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About Me
Photo Gallery
F1 Wallpapers
Star Trek Wallpapers


Here are some of my interests :


Yep! I love the whole Star Trek trilogy for it's the complexities of the plot and the whole Star Trek universe. Zap here, zap there and then BANG!!!!! Juz Luv it :-)

Different TV series have different stories but all are related to one and another. For example the first Star Trek series in the 1960's were set in the 23rd century. Star Trek : Deep Space Nine and Star Trek : The Next Generation (with the bald captain) are set in the same era (2360's).For Star Trek: Voyager, it was set in the year 2370's.It's about a ship dragged all the way to the Delta Quadrant, about 70,000 light-years away. The whole series is about getting back home to the Alpha Quadrant while discovering new and strange civilizations.


I luv racing. The thrill of getting faster and catching the guy in front of you is truly exhilarating for me .When pure adrenaline is being pumped into your blood stream, the world around just fades away when the only people in the world are just you and your rivals. That's the fun and "syiok-ness" of racing! When you beat your friend in a race, at least you have an excuse to make fun of him/her. LOL~

Formula One is the ultimate racing series for all drivers and racing enthusiasts . This is where the most advanced of human technology and human endurance is being pushed to the limit. Every little bit of technology, from tires to fuel efficiency plays a major role in making a driver a hero or a zero. Formula One is where the BEST races with the BEST! And the Best is of course; Team WEST MCLAREN MERCEDES!! (pics of them below)

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This site was last updated 01/18/03

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