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Resources section

Resources 01: Fighters Anthology links A
Resources 02: Fighters Anthology links B
Resources 03: Fighters Anthology groups
Resources 04: Fighters Anthology squadrons
Resources 05: Essential Links
Resources 06: Other Links

RESOURCES 01: Fighters Anthology links A

This section contains more detailed information on various FA related websites

Name Made by Description Content
*The Fighters Anthology Resource Center Zephyr One of the best FA sites on the web, and definitely the BEST FA message board. Great!
*Centurian's Underworld Centurian Site with FA libraries, lots of information on aircraft and weapons, lots of links Good thorough site, LARGE tips section...
*Global Tribunal Libs Galen Thurber Site of the GT lib which overhauls FA, and has extensively edited flight models Um... dunno what to say... don't take offense from some of its content
The Vark Den Vark One of the better sites for info on mission tips and toolkit tips, made by the retired maker of the FA Varklibs Good site, though it obviously hasn't been updated for a LONG time...
Fighters Anthology Resource Center Wedge Site of the FA IAF and Cold War Fighters libraries and edited FA maps Nice looking site, may have some interesting things, though it doesn't get updated anymore.
Fang's Fighters Anthology Homepage Fang and someone... A site with details on Fighters Anthology aircraft, weapons, missions, and tactics Hasn't been updated for YEARS... Oops, guess the site is down now...
Fighters Anthology Psycho Central Chuck Swafford A site with links, libs, missions, screenshots, etc. Not much information, hasn't been updated for years
Knightfox's FA Site Knightfox Nice site design, with various info, and GREAT ARTWORK! Doesn't get updated anymore, but might be useful anyway
Matt's Revised FA site Matt "This page is the best FA page on the net except for maybe P.Mok's site." is the site description... Well, interesting site, but like many others, hasn't been updated for years
ACIDAnArChY's FA/ATFG Homepage ACIDAnArChY A site with tips for FA newbies and a good squadron listing, though lots aren't active anymore Nice site, but pretty much just for newbies
Fetch's Jane's Fighters Anthology site Fetch A site with FA tutorials, resource documents, libraries, and lots of missions. Doesn't get updated anymore, but nice information
Roger Whitlock's Aeronautica Extravaganza Roger Whitlock Home of the FA Mission editor... though unfinished Looked like a promising project, but then stopped updating for some unknown reason
Strat's FA world Strat Lots of FA stuff, gallery, Landing, Library... Good site, and Strat-O-Blaster is fun!

RESOURCES 02: Fighters Anthology links B

This section contains the FA-related pages that are only briefly covered

Name Made by Description
A1 Fighters Anthology Site Koss Virtual U.S.S. Midway-A site with tips, downloads, a board, links, etc. for FA.
Iceman's Jane's Air Combat Sims Site Iceman The Iceman libs, missions, tips, etc
Juno's ATF/NATO/ATFG/FA Page Juno Site with libs, campaigns, missions, tips, etc
Fuzzy's Fighters Anthology Page Fuzzy Home of Project Adversary
Napster's Realm of Flight Sims Napster Site with FA missions, libraries, and other flightsim topics.
Shotgun's FA site Sierra Mike Your average FA site, with mission, tips, screenshots...

RESOURCES 03: Fighters Anthology Groups

Name Made by Description Content
*FTRON 5.0 Development Group Speedy FTRON 5.0 Development Group, has the latest information and pictures on FTRON Well... mostly just FTRON... dunno what else to say
*369thTFW_PMC_Headquarters 369th 369th Tactical Fighter Wing HQ... group website Stuff for the 369th
*VNFA Group CAG Hotshot The group section of the VNFA Sim Development Center for FA lib builders and editors. VNFAWING stuff. You have to be a member.
Air Combat Central Tim Smith A group focused on flight simulations and real world military aviation Good site, though dire of activity for some time
Sim Improvement HQ Hawk-513 A group dedicated to enhancing flight simulations, specifically Jane's Fighters Anthology and USAF No comment... cause I dunno what to say... FA and USAF group?

RESOURCES 04: Fighters Anthology Squadrons

Name Made by Description Content
The 369th TFW 369th 369th squadron page see also the egroup
VF33 Shadow Speedy VF33 Shadow Squadron page Currently squadron is on standby... no activities

RESOURCES 05: Essential Links

Name Made by Description Content
Hyperlobby Jiri A flightsims game launch site for several flightsims, including Fighters Anthology. A must download for Fighters Anthology online fans!

RESOURCES 06: Other Links

Name Made by Description Content
Holistic High School Film Club Kai Official site for the Holistic High School Film Club Not much to explain, I'd think.
Resident Evil Fan Rudy Resident Evil Fan Page Definitely one of the best sites on Resident Evil on the internet, with a very active message board, caption this, tons of images, and multimedia!
The Legend of X and Zero Nozaro Nozaro's Rockman X site, still new but flourishing. Well, there's not that much stuff in the site yet, but keep an eye on it.