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As it happened...
Photo Gallery
About Me

In order to take part in my Trekforce Expedition I have raised £3300, plus enough money to cover the cost of my flights and equipment, giving a total of approximately £4500. I have raised this by:


Working at Staffordshire libraries (£530)

bulletParticipating in a broadcast at my school, which every pupil sees (£70)
bulletDoing a parachute jump (£1000)
bulletObtaining Corporate Sponsorship from Videotel Ltd, London (£200)
bulletParticipating in the Golden Jubilee 10km Run in London (£150)
bulletRunning various raffles and games (£150)
bulletA mufti day at Thomas Telford School (£380)
bullet Operating a webshop at
bulletHoliday Job at Wilden AG in Germany (£1260)
bulletGrant from the Mercers Company (£150)
bulletWorking at Robins Claim Solutions in Birmingham (£470)
bulletBrewood Singers (£100)


I would like to thank everyone who has helped me to raise this money - I couldn't have done it without you!


Here are pictures from some of the fundraising that I have done.

Parachute Jump - 11th April 2002


Getting ready to take off


Just after leaving the plane


With my mum after I have landed.

Golden Jubilee 10km Run - 21st July 2002

Nearly there!

After 10km of running, the end is finally in sight!

Crossing the line

Finally, the run is over.

With medal

After the run, I received a medal to say that I had completed it. This picture shows me by the finish, which was opposite the London eye.

Decorated Eggs

These are some eggs that my Grandma made for me to sell.

In the Papers

These two articles appeared in local papers in my area, with the aim of encouraging local businesses to support me.

Article from Wolverhampton Chronicle, Thursday June 19, 2003

Article from Telford Journal, June 2003

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This site was last updated 11 June 2004