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The Wrong Tracks

Unfortunately the tracks started to veer north, however I was convinced that we would cross a gatch track heading west, but we continued on a north-easterly direction, and in fact crossed the track that we had made earlier heading south.

Still convinced that we should hit a track to take us to the road we carried on, fuel was short and we could not turn back at this stage.

Eventually I ran out of petrol having used my spare 20L earlier in the morning, Mike however still had 20L but he was also almost dry. After sharing the last drops I tried to call Chris, but he was out of coverage area, so I sent him an SMS to which he responded and called me.

The new plan was to get to the Hmeem Rd and when Chris and Co arrived at Hmeem they would fill up their Jerry Cans and bring us fuel.

So we set off on the track to where Mike had seen a Gatch Track on his GPS, and on the way we found a Wildlife Protection Ranger outpost where a very nice guy (Sayed) kindly let us have 20L fuel each after making a few phone calls, drinking tea etc.

We then comfortably made it to Al Qua'a, which is 65 Km from this post, then on to Al Ain where there appeared to be a competition to see how many cars will fit on top of Jebel Hafeet, and a bit of a nightmare drive back to Dubai arriving home around 7:30pm

Some serious lessons learned, hindsight is a wonderful thing and we were lucky to have contact with the rest of the group who could have reached us with spare fuel, and very lucky to have found help from the Wildlife guys.

More photos can be found HERE