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Lima Rock is the first island north of Dibba. Generally an excellent site however like most around Musandam subject to rather fast unpredictable currents especially during a full moon.

My most recent dive experience here was on April 16th 2011, and a bit of a shambles to be honest.

We did have an emergency after the first dive and to be honest, not an issue for me that the second dive was called off and we sped back to Dibba to take this poor girl for medical attention.

Fair play to Ryan the DM on board, he acted very professionally and cannot fault him, he made the right call.

What really pissed me off more than anything was the long delay in getting going!

Bear in mind to get to Dibba (Oman) is a two hour drive, and we were requested to be there for 09:30, sure there is paperwork to take care of, forms to be filled and signed etc., so I am there for 09:00 along with three others.

11:00 by the time we left .... WTF!

12:20 by the time we hit the water according to my computer .... not my style of diving, we should have been finishing our second dive by then.

So NOMAD OCEAN ADVENTURES are not getting any more of my hard earned cash that's for sure.

Okay the diving

South side of Lima rock is pretty good, rocky with some hard and soft corals at the 10M level, some nice green whip coral at 20M. Ollisia did spot a couple of Risbecia pulchella but I found some nice mating wrasse, Paracheilinus mccoskeri see below.

Few morays around, lionfish and a massive Batfish swam by just to say hello ... pretty good dive with 8-10M viz