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Gunung Bar Gading (1640m)
Gunung Bar Gading is a mountain situated in Bidor, Perak . It is the lesser known mountains and is not so frequented by  climbers. This is evident from the amount of rubbish at the campsite. Currently there are logging markings / survey marking very close to the campsite. Soon, in about 1-2 years, I suppose the logging will creep up to the campsite and climbers will be able to do a round trip in one day. 
    It is not possible to camp at the peak for there is no flat ground except below the Beirop. The trek is basically pretty standard, but with a lot of river crossings at the beginning. From the peak , it is possible to see Gunung Batu Puteh in the distance. 

First Day

    It is advisable to be at Bidor early in the morning, as you'll have to get a 4wd to Pos Gedong passing Pos Senta on the way. The 4wd will take you about 1.5 hours through moderate to light rocky off road. The starting point of the trek  is at the football field at Pos Gedong. From there, you'll have to meander your way between the kampung houses until you reach the first river crossing which will be on your right . From there continue on for another  2.5 hours  to the last water point. The trek to the water point crosses the river for about 10-15 times. Forget about trying to keep your shoes dry!. Some sections involve traversing dangerously wet, slimy and rocky slopes. 
    Once you reach the last water point, have lunch, rest and fill up you water bottles. The trek from there is mostly up all the way. From the water point, it should take you about 3-4 hours to reach the campsite. The campsite is quite big and spaced out . It can probably fit about 10 tents.

Second Day
    From the campsite, it should take you about 1-1.5 hours to reach the peak. The trek is quite steep and it passes a few false peaks before reaching the actual peak . From the peak, you can see Gunung Batu Puteh nearby. A 1or 2 day trek could probably be blazed from Gunung Bar Gading to Gunung Batu Puteh by someone with enough experience. 
    From the peak, it should take about 30-45 minutes to get back to the campsite, and from there, about 3-4 hours to get back out to Pos Gedong. From Pos Gedong, take the 4wd back out. Make sure you arrange a time for the 4wd to pick you up, otherwise it'll be another day spent trekking out. 


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