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History of McBee Rescue Squad


McBee Rescue was originally formed in 1962 as a joint venture with Jefferson Rescue to fill the need of Rescue - Ambulance service in the area. The ambulance was rotated between McBee and Jefferson and responded to the appropriate area as needed. The ambulance was originally parked on the street corner in McBee and later at the Health Center prior to building our current Squad building.

Prior to this much needed service the only means of transport to the hospital was by personal vehicle or by the funeral home hearse which had to come from Hartsville.

Approximately 1 year later McBee and Jefferson split and formed their own respective squads and each purchased an ambulance.

McBee Rescue Squad members in 1967



The above picture is cropped out of the large picture shown below.  All of the Rescue Squads in Chesterfield County gathered in Chesterfield to have a group picture made and this is section with McBee Equipment and most of their members.

Group picture made in Chesterfield S.C.

Barney Gooden with two of McBee's earlier ambulances. Pontiac on left and Cadillac on right.

Late 1960's or very early 70's

In early 1990's several early members of the squad 

L-R:  E.J. Horton, J.B. Brooks, Kenneth Segars, Junior Kennington, Robert Horton, Youlden Sowell

Kneeling - Robert "Bobby" Blackwell (still active in Squad)

Click above for some History of how we handled our dispatching duties for many years

1967Color.jpg (75653 bytes)

click above picture for more historical pictures

click above to look at clippings from 1984 article on McBee Rescue Squad

Ambulances.jpg (58608 bytes)


last updated 01/04/09 09:29 PM