Age of Enlightenment Timeline 540-1799
Untying Body Mind Spirit Vision

Age of Enlightenment Timeline 1967-74

540-1799 1800-69
The Enlightenment timeline clearly demonstrates the ever increasing control,
secrecy, manipulation and deviation that has taken place in recorded history.

With thanks to Trufax

1971 George HW Bush joins the Council on Foreign Relations.

1971 R.K. Procunier, Director of Corrections of the State of California, proposes "neurosurgical treatment of violent inmates". 1971 Apollo 14 and 15 explore the moon.

1971 Mariner 9 orbits Mars.

1971 Soyuz 11 cosmonauts die entering atmosphere.

1971 Dr.Choh Hao Li synthesizes human growth hormone. 1971 United States explodes hydrogen bomb near Alaska.

1971 Saccarin removed from FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) list.

1971 Nixon ends International Redeemability of Federal Reserve Notes. 1971 The incidence of asthma in children begins a significant increase. 1971 A study by Stella and Chess reveals that children with congenital rubella (german measles) frequently display classic autistic features, including impaired ability to relate new stimuli to remembered experience. See 1966.

1971 Rarick bill HR351 to repeal Federal Reserve Act. Buried in committee.

1971 Howard Hughes dies.

1971 Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) calls for a regionalized police force.

1971 Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations issues pamphlet M-67, which calls for Special Police Task Forces (special multi county or interstate police forces).

1971 United States places a nuclear weapons platform in orbit secretly. The first military-run shuttle mission would service the platform and upgrade the on-board computers.

1971 The regime of Yayha Khan in Pakistan would murder 1,500,000 people.

1971 The CIA infects pigs in Cuba with African Swine Fever, a deadly disease. The entire swine population of Cuba is slaughtered to protect humans. A second such epidemic in 1980 in Cuba, with equally devastating consequences, was of unknown but suspicious origins.

1971 A mysterious blue mould appears and threatens the tobacco crop in Cuba.

1971 A damaging rust disease appears in Cuba and threatens to destroy the crops of sugar cane.

1971 Astronomers discover two new galaxies adjacent to ours.

1971 Daniel Ellsberg , a hawk from the RAND Corporation, writes the "Pentagon Papers", which helps distract the public. McNamara (World Bank/RAND) assists as Ellsberg's boss. Book is RAND cover-up for the real reasons behind the Vietnam War. Ellsberg "indicted" for "leaking" the "papers". Watergate team breaks into Ellsberg's office on Nixon's orders to find out how much Larry O'Brien knew about Hughes and Onassis.

1971 Germany bans water fluoridation.

1971 Richard Nixon withdraws all Gold backing from the US Dollar, rendering it a fiat currency - the completion of a process Roosevelt started in the 1930's when gold was called in and currency was tampered with.

1971 US Deficit $500 billion.

1971 Bilderberger meeting in Woodstock, Vermont.

1971 The American Cancer Society decides that screening women for breast cancer was a good idea. (See 1974). (Note: "Screening" = Radiation that causes cancer) 1971 Pentagon Papers published.

1971 Electroshock treatments given to inmates at Vacaville, California.

1971 Astronomer James McDonald drives into desert and suicides. 1

971 The Philadelphia Inquirer conducts a telephone poll relative to sterlization of low IQ groups. Almost 70% vote in favor of forced sterilization.

1971 Swedish prime minister Palme authorizes electronic implant use on prisoners.

1971 Dr. H.J. Roberts publishes results of a comprehensive national study of traffic accidents. Roberts concludes that a "significant source" of many unexplainable accidents is that "millions of American drivers are subject to pathological drowsiness and hypoglycaemia due to functional hyperinsulinism"

1972 Sweden bans water fluoridation.

1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972. (World disarmament per Iron Mountain).

1972 Pepsi Corporation opens its first franchise in Russia in exchange for import of Soviet wines and spirits.

1972 A mysterious epidemic of dengue haemorrhagic fever hits Cuba and affects 300,000 Cubans. More than 150 die, including over 100 children. Evidence exists that the CIA released dengue-infected mosquitoes on the island. Court testimony in 1984 by Cuban counter-revolutionary terrorists supports this conclusion.

1972 In Bakersfield, California, a woman hears sounds of machinery and voices coming from under her basement floor, indicative of underground tunnelling.

1972 Central Security Service (CSS) created at Fort Meade.

1972 Strange whining sounds begin to be heard near Satus peak near Yakima Washington, an area known to have an NSA communications facility and sightings of mysterious flying disks. Over the next 6 years, the hum would be heard over a gradually expanding area.

