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Miah's World Banner

In Loving Memory of Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter. 1962-2006. He leaves behind a loving family, Terri, Bindi and Bob. And the many, many friends at the fabulous zoo he created, and the friends he made all over the world. Steve, we will miss you. Alice Taylor

September 11th, 2002 Memorial

About Me

Hi friends,, this is Miah, coming to you from Southern Arizona. Most of you already know, I'm a former phlebotomist, medical assistant and ekg tech. I've also worked before in a zoo/petshop/aviary for a year, and a livery stable with 30 horses and 15 ponies for a year. I sure learned alot about animals at both of those places. I now stay at home taking care of my home and my own miniature zoo! I'm a huge pet lover. I have 2 Dogs, Matt and Dakota, 2 Cats, Susie and Mystic and an Freshwater Aquarium, (I don't name fish, LOL) 1 Parakeet, 2 Cockatiels, and 2 Lovebirds. I need to update pictures and stories about my current pets. Pictures and unique stories about my pets that I've adopted out, or that have gone to Rainbow Bridge are also on my Pets Pages. My interests range from computers, (of course!!), reading, (just about anything), to educational and Sci Fi television and building webpages. Seems like I might have a bit of counselor in me also. I'm always glad to lend an ear, and give advice if needed. Looking up accurate websites for friends is one of my favorite things to do. I've done lots of that since coming online. Since you, all my friends have been there for me, I want to be there for you too. These pages represent my many interests in life, and I hope you enjoy learning more about me and the wonderful state of Arizona I live in. I truly believe there is something in my pages for everyone. Enjoy your journey through "My World"

Family-Friendly Site

To better understand Internet Safety for Children, please click the logo above for information about COPPA. Websites geared towards children, or that collect information from those under the age of 13 must link to information about COPPA by law now.

About My Love of Space

"You know what I like best about looking at the stars? Not the stars themselves, but all those empty spaces between the stars. Thats's where I can imagine traveling for ever and ever. That's where I can imagine infinity" Quote by T.A. Barron

"Second star to the right, and straight on till morning."
James T. Kirk

( I know, Peter Pan said it first, but I love when Kirk says it! ) LOL

IDIC-Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations

Spock Cartoon
A Joke!! For you too-serious trekkers. *G*

Things I look for in my online friends.

I like people that listen, and can hold an intelligent conversation. Though, I will admit, I will kick my heels up on occasion, LOL

Some of the things I love in life

I love watching a horse run in the wind, tail and mane streaming in the breeze. Seeing 2 cats curled up next to each other sleeping is a comforting feeling. I love curling up with a good book, surrounded by all my sleeping pets. I love the sunrises and sunsets that I have spent the last 13 years in Arizona watching. Never seen anything quite like them before. I love looking up at the milky way, and thinking about whats out there. One of the best shows out here in Arizona, is the monsoon season. There is nothing like watching, listening and smelling a thunderstorm in the desert. The desert smells so sweet after one passes through.

Arizona Picture        Arizona Picture       

***If you are looking for someone to build you a simpler website, I enjoy doing this as a hobby. The sites I've made are like this one, in structure and style. Since I didn't go to school for this, I don't charge the huge prices other webmasters do. We can talk about a price you are comfortable with, for initially setting it up, and maintaining it. If interested, email me, I can send you the URL's of 2 other sites I work constantly on.

Click for Hereford, Arizona Forecast

Some of my other pages I've had fun making. Some are for fun, some you can learn alot from. Hope you enjoy them!

Clicking on PetHelp link first will get you started on your journey through my site. You may also move around my entire site with the navigation at the bottom of each of the pages. P.S. My Pets and Arizona Wildlife pages have several subcatagory pages within, to fully enjoy those sections, use the "next" buttons in those 2 sections. Enjoy visiting My World!

Pet Help Links - This link has many of the Pet Help Links I've researched and collected. You may find some useful tips in here for helping deal, or learn about your own pets.

Bipolar Disorder - This is my page about Bipolar Disorder that I and millions of others have.

My Pets, Pages - Come in and visit my pets!.

Arizona Wildlife - Stop in and see some of the animals unique to my part of Arizona.

My Online Friends Homepages - My online friends over the years have made some incredible websites and homepages. I think these are well worth a look at, and you never know, you might make some new friends through this by signing guestbooks or emailing your positive comments to them!

Donate around the World - This page has links to and other clickable links, that by going to daily, you can make a difference. Click for Hunger, Food for Abandoned Animals, Breast Cancer and several more. This is a good page to bookmark.

The Fish From Outer Space - Err, that darn Goldfish went and had himself assimilated by the Borg!! But come on in and play Penguins on the Attack 2, that make the Borg look like babies! LOL There are many Arcade and Shockwave Flash Games here.

Games for WebTv - Come see your "favorite" WebTv Icon shot out of space by the Star Trek Enterprise, and play some fun games too!

Very Cool Space Pictures - The site through Nasa has some of the most incredible photos daily, with explainations of what you are seeing. But what you will really truly enjoy, is taking a virtual trip into space. Pictures, sounds are actual NASA data. Just sit back and enjoy the journey.

Win An Award for your Website! - Apply for one of my Awards.

WebRings I Belong to. - Stop in and see some of these great WebRings I've joined. You may find one that catches your interest

Adoptions for your Website - Stop in and see some of the wonderful work I've "adopted" from many talented graphics artists for free! Well worth the visit.

Awards I've Won

Come join us in one of the newest Chat Servers around. Find your old chat friends from closed servers and make new friends too! Computer, Webtv and MAC friendly. Easy to use Webtv URLs right on the site. Hope to see my old friends there soon!

This is another Chat Server I visit, I'm glad it re-opened. It also has a great pet forum, for asking questions about pet problems.

Win My Award

[ Email Me ]

I Am A Proud Member Of:
The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web



Yes Men, You Also Can Get Breast Cancer

The Official Ribbon For Male Breast Cancer
Click on the Official Ribbon to learn more about Male Breast Cancer.

Peek Below for some other fun things to try out! Hope you enjoy visiting all of my pages, I had a blast making them!

Enterprise Warp Gif.

Official Star Trek Website

Click on this banner and learn how to become part of the team looking for life among the stars!


Banners and Buttons throughout my site were provided by,

Flaming Text Banner Site


BannerzRus Graphics Site
Website last updated April, 2005