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Resolution for the Denouncement of Unilateral Intervention Within a Sovereign State

The General Assembly,

Affirming the right of all sovereign nations to defend themselves,

Recognizing the right of all nations to collective, regional and individual security measures,

Acknowledging the duty of all member states to resolve disputes in a peaceful manner so as in accordance with the founding values of the UN Charter,

Affirming  the duty of all nations to promote a climate of stability and peace;


This resolution,

1. Calls upon member states to reaffirm the principles of peace, stability, and self-determination that are laid out in the UN charter,

2. Reminds member states of the importance of respecting the sovereignty and inherent right to self-determination of all nations,

3. Recommends that nations denounce aggressive action against sovereign nations, particularly for any aim deemed as imperialistic,

4. Affirms that the Security Council and the whole of the UN itself speaks and acts on behalf of the world,

5. Maintains the Security Council as the legitimate body with the task to carrying out the aims of this initiative,

Mover: Germany
Seconder (1):
Speakers (3):

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Copyright, 2004, John Santos. None of this material may be reproduced without explicit consent from author. (That means you, you dirty MUN rats from other schools)