1972 Last Apollo landing on the moon.

1972 Arthur Jensen's "Genetics and Education" published. In it he writes that "the rate of occurance of mental retardation is eight times higher in the black population."

1972 Nixon re-elected President of the United States.

1972 U.S. Army study on the effect of amyl nitrates entitled "Effect of Amyl Nitrate on Man" conducted. (Biomedical and Behavioral Research, Vol 40, "Research Plan #12,002", approved March 15, 1972)

1972 The first gay mass-marketing of "poppers" (amyl/butyl nitrates). (Effect of lowering of immune system of users. Combined with use of antibiotics (lowers T-cell count) and anti-parasitic/amoebic drugs (reduces immune system), sexually transmitted diseases, drug use and government-sponsored vaccinations - the first "AIDS" cases in the gay community would appear within 8 years, allowing the Nazified United States to do covertly what they did overtly during World War II - begin to get rid of undesirables.

1972 George Bush US ambassador to the United Nations.

1972 United States Agency for International Development makes contact with the old Sterilization League of America, now called the "Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception", which is paid by the US government to sterilize non-whites in foreign countries.

1972 The CIA's Scientific Engineering Institute in Boston contributes a social laboratory to CIA Project Often at the University of South Carolina, in the form of a course instructing 250 students in the rituals of demonology and voodoo. (See 1962 and 1981).

1972 Kissinger takes a trip to China. Chinas role in the heroin trade vanishes from headlines.

1972 Dr.Dean Burk of the National Cancer Institute declares in a letter to a member of Congress that high officials of the FDA,AMA,ACS and U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (now HHS) were deliberately falsifying data and information, lying, committing unconstitutional acts and in other ways thwarting potential cures to which they were opposed. (Letter to Congressman Louis Frey Jr. Also dealt with the issue of laetrile, a non-patentable (natural) product opposed by the California Medical Association, who only sanctions the use of dangerous or toxic treatment for cancer. Burk openly refers to FDA corruption.

1972 Apollo 16 goes to moon. Sovet spacecraft soft lands on Venus.

1972 Harry Truman dies. 1972 US Army study titled "Controlled Offensive Behavior: USSR" concerns itself with targeting individuals with "mind altering techniques" and "the total submission of one's will to some outside force." The study involved the use of pulsed microwaves. ( Ref: Cellular telephone & satellite technology).

1972 Roy M. Ash , from the Office of Management and Budget in the Nixon administration says "within two decades, the institutional framework for a World Economic Community will be in place, when aspects of individual sovereignty will be given over to super national authority."

1972 Leakey discovers 2.5 million year old human skull in Kenya.

1972 Biological Weapons Convention to restrict development, production and stockpiling of biological weapons.

1972 Rochdale College in Toronto, Canada, becomes a main center for illicit drug consumption and distribution point for marijuana and hallucinogens in Eastern Canada. After this became public knowledge, it was shut down.

1972 Turkish opium production nearly eliminated. Southeast Asia heroin crackdown.

1972 Golden Triangle in Asia yields bumper harvest. Peasants told to increase their acreage by 50-100%. US soldiers in Vietnam increase consumption.

1972 Soft drink consumption 30 gallons per year per person. ( Ref: sugar as an addictive physical degenerant.)

1972 Drs. Barton Ingraham and Gerald Smith advocate "implantation of brain transmitters to monitor and manipulate the minds of probationers and "the technique of telemetric control of human beings regulating behavior on a subconscious level. Reported in Issues in Criminology, 1972.

1972 US signs international treaty banning use of biowarfare agents, but does not ratify it until 1975. Treaty allows "defensive" biowarfare research.

1972 WHO Bulletin No.47 refers to creation of an immune virus (see 1969) and suggests that a useful way to study the effects would be "to put it into a vaccination program and observe the results". It is theorized that WHO used the smallpox vaccination program in Central Africa for this study, since the spread of HIV infection coincides precisely with the most intense and recent smallpox vaccination campaigns. Information on the Central African countries most infected with HIV precisely matches WHO figures indicating the number of people vaccinated in these areas. The virus requested would selectively destroy the T-cell system. (1972 Federation Proceedings of WHO).

