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Day 3

Mike enjoys a pie for breakfast whilst deflating

Another early morning, we had mission after finalizing our plans round the camp fire the night before.

Basically we topped up our fuel from both Linda and Be's spare jerries into the Disco, Patrol and Land Cruiser, then leaving Linda and Be's vehicles at teh camp, which was fairly well secluded in some small dunes, we set off towards N19E52.

The first stretch was fairly easy going over gravel plain for about 60 Km then we had to enter the dunes after having passed what looked like some military base.

We then deflated and Ian took the lead, following a route planned to ensure that we could skip through many subkhas

Ian leads us across the dunes via the subkhas

We had one scary moment when Mike slid off a ridge sideways. Fortunately although looking really dodgy he managed to drive out of this after we fixed a strap to his roof rack and the back of my Disco

Not a good angle

Sharky to the rescue

We continued with only one other minor incident when Ian took on air and had a hard landing resulting in a broken spotlamp mounting

Some nice slipfaces

Soon we reached the Saudi border and Monty left his mark. The ladies then went for a drive across into Saidi, where is a Mutawa when you need one ?

Monty leaves his mark!

We were now close to our target, and the drive to it was rather straightforward
