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On to the Rendezvous

We had nearly 20 vehicles in our group (did not really count them, but we were in the middle somwhere), and the convoy moved on at 100kph to the meeting point.

Above photo by Chris Stonig

The Dubai contingent arrived first, and were soon joined by the others from Abu Dhabi and Al Ain

Jon gave a brief sermon on the mount and then we split into six groups

I was teamed up with Ewald Busser in his LWB Nissan Patrol, and we had 3 Newbies with us, (2 Pajeros and another LWB Patrol) none of which had GPS or radios.

Above photo by Chris Stonig

I took the lead at Ewald's suggestion and he took up the rear. The route I made was as near a straight line as possible from our start to the forest and without serious mishap, as the only person who managed to harbour himself was the LWB Pajero, and we managed to push him off the ridge without use of tow a tow strap.

Above photo by Chris Stonig

Soon we reached the forest, and down a reasonable slip face to some shade and lunch.

Above photo by Chris Stonig