1972 Dr.Louis J. West, director of the Neuropsychiatric Institute at UCLA, proposes to use an abandoned Nike base for the Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence. In a confidential letter to Dr. J.M. Stubblebine, Director of Health in the California Offices of Health Planning, West wrote that "studies could be carried out there for model programs for the alteration of undesirable behavior." West reveals the desired use for implants and the inclusion of hyper kinetic children and those with chromosomal abnormalities in the study. Dr. L.J. West, working with M.Singer and R.J.Lifton, founded the "Citizens Freedom Foundation" in 1974, which changed its name to the "Cult Awareness Network (CAN)" in 1985/86. The CAN group would figure prominently 20 years later in the Waco Massacre of the Branch Davidians.

1972 Strange humming sounds begin near Satus Peak in Yakima Washington. 1972 New York State Department of Agriculture determines that 30% of organic food is contaminated with pesticides, as compared with 25% in regular foods. Journal of the American Medical Association v230, Oct 14,1974, "The Organic Food Myth" 1972 Esso Oil changes its name to Exxon Corporation.

1972 Ingraham and Smith release a paper in Issues in Criminality, Vol 7 No.2, entitled "The Use of Electronics in the Observation and Control of Human Behavior and Its Possible Use in Rehabilitation and Parole."

1972 Nobel winner professor William Shockley proposes a voluntary sterilization program in an address before the American Psychological Association. The program would be directed toward welfare recipients.

1972 Bilderberger meeting in Knokke, Belgium.

1972 Oil shortages in United States begin.

1972 ITT scandal forces Republicans to move to Miami for convention.

1972 British Journal of Psychiatry #120 reveals that "psychotic disorders may be caused by viral infections." (Ref: viruses induced by vaccines). 1973 The opiate receptor pathways in the brain were discovered.

1973 US Senate Report 93-459 confirms that US has been in martial law since 1933.

1973 US Attorney General states that "national emergency" a normal necessity.

1973 Olaf Palme authorizes expanded use of implants in prisoners.

1973 The NCI-ACS Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project (BCDP) starts, and would last until

1978. Ralph Nader tests some of the machines, and finds out that 55% of them emit more than a safe dosage. (See 1974, Morgan,Pike).

1973 Disk buzzes NSA facility at NW Cape in Western Australia.

1973 Bilderberger meeting in Saltsjobaden, Sweden.

1973 Medical World News in March 1973 revealed data from a tobacco industry authority that cigarettes are 5% sugar, cigars 20% and 40% in some pipe tobaccos.

1973 Two former Congressmen and one vice-chairman of the AMA Council on Drugs testify before Congress. They accuse the AMA of being "held captive of and beholden to the pharmaceutical industry."

1973 Trilateral Commission formed under David Rockefeller.

1973 LEAA again calls for elimination by merger of small police forces in the US. 1973 CIA doctor Sidney Gottleib, head of the LSD and other drug programs, destroys records to hide details of MKULTRA. 1973 Conference on Psychotronic Research held in Prague. Topics include "The Induction of Paranormal Effects in Dreams", "Erasure of the Subconscious Mind", "Development of ESP", "The Psi Gene", and "The Mechanical Equivalent of Neuropsychic Energy."

1973 At Walter Reed Hospital, Dr. Joseph Sharp hears words spoken to him using a pulsed-microwave audiogram (computerized analog of voice) from outside of a soundproof chamber, broadcasting from 300 MHz to 3 GHz.

1973 Experiments carried out at Vacaville prison in California with implants.

1973 Behavior modification unit started at El Reno, Oklahoma.

1973 START program introduced to Maryland schools by the Behavior Research Institute.

1973 The field of genetic engineering is opened by advances in scientific research, making way for creation of recombinant micro-organisms and new viral structures in the laboratory. The U.S. military applies the technology to its chemical and biological weapons program, claiming overtly that such work is "to develop defensive vaccines".

1973 Americans at Copernicus base on Moon working toward operational status for their beam weapons (Beter). Russians launch Cosmos 929 with particle beam weapon.

1973 Jose Delgado released paper entitled "Intra cerebral Radio Stimulation and Recording in Completely Free Patients."

1973 Sixth "UFO Flap" year. Enormous number of strange craft over southeast United States.

1973 The US Navy allegedly has operational time travel technology.

1973 California Governor Reagan announces his support for the formation of a Center for the Reduction of Life-Threatening Behavior at UCLA.

1973 Sugar Information Foundation places full-page advertisements in national magazines in the United States, labelling sugar a carbohydrate and a nutrient. Later, after a Senate Hearing, the National Advertising Review Board determined that the claim that sugar was a nutrient was without foundation.

