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The plan was relatively simple

1. Drive to the Start waypoint for DC Day 1 and check it out
2. Drive to the Start Waypoint for DC Day 5
3. Meet up with Chris West on the AD-Hmeem Road
4. Visit the Liwa Hotel to organize Benny’s accommodation during DC

Well we managed three out of four.

It was a late start, sometimes things are forgotten, but it happened to Chris’s group too. We eventually arrived at the Day 1 Start Waypoint after 90 minutes of driving from Dubai running an hour late.

With that done we tried to cross to the Hmeem Road but encountered a military area with signs stating “Unexploded Munitions, Danger, Keep Out”, etc., no guards though, well it was Eid so I guess the Army had the holiday too!

Big detour round on to the Hmeem Road, and no petrol stations en route, the next one being at Hmeem itself.

Next Start Waypoint for Day 5 was checked then on to Hmeem to fill up. I then contacted Chris and they had just reached their planned entry point 80Km back up the Hmeem Road.

When we reached the entry point we were one hour behind them. This was now a case of following their tracks, which proved very challenging at times, and stopping on several occassions to recieve a waypoint from Chris.

The amazing this is that we eventually arrived at their camp site 30 minutes after them despite losing their tracks at one point, and me getting into really soft stuff twice requiring Mike to recover me, so we did actually make good time, and would have caught up with them had had no errors occurred.

Unfortunately we were so busy driving the first day no photographs were taken.

A late night party ensued

More to follow .....