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Back to Camp

The Empty Quarter

After a few photographs we headed back into Oman lest a border patrol should suddenly turn up, and had lunch, Ian and I also topped up our fuel tanks.


The return trip was mainly uneventful apart from Ian reversing into a hole which he managed to drive out of after a bit of digging and using my AAA sand ladders


AAA Sand Ladders worth their weight in gold in this situation

We were also running out of daylight and Mike took the lead and we reached the gravel plains

As we were inflating a border patrol arrived and soon we were driving to their base to answer a few questions.

Fortunately they were convinced that we had not been into Yemen and since we had Oman visas in our passports bought our story of just coming here to play in the dunes, and we were invited to supper which we of course accepted even though the sun was going down and we had 50+ Km still to go
