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A L OHA and  M A H A L O

First of all, allow me to greet you a warm Aloha and Mahalo ... two of the most widely used words of the Hawaiian language. You hear these words everyday and almost everywhere in Hawaii. All residents of our beautiful islands - the young and the old, the rich or the poor, Hawaiian or not ... they all know these two words by heart.

Aloha means many different things. It can be used to say hello, goodbye, welcome, love, good wishes, and also to express compassion and caring affection. It is a word which easily rolls off one's tongue like the soft breezes and gentle waves that come to the shores of our beautiful islands. Mahalo simply means thank you. Just as in any other language, it is used to express gratitude or appreciation ... as for a gift, a favor, and the kindness or generosity of others.

Kumusta po kayo? Buti naman at nagkaroon din kayo nang pagkakataon na dumalaw (How are you? It is good that you found the time to visit). My name is Juny P. La Putt and among my friends in cyberspace they also know me as "The Hawaiian WebMaster." Listed below are some of the Websites which I designed and constructed. Working on Websites started as a hobby for me way back in 1996 and somehow up to this time I continue to enjoy it. I would like to invite you now to come and visit these Websites and I hope you will enjoy whatever you decide to see.

Baguio City, Philippines - A home page portraying the cool and beautiful City of Baguio which is also known as the "City of Pines" or the summer capital of the Philippines. Items portrayed include: its history, scenic tourist sites, the city government, educational facilities, directory, Igorot art, hometown news, calendar of activities, and visitor information. Also included are numerous color photographs of Baguio City, letters to the WebMaster, the Baguio earthquake of 1990, and other relevant items its former residents and visitors will find informative and useful. This home page was constructed in November 17, 1996.

The Philippine Military Academy - This home page portrays information about the premier military institution in Asia, its mission, organization, historical background, admission requirements, academic & military training programs, physical training, the corps of cadets, cadet traditional rites & ceremonies. Also featured are female cadets, academy trivia, academy songs, plebe knowledges, scenic views at the academy, beautiful kaydet girls who have been portrayed in "The Corps," and numerous photographs depicting cadet life and activities. It is the first Web site on the Internet portraying a unit of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. This home page was constructed in February 8, 1996.

Corregidor - A Website portraying Corregidor, a small rocky island in the Philippines about 48 kilometers west of Manila stragetically located at the entrance of Manila Bay. This island fortress, also known as "The Rock," was a key bastion of the Allies during the war under the command of Gen. Douglas MacArthur which became the headquarters of the Allied forces and also the seat of the Philippine Commonwealth government. The portrayed digital photographs taken in 2002 gives an interesting ensight into this island fortress which now stands as a memorial for the courage, valor, and heroism of the Filipino and American defenders who bravely held their ground against the overwhelming number of invading Japanese forces during World War II. Initial construction of this Website started in April 20, 2002.

This Land of Aloha - This Website is about the Island of Oahu which is also known as the "gathering place." It is the most populous and the most visited among the Hawaiian Islands. Different topics have been carefully selected to provide visitors a better understanding of what this island paradise has to offer. Learn about its diverse ethnic population, the many beautiful attractions, its holidays and festivals, the ways and customs of the islanders, and its geography. The virtual tour gives one an opportunity to learn more about this ultimate tourist destination & will prove to be an exciting and memorable experience. This Website was constructed in January 2, 2000.

Hawaii Council of Engineering Societies - A Website about the Hawaii Council of Engineering Societies (HCES) which is the umbrella organization of the 13 major engineering societies in the State of Hawaii. It identifies the objectives of the Council and provides an ensight into the different annual awards given to Hawaii's outstanding engineers. Also portrayed are the different local activities undertaken during the national observance of engineer's week, the HCES constitution, the officers of the organization, and the Website also provides direct links to the Websites of its different member societies. The monthly electronic edition of the HCES is accessible through this Website for the convenience of its more than 2,000 members. This Website has a mirror site hosted by the University of Hawaii server. Both Websites were constructed in November 8, 2001.

Baguio City Landmarks, Baguio City Photo Album, and Tribute To The Academy are three Webpages I'm quite proud of and will surely be worth visiting too.