1973 Netherlands bans water fluoridation.

1973 Psychology Today publishes an article by Steven Chorover titled "Big Brother and Psycho technology", in which he observes "psycho surgery, drug therapy and behavior modification have become dangerous tools for social and political repression."

1973 Watergate affair. Agnew resigns, Nixon impeachment process begins.

1973 US devaluates dollar for second time in two years.

1973 Skylab I, II, III missions completed.

1973 The American Psychiatric Association, under pressure from homosexual groups, deletes "homosexuality" as a diagnostic category of "mental disorders", but replaces it immediately with the diagnosis of "sexual orientation disturbance", in order to pacify social factions. 1974 Article is written in Britain by Kulenkampff, Schwartzman and Wilson who retrospectively analyze 36 cases of neurological illness at the Hospital for Sick Children in London from 1961 to 1972. All the cases were thought to be attributable to DPT shots. Out of 36 cases, 4 recovered completely, 2 died, and 30 were left mentally retarded or in seizure conditions. 1974 British researcher George Disk estimates that there are 80 cases of severe neurological complications from Pertussis vaccine annually. Over 33% of these children died and another 33% were left with brain damage. Disk maintains he is not convinced that the community benefit from the vaccine outweighs the damage.

1974 The Association of Parents of Vaccine Damaged Children is formed in Britain, and pressures the government to study adverse reactions to Pertussis vaccine.
1974 Texas experiences a large number of animal mutilations.

1974 Vladivostok Agreement between the US and USSR concludes a secret agreement to promote global warming through the use of weather modification technology.
1974 Dr. Karl Z. Morgan,director of Health Physics at Oak Ridge, comes forth to warn that diagnostic X-rays were causing the same cancer they were meant to screen. Despite the warning, the NCI-ACS breast screening program kept on going.

1974 Professor Malcom C. Pike at the University of California School of Medicine writes the NCI that a number of specialists had concluded that "giving a woman under age 50 a mammogram on a routine basis is close to unethical."

1974 National Education Association (NEA) president James Harris states that "the state educational system must expand its teaching ... the family is failing to perform its function. The NEA has taken the following positions in its history: education of youth for a global community, promotion of a strong United Nations, support of a National Health Plan, opposition of legislation to benefit private schools, population control, federal day care centres, increase of federal control of education, and opposition to local control of public schools. The NEA is controlled by the Tavistock Institute through Stanford Research Institute. The Tavistock controlled National Training Lab brainwashes the leading executives of business and government. Tavistock scraps the US space program for nine years to allow the Soviets to catch up. Common strategy in Tavistock programs is the use of drugs. (See MK-ULTRA).

1974 Research proposal by J.F. Schapitz proposes recording EEG correlates induced by various drugs, and then to modulate these biological frequencies on a microwave carrier. Further, Schapitz' proposal included inducing hypnotic states and using words modulated on microwave carrier frequencies to condition human subjects to perform various acts. (FOIA).

1974 Arab oil prices quadruple. 1974 Soviet probe lands on Mars and "detects more water than expected."

1974 Study prepared by the Staff of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary (93rd Congress) titled "Individual Rights and The Federal Role in Behavior Modification" revealed "a number of departments and agencies, including the Department of Justice, Department of Defense, Veterans Administration, National Science Foundation, the Department of Health/Education/Welfare, fund, participate in, or otherwise sanction research involving various aspects of behavior modification in absence of effective review structures, guidelines or standards." And "the emphasis placed in violence-control by the federal government has been encouraged by several new agencies whose essential function is the funding of programs dealing with the various aspects of violence." 1974 India explodes a nuclear device.

1974 Smallpox epidemic kills 20,000 in India.

1974 Karen Silkwood killed after investigation of plutonium misuse in Oklahoma.

1974 Gerald Ford becomes president of the United States and grants Nixon pardon.

1974 CFR member Brent Scowcroft prepares NSSM 200, "Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests", which is immediately classified Secret (now declassified). Prepared for the National Security Council, this document proposes reduction of worldwide population by concentration on Third World Countries. A conclusion of the study is that mandatory population control may be appropriate.

1974 Chase Manhattan and other large banks begin dumping municipal security bonds, which touches off a financial crisis for New York in 1975. 1974 Bilderberger meeting in Megeve, France.

1974 J.F.Schapitz proposes a project, later funded by the US Department of Defense, showing how the spoken word of a hypnotist may be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into subconscious parts of the brain. The subject cannot consciously control the information input.

