfare, allows a press photo to be taken
during a ceremony declaring Salk vaccine
1954 Polio rate caused
by the vaccine accelerates ten-fold in
1954 Eli Lilly company
begins renovation of a five-story building
in Indianapolis in July 1954 for the
production of Salk vaccine. It is in full
production by October of 1954. Wyeth,
Parke-Davis and others follow suit.
1954 A study on
"neurologic sequelae of prophylactic
inoculation" summarized state-of-the-art
knowledge in noting that the common factor
in the pathology of encephalitis from
vaccination is "anaphlactic
1955 Kissinger chosen as
head of Jason Group.
1955 Under the MacArthur
regime, every citizen in Japan receives two
smallpox vaccinations. (Life magazine Aug
22, 1955).
1955 Georgia State
public health officers meet in Atlanta (May
1955) to discuss what was going wrong with
the Salk vaccine program. A U.S. Public
Health scientist at the meeting told the
group that "he was not permitted to disclose
what had happened because it would
jeopardize the investment of the
pharmaceutical firms in the vaccine
1955 Patuxent
Institution established in Maryland. A
psychiatric prison with high powered
behavior modification programs established
under the "Defective Delinquent Statute",
Patuxent saw a flood of racial and political
prisoners. The associate director at
Patuxent was Werner Kohlmeyer, educated in
1955 Measles death rate
has naturally declined, without vaccines, to
.03 per 100,000 by 1955.
1955 At the University
of Illinois School of Medicine, Department
of Neurology, Niels Low shows that the EEG
of infants is sometimes altered by a DPT
shot, concluding that significant cerebral
reactions and neurological changes occur.
1955 American Cancer
Society advertising circular states "cancer
will strike one of every four persons now
living. More children from 3 to 15 years of
age die of cancer than from any other
disease." (50 years before, cancer was
unheard of in children). According to the
ACS, they are predicting 6.4 million deaths
from cancer, compared with 128,000 in 1933 -
an increase of 6.2 million cases in 22
years. Vaccination, pesticide use and
chemical pollution are the main factors that
have increased since 1933.
1955 Despite the
sky-rocketing cases of vaccine-induced
polio, the AMA, NFIP and USPHS claim a
reduction of 40-50%.
1955 Idaho brings its
Salk vaccination program to a halt on July
1, 1955. Utah does the same on July 12,
1955 Boston Herald
newspaper reports on April 18, 1955,
features an article entitled "Drug Companies
Expecting Big Profit on Salk Vaccine", which
stated. "A spokesman for Parke-Davis, which
made 50% of the Salk vaccine, said 'now that
it has been declared safe, we can get back
the millions we invested in the development
of the Salk vaccine and make a profit out of
it. Our company will made over $10 million
on Salk vaccine in 1955.'"
1955 Rhodes and Company,
Wall Street brokers specializing in drug
securities, estimate that the gross revenue
of the six vaccine houses licensed to
produce and sell Salk vaccine would be about
$60 million, with profits of $20 million.
1955 The CIA conducts a
biological warfare experiment in the Tampa
Bay area in Florida with agents withdrawn
from an Army CBW centre. A sharp rise in
whooping cough (Pertussis) cases occurs,
including 12 deaths, following the test.
1955 The National
Foundation for Infantile Paralysis asks the
public for $47 million in its "March of
Dimes" campaign. The program took over $249
million from the American public since
racketeers decided to use FDR's birthday in
1933 as the time of year for the campaign.
1955 American Cancer
Society publication "Cancer Facts" states
"there are only three proven ways to curb
cancer - x-rays, radium and surgery, either
singly or in combination."
1955 Washington Bureau
of the Detroit Free Press reports, on June
3, 1955, that "The USPHS reported that more
children who received Salk shots made by the
Wyeth Labs suffered polio more than could
normally be expected;"
1955 AMA Conference in
Atlantic City, New Jersey. Article by James
C. Spaulding who covered the conference was
published in the AMA Journal, June 19, 1955,
"A policy of secrecy and deception has been
followed by the National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis and the US Public Health
Service in the polio vaccine programs. The
nation's physicians were prevented from
learning vital information about the trouble
with Salk vaccine. The US Public Health
Service had an advisory group made up almost
entirely of scientists who were receiving
money from the National Foundation of
Infantile Paralysis, which was exerting
pressure to go ahead with the program even
after Salk vaccine was found to be
dangerous.". Spaulding further said, "the
Infantile Paralysis Foundation kept secret
the fact that live virus was detected in
four out of six supposedly "finished and
safe" lots of vaccine."
1955 Salk Polio Vaccine
again used in the US. Cases of polio
skyrocket again in the United States.
1955 Reported that
doctors on the staff of the National
Institutes for Health are avoiding
vaccination of their children with the Salk
vaccine, and that after experimenting with
1200 monkeys, they declared the Salk vaccine
worthless as a preventative and a danger to
1955 Commercial
television broadcasting begins in Britain.
1955 MIT produces UHF
1955 Atomic generated
power used in Schenectady, New York.
