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Gunung Nuang (1493m)

    Gunung Nuang is situated in Pangsoon , Ulu Langat , Selangor. I climbed this mountain in a competition, The Nuang Challenge , hosted by International Islamic Universities  Sports and Recreation club. Therefore, I'm not that sure how a typical multi day trip would be like , but I'll try and guess how it would be . The trek is rather eroded, because many people climb it during the weekend. It is not that tough , well at least the tough parts don't seem to go on forever. Rubbish is also getting to be a big problem as campers still don't have the brains to carry out what they bring in. Below is a rough prediction on how a 3 day trip would be like.

First day

   From the chalets  the trail starts with a wide cobble stone road which turns into a red earth road. The other 3/4 of the way is tarred and the gradient is not very steep. Some people prefer to take the easy way up, which is to ride a motorbike all the way until the first campsite, Lolo camp. At Lolo camp, there is a small hydroelectric dam. There are numerous campsites there, dispersed everywhere, just like the rubbish........ There is a big flowing river where it is possible to swim and also dive (terjun tiruk). I'm not sure, but Lolo camp  can be reached in perhaps 4-5 hours from the chalets .

Second day

   On the second day, I presume trekkers will trek up and down the peak without spending the night there. This is because the peak is very small, and can perhaps fit only 2-3 tents. There are tall trees surrounding the peak, thus presenting a not very good view of the area around. On the way up, there is another campsite which is called Pacat camp. There, there is a small stream suitable for washing and bathing. The campsite can perhaps fit about 10- 15 tents . On the way up, from Lolo Camp to the peak, there are some really steep parts . Perhaps one can reach the peak in time for lunch and be back down before nightfall.

Third day

   On this day, you can leave slightly later or have a leisurely hike back down to the chalets. It shouldn't take you more than 4 hours to reach the chalets. If you want to wash up, there is a big river just along the main road.

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