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Scammers alert











Scammers alert


Are you tired of scam messages, got tricked or hacked? This scammer alert shall help you prevent any more scams. Just bear in mind that there's no free lunches, anything that sounds too good to be true are very likely to be a trick...

Anyone who break guild's rule or use scams will be blacklisted here. If you know of any
scammers, quick report to Neopets and inform cuetgem to post his/her name here.

Current blacklists:


- it is an hacking trick by sending a neomail to a person requesting the person to change his/her email address in Neopets information, to the email as stated in the neomail. NEVER do that because the person could hack into your account by clicking on forget password and what happen? your password will be send right into his mailbox!


-fake login page, you get redirected when you visit her pets' stats.

Be scam smart

1) Don't trade with anyone by giving items, use the trading post.

2) Never believe neositters, those that ask for your password are out to hack your account, not take care of your neopets! Entrust your neopets to neolodge when you are on holidays. Even if you don't your pets will not die, just dying.

3) Contest page that requires your password are just scam. In fact any pages asking for password are scam. People that say they can help you make tons of np if you give them your password are scammers, if they are so kind why don't they just share their secrets?

4) Redirected page must be beware of.

5) Never change your current email address in your Neopets Information to that of someone else's. That someone can gain access to your account through the 'forget password?' button, because your password will be mailed to him/her.

6) Account selling are scams, if they really have so much np in their account, then why do they need to sell it?


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