1955 Molecular structure
of insulin determined.
1955 The publication
National Review incorporated for William
Buckley (CIA) by William Casey, later
director of the CIA. The National Review
later became part of the network of fake
"right-wing" organizations promoting
communist organizations like the Heritage
Foundation, run by a British Fabian
socialist with profits from Coors, promoting
ideas like "Project Democracy".
1955 Artificial
manufacture of diamonds achieved.
1955 Eisenhower heart
1955 Soviet Union
declares end of war with Germany.
1955 First vaccinated
generation become adolescents.
1955 Vermont reports a
266% increase in polio since vaccinations
began in 1954.
1955 Rhode Island
reports 454% increase in polio since
vaccinations in 1954.
1955 Massachusetts
reports 642% increase in polio since
vaccinations began in 1954 with vaccination
of 130,000 children. In response, the
National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis
states that the increase in cases was due to
the fact that "no children were vaccinated
there." Massachusetts bans the sale of Salk
1955 Dr. Graham W.
Wilson, director of Britain's Public Health
Laboratory Service, who knew about the NIH
Salk vaccine trials, says "I do not see how
any vaccine prepared by Salk's method can be
guaranteed safe."
1955 Bilderberger
meeting in Barbizon, France.
1955 US Surgeon General
Scheele admits in a closed session of the
AMA that "Salk polio vaccine is hard to make
and no batch can be proven safe before given
to children". Despite this fact, the public
is told that the vaccine is safe. The
government announces that it has the
intention to vaccinate 57 million people
before August 1955.
1955 Surgeon General
Scheele (who never practised medicine a day
in his life) goes on public radio saying "I
have complete confidence in the Salk
vaccine. I urge doctors to continue
1955 Office of Naval
Research allegedly receives Case for the
1955 Tavistock Institute
injects "teen society" paradigm into US
1955 Rock music injected
into society, providing "internal
structure". Hyper- activity begins to appear
in children. Children are born "only
thinking of themselves", indicating
neurological changes have taken place. The
12-atonal music scale injected into the US.
1955 Psycho surgeon
Robert Heath of Tulane University does
research for the US Army involving the use
of LSD on psychiatric inmates in whom he had
implanted depth electrodes.
1955 Albert Einstein
1955 Dr. Isbell of the
US Public Health Service Hospital in
Lexington, Kentucky experiments using CIA
funds on black inmates.
1955 Dr. Saul Krugman
conducts experiments at Willowbrook Hospital
in New York in which children are
deliberately infected with active Hepatitis
virus. as part of a study of the disease.
Some of the children were retarded.
1955 Between 1955 and
1971, the number of institutionalized
schizophrenics dropped by one half. This was
because of psychoactive drugs that came out
during that time period. These drugs were
acting to control the mono mines: serotonin,
dopamine, norephenephrine and ephenephrin.
These substances are responsible for
transmitting emotion-mediating signals in
the brain from one nerve to another.
Seventeen states in the United States
reject their government-supplied Salk
polio vaccine.
1956 The US tests
experimental birth control drugs made by
Searle on women in Puerto Rico and Haiti.
The women were not informed about
potentially serious side effects.
1956 The US Army
begins a 3-year program testing biological
warfare agents in poor black communities
in Savannag, Georgia and Avon Park,
Florida. The Army releases mosquitoes
infected with yellow fever. Many people
developed unknown fevers and some died.
After each test, the US Army posed as
health officials, photographing and
testing victims, then disappearing as
quickly as they arrived.
1956 US government
appropriates $53.6 million to "aid states
in providing free vaccine to people under
20 years of age".
1956 Idaho health
director Peterson states that polio only
struck vaccinated children in areas where
there had been no cases of polio since the
preceeding autumn. In 90% of the cases,
the paralysis occurred in the arm in which
the vaccine had been injected.
1956 American
Public Health Service announces 168 cases
of polio and 6 deaths among those
vaccinated. Censorship is then imposed on
the reporting of reactions to Salk
1956 The National
Foundation for Infantile Paralysis
conducts its annual "March of Dimes"
campaign, bilking the public of $47
1956 Transfer of
the Gehlen organization to the West German
1956 Ford
Foundation introduces "behaviourism"
(people control) into the curricula at
Harvard through director Donald K. David.
1956 Mind control
experiments on prison inmates approved in
the US.
1956 Curtis Shafer,
an electrical engineer for Norden-Ketay
Corporation, revealed at the National
Electronics Conference in Chicago that
"The ultimate achievement of biocontrol
may be man himself. The controlled
subjects would never be permitted to think
as individuals. A few months after birth,
a surgeon would implant the child. Sensory
perceptions and muscular activity could be
either modified or completely controlled
by bioelectric signals radiating from
state-controlled transmitters."
1956 American
troops begin to pour into South Vietnam.
1956 Annual
production of DDT 500 million pounds.
1956 Winthrop
Rockefeller appointed head of the Arkansas
Industrial Development Commission.
1956 Oral polio
vaccine developed further by Sabin.
1956 Eisenhower
re-elected President of the United States.
1956 March 1956
issue of the Journal of the American
Dental Association, H.C. Hodge remarks,
"skeletal deposition of fluoride is a
continuing process in which a considerable
portion of the ingested fluoride, perhaps
25 to 50%, is deposited in the skeleton."
1956 ML King
emerges as social force for racial
1956 American
Psychoanalytical Association study on
sleep disturbances was convened, showing
how the profession responded to various
neurological disturbances emerging in
society. Since the connection between
changes in brain chemistry and external
substances had been replaced by
psychology, it made it extremely difficult
(according to Gershwind in 1982) to accept
that there are instances in which
difficulties in emotional adjustment are
the primary result of alterations in the
1956 Bilderberger
meeting in Frednsborg, Denmark.
1956 Scientific
Engineering Institute (SEI) founded. A CIA
cover facility to study the effects of
microwaves/radar on the brain.
1956 Muller
develops ion microscope.
1956 Neutrinos
produced at Los Alamos and anti-neutron
1956 Rock and Roll
in full swing.
1956 Four new
antibiotics tested in the United States.
1956 The US Public
Health Service and the National Foundation
for Infantile Paralysis (Rockefeller) put
on a drive to "sell" Salk polio vaccine to
the public.
1956 Gray Barkers
They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers
1957 Governor
Knight of California asks the legislature
for $3 million in order to insure
vaccination for all those under 40 years
old with Salk polio vaccine. The
newspapers report that corporate profits
from the Salk vaccine will be in excess of
$5 billion. (Feb 6, 1957). Governor Knight
notes there are 4 million Californians
under 40 and signs the bill.
1957 Joseph
McCarthy murdered at Bethesda hospital in
1957 King Hussain
of Jordan becomes a paid CIA agent.
(Disclosed in 1977)
1957 Onassis
kidnaps Howard Hughes from Beverly Hills.
Wayne Rector, Hughes double since 1955
becomes "Hughes". In September
Onassis calls the Appalachian meeting to
tell US Mafia and adopt Hughes game plan
to legally control the United States
Government. Onassis promises Joseph
Kennedy that a Kennedy will be president.
1957 United Nations 12th General
Assembly adopts a resolution calling for
the regulation, limitation and balanced
reduction of all Armed Forces and
1957 FDA tests report that 10 of
13 certified food dyes produce cancer in
1957 Russians announce the
orbiting of Sputnik.
1957 Bilderberger meeting in
St.Simon Island, Georgia and Fiuggui,
1957 Pertussis vaccination
programs exist in all industrialized
nations, with the US leading the way. The
vaccine is promoted as "risk free".
1957 In a 1957 AMA report it was
stated " It is too early to know what the
effects of artificial fluoridation will
be. What is reported as a reduction in
dental decay may in fact be a delay in
recognition of decay, and reasons given
for believing that artificially
fluoridated water will have the same
effects as water with natural fluoride are
not valid."
1957 Records for New Britain,
Connecticut (where the use of industrial
fluorides had been in use for 6 years)
showed that some of the children's teeth
had been damaged beyond repair where the
water is fluoridated, even when the
percentage of industrial fluorine is kept
at or below 1 ppm, mottling is produced in
10-15% of the children examined. Mottled
teeth are teeth showing symptoms of
fluorosis, and the enamel of mottled teeth
is brittle and subject to mechanical
injury which is difficult or impossible to
1957 CIA helps Iran form secret
police SAVAK.
1957 Experiments in behavior
modification at Woodland Road Camp in
1957 Fourth "UFO Flap" year.
Anti-nuclear literature by UFO groups
1957 Unexplained short wave
signals received worldwide.
1957 Examination of the 1957
directory of the American Psychiatric
Association shows that an enormous
percentage of individuals listed are
foreign-born, mostly from Germany and
Eastern Europe.
1957 Supposed year of Alternative
1,2,3 plan development.
1957 Britain explodes
thermonuclear bomb in the Pacific.
1957 Queen Elizabeth addresses
United Nations.
International Atomic Energy Agency
1957 Mathematician
Jon Von Neumann (Montauk) allegedly dies.
1957 Moray applies
for a secret clearance for his laboratory.
1957 Admiral Byrd
1957 Proclamation
of International Geophysical Year &
Polar Expeditions.
1957 Rome Treaty
and beginning of Common Market.
1957 Tavistock
injects terms "beat" and "beatnik" into US
language & culture.
1957 Project
Redlight begins in Nevada. Dreamland
construction begins.
1957 Atomic Energy
Commission Project Plowshare and Gasbuggy
in NM.
1957 Scientists
isolate a series of Simian (monkey)
viruses and discover that these same
viruses contaminate polio vaccines. SV-40
found in both Sabin and Salk polio
vaccines. ( made since early '50s),
Information not made public. The same
vaccines continued to be used until the
early 1960's.
1957 The Ditchley
Foundation is founded by Sir Philip Adams
near Oxford. The Ditchley Foundation is a
conduit for classified instructions from
the Tavistock Institute.