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Trip Reports Main Page

   This section contains my journal entries during my mountain forays. Many of these trips were done under our climbing group, A.C.M.E. and this section is dedicated to the group. The purpose of this section, is to offer a more detailed description on the trip, in terms of weather, terrain , conditions as well as feelings. You all can now share the hardship, as well as the fun we used to have. Even though I tried to keep the text as original as possible, some have been heavily edited to remove  things I wouldn't other people want to know about. he he he ........ Please feel free to mingle among us and get to know the members of A.C.M.E. better......

    Most of the reports are written in a mixture of English and Malay. Translating everything into English would take too much time. Sorry guys, but you will have to bear it with me. And please don't bother correcting my grammatical mistakes. Just read it for fun okay?  The temperature  as well as the altitude readings were made not using sophisticated state of the art equipment ; therefore, please refer to  them as a rough  guide only.

Note:   If there are any A.C.M.E. members who wants any sections or parts of the  reports removed , please inform me, and I'll see what I can do.

Click on the links below to take you to the reports










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The articles in this website may be reproduced / copied / printed with or  without my permission , as long as
  THIS WEB SITES' URL ( is INCLUDED in the article .
<--Created in 2001-->