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  Welcome to my Web site


About Me
Photo Gallery
F1 Wallpapers
Star Trek Wallpapers


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Last Updated :28th March 2003

Ah.....Finally! I'm free enough from school work to update my homepage. I've added some pictures during my trip to the Malaysian F1 Grand Prix on the 23rd of March in Sepang. Certainly that was the best experience I ever had in my entire life!  So please drop by at the photo gallery~


18th January 2003

I've added two new sections to the website, the F1 and Star Trek Wallpaper section. These pages are made as a personal tribute to Formula One and Star Trek.


17th January 2003

I've added the "Comic" section with my favourite comic strips. Done with final touch-ups.


16th January 2003

Finished the basic pages of my homepage. Uploading files to the database where a problem but managed to fixed it. Bugs discovered and fixed.

Welcome to my website. Feel free to roam around! The pages take a longer time to pls be patient  ;-) Don't forget to sign my guestbook.

Favorite Links


Here are some of my personal fav. sites.

Well, the weather here in Malaysia is great! Loads of sunlight !

*Kepong , Kuala Lumpur  - HOT
(like always)

Photo Album


Look at my new online photo album filled with pictures from my vacations, sporting events, and friends If you want to contact me, contact me using ICQ or for you people living in Malaysia, SMS me !~

About Me | Interests | Photo Gallery | F1 Wallpapers | Star Trek Wallpapers | Feedback

This site was last updated 03/28/03

cLIcK HeRE To ReTURn tO tHE MaIN pAge