1974 Joint Publications Research Service in Arlington makes monograph entitled "Psychotronics in Engineering" available to US government requesters. In the monograph, Dr. J.F. Shapitz reveals "the spoken word of the hypnotist may be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain. The voices would program the subconscious mind without employing any technical devices for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed having any chance to control the information input."

1974 New England Governors consider building a regional prison using behavioral modification techniques. 1974 California passes an act based on American Cancer Society "Model Law" in 1966 which makes it a felony to treat cancer in California by any method other than radiation, surgery or chemotherapy.

1974 Dr.James Lin, author of Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications, notes that "the capability of communicating directly with
humans by pulsed microwaves is obviously not limited to the field of therapeutic medicine."

1974 Jose Delgado advocates psycho surgery and electrode implantation, as well as "conquest of the human mind."

1974 Army Medical and Information Agency document "Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation" discusses the research of Dr. Allen Frey. The document reveals that scientists are fully aware of the biological effects of microwave radiation having offensive weapons application. Other research includes internal sound perception research (for disorienting or disrupting behavior patterns or use as an interrogation tool), use of mixed frequencies, electronic alteration of the blood-brain barrier permitting neurotoxins in blood to reach the brain (resulting in severe neuropathological symptoms) and induction of voices inside the brain by use of signal modulation at very low power densities.

1974 LEAA funds withdrawn from behavior modification programs.

1974 Hearst (Mafia) daughter "kidnapped" by Lipset "SLA" in fake terrorist action. Nixon steps down, replaced by Gerald Ford to continue coverup. Betty Ford, mother of Michael Aquino, has had extensive contacts in Germany since the 1930's. 1974 Common Market computer "the beast" unveiled in Brussels, Belgium.

1974 Carroll Quigley released Tragedy and Hope, revealing secret society connections worldwide. Plates are eventually destroyed by publisher.

1974 French Minister of Defense says disks are real on televised broadcast.

1974 CIA releases a report "A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems", indicating that a major climate shift toward an Ice Age is imminent.

1974 CIA releases a report "Potential Implications of Trends in World Population, Food Production and Climate", indicating that food supplies would be affected by climate changes coming in near future, and that forced mass migrations, sometimes backed by force, would become an issue.

1974 Stanford Research Institute Center for Study of Social Policy produces a report called "Changing Images of Man", prepared by a staff of 14 researchers and supervised by 23 controllers, including anthropologist Margaret Mead, psychologist B.F. Skinner, Ervin Laslo of the United Nations, and Sir Geoffrey Vickers of British Intelligence. The aim of the study is to change the image of mankind from that of "industrial progress" to one of "spiritualism". Willis Harman was director of the project. According to the report, "the images of man that dominated the last 200 years will be inadequate for the post industrial era."

1974 The Safe Water Drinking Act is passed. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets maximum contamination levels (MCL) for various water pollutants, including sodium fluoride. The EPA sets the fluoride contamination level at an unbelievable 1.4 ppm for "warmer climates" and up to 2.4 ppm for "colder climates". Furthermore, the American Dental Association begins pressuring the EPA to raise the MCL for fluoride in public water to 8 ppm, when it is fully known that systemic damage occurs below 1 pmm. The former US Surgeon General C. Everett Koop is among those who join the drive to increase the MCL for fluoride, even doing television ads proclaiming that fluoridation was "absolutely safe". Shown slides of severe fluorosis damage to a childes teeth at 4ppm, ADA spokesperson Lisa Watson maintains that it does "not involve health effects but is only a cosmetic problem". The National Drinking Water Advisory Council refuses to recommend raising the fluoride MCL, and came close to recommending its lowering, but the EPA farmed out research work to ICAIR Life Systems, which issues a fraudulent report (confirmed by ICAIR employee Dr. John Beaver) that is woven into the US EPA report on fluoride, resulting in the EPA recommendation of MCL for sodium fluoride in public water to be 4 ppm.

1974 Lyndon Johnson has sodium morphate "heart attack" and dies in Texas. 1974 Nelson Rockefeller nominated by Ford to be Vice President of the US.

1974 Health Newsletter V3N1, Jan 74. Dr.David Grassetti "the spread of cancer in mice is astounding after they are given a dose of Rifampin, a "miracle antibiotic" made by Dow Chemical, which received almost $900,000 in contracts from the National Cancer Institute. The research results were permitted to remain Confidential."