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CHAMPIONS of 2003-4

    . Well that's pretty much a wrap on the 2003 show season.  We still need pictures OF THE SUPERBOWL I want to thank all those that worked so hard getting the pictures. In particular Ricky Berg, Andrew Kerns, Kyle Christensen and Martin Veldhuis for their efforts. If you enjoyed this page then maybe for 2004 each show should have a designated contributor.  RKV

When you finish here check out the other pages


 CHAMPION FANTAILS of 2002              Opinion                                   VINCENT FANTAILS

 CFC 3rd DISTRICT PAGE           RoyWinklesMemorialShow                FALCONEFANTAILS  

FANTASIA IV !!!!!!!!!                    5th DISTRICT 2003                       Pogue's Page


Yet another fine silver from Bill & Marge O'Dell. This YC 3739 was Second reserve at the MAFC, best silver at the NYBS and Grand Champion at the CFC 4th under Soares, Smith and Schabert as judges





This checker bred by Dani Falcone placed well at the Cental Canadian. Check the link above and see how high she got











Saddle OH of Joe Goncalves that was Champion Saddle at the Central







A better picture of Steve Ribben'sthe saddle that was reserve at the Scottish Fantail Club meet






Domenic Zarlenga admiring Richard Lozon's best body mark at the CCFC winter meet







Western Canadian Fantail Club Grand Champion

Black YC














Vincent's best andalusian at CFC











Does anyone know of a more winning fantail in 2004 than this white YC bred by Randy WILSON???



NYBS- David Smith picked him best white and reserve Champion

3rd & 4th District Joe Schabert picked him best white





5th District Bob Vincent picked him reserve white,

NPA Vincent picked him best White,







Vincent's Powder Cream YC 4433 shown 3 times, best of color each time under Smith, Christensen and Schabert. Also Reserve Champion of the Dixie












If my powder cream gets in here then surely Andrew Kerns mealy YC that I believe went 7 for 7 as best mealy this year and placed near the top in most finals








OR Rudi Fenzl winning back to back Grand Champions at the 11th under Zarlenga and then Pogue???








OR Randy Wilson's black YH that was reserve Champion at both the Mid America and NPA under Dennis Soares and Bob Vincent judging



Lance's Central Champion is a landmark achievement















Wilson's Black YC was 5th district Champion













Ben Ferber's Grand Champion at the CCFC winter meet















The European district had their show the same weekend as the NPA with Brian Pogue as judge. Champion to Rudi Fenzl on silver OH NV 11, Reserve to Uwe Frommolt with a pied YH UV 339 and second reserve to Milan Brkic with white YH M25






























The Central Fantail Club 2nd District meet was held in conjunction with the NPA in Birmingham Alabama. Judge for the event was Vincent. Champion to Amir Turkanovic on an indigo YH. Reserve to Randy Wilson with a black YH and 2nd reserve to Amir Turkanovic with a silver YC.
























Randy Wilsons Black YH 494

was Reserve Champion












Amir's Second Reserve Champion with a silver YC











Best Grizzle from Amir Turkanovic








Best Cream, YC from Amir Turkanovic







The 78th annual was held Jan 9-10 2004 in Bellevue Michigan. Judge Joe Schabert selected a yellow YH from Lance Christensen as Grand Champion, an Indigo from Bob Pommer as reserve and a white from Ben Ferber as second reserve. Additional pictures will be posted after I get back from the NPA at the end of January. Get your Color winners in to me.


                GRAND CHAMPION





RESERVE CHAMPION Indigo YH of Bob Pommer











Second Reserve by Ben Ferber











Best NCC by Lance Christensen




Best red Saddle by Bob Pommer







    The Eastern held their meet Jan 10/04 with Henk Schuitemaker as judge.










Grand Champion EFC was this blue from Jerry Miraglia, Reserve to Andrew Kern's silver YH


Second Reserve Champion was Andrew Kern's Mealy YC







Best Black from Doris Adams and Sharon Long







Best Opal from Andrew Kerns











Best Red from Don Mertz


Best Red from Don Mertz







Best Grizzle Michael Soda








Best Saddle Don Mertz






Best  Tail mark Steve Combs







Best Powder Silver Andrew Kerns






Best White Andrew Kerns







Best Powder Blue Michael Soda





Best Indigo Doris Adams and Sharon Long







Best NCC Andrew Kerns




The Scottish Club show was held Jan 10/04 . the same day as the Eastern and Central Fantail Club meets. Thanks to Jim McCallum's photography skills.


Grand Champion was this black young hen shown by Russel Davidson bred by Bob Vincent










Reserve Champion was this saddle from Steve Ribbens. Do we have a better picture of this bird????








Best young was this silver young hen from Gary  McGowan ( Vincent)







The Mid America was held in Des Moines with the Iowa State club. The show was in honour of Howard Hart, longtime backbone of the Iowa club. If you ever attended the MAFC I am sure you remember Howard.  Judge for the event was Dennis Soares of San Bernadino passing judgement on 398 fantails. While I was not able to attend, I understand Champion was Stan Osterbaan's silver YH, reserve to Randy Wilson on a black YH and second reserve to Bill O'Dell on a silver OH......



The Western Fantail Club held their meet at the Pageant of Pigeons in November 2003. It was my pleasure to serve as judge for this awesome event. In spite of government closures that last over a year and smoke still clearing from the tragic fires the brave fantail fanciers came out in droves. Special recognition to Lee Pittman for the perseverance he showed by coming to the show even after losing his home and birds. Quite a guy. Dennis Soares suffered tragic losses as well but still made the show!!!!!

Champion to the team of Cosby/ Ovando for this fine black young hen. Reserve to past president Dennis Lawrence for this silver young hen.


2nd Reserve Champion on a black young cock to the late Earl Biedermann Sr.  I had the pleasure of presenting him with his trophy only days before his passing.




There were some other notable birds that I was "looking for" in the finals but they just didn't give the performance of the top birds. With more age they will do some serious trophy hunting in the future. Note the andalusian and pied of Cosby/Ovando below. I was also very impressive with the young white hen from the same loft Although she looks a bit tall in this photo.... trust me guys...she was little round doll......


                                                                        indigo also from the loft of Cosby / Ovando


Grand Champion was this powder silver tailmark from Ben Ferber


                                                                           reserve was this pied

                                                                             of  Benny's









The mid America Lawn show was held at the home of Joe and Donna Schabert in September. Randy Wilson was the judge and picked a white young hen of Darrel Rupp as Champion and the reserve to Dwight Crewdson on a silver young cock. Picture of the white of Darrel's is unavailable but we do have the silver of Dwights.



The young bird show was held several weeks ago in Europe but it took me that long to figure out how to convert "RTF" to "html". My apologies to the members over there. Thank you to Martin Veldhuis for providing me with these pictures



White young cock HX65 Werner Kerßebaum








Saddle young cock UV357 Uwe Frommolt

 Reserve Champion






White young cock