Life is like the ocean, it's rough and unsettling when you're alone.
But you can surround yourself with people, who stand tall, like pillars of stone.
Soon you'll find that your rushing waters, have become a calm, soothing bay.
And the people you can rely on, are there for you everyday.
Thank you for being my rock, never moved by the troubling sea.
And remember when your waters get rough, you can find your bay, just look for me.
"Author Unknown"
Helpful links for both people with Bipolar and their families.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Paul J. Markovitz M.D., Ph.D of The Bipolar Disorder Sanctuary
Mental Health Net
Dr Ivan Goldberg, Formerly on the staff of the National
Institute of Mental Health
Support4Hope, A safe place to chat about Bipolar.
The chat portion of this site, is closed, due to the server refusing to host the chat portion of this site. But you can find many other links, that may help you, especially the Forum link.
Help for Parents of Children with Bipolar
Another site, for parents of Bipolar Children, though there is a ton of information that parents will find help them too.
Bipolar Disorders Center