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Maha Meander

Chris C (P38 Rangie) decided to do a reverse run of his Maha's Revenge trip. We had around 20 vehicles plus a couple of others (Streaky and JW) join us at the lunch waypoint.

Initially we split into four different groups, and set off for the lunch stop a mere 12 Km away, but with some nice big dunes to conquer on the way.

Deflation time, just opposite Big Red

Once Chris had given the usual sermon from the tailgate, we split into four teams with marshals on point and tail. Chris and I took care of a complete Solihull contingent, although there were two other Landies (Discos) in other teams.

Sermon from the tailgate

Soon we were winding our way up then down and around and up again

On top of a dune

We were having about as much fun as you can with your clothes on, this was spectacularly fantastic, just wish my daughter was with me to take more photographs.

Three Defenders (L => R) my 90, Jason's Lara Croft TD5, Colin's 110 crew cab and Chris's P38 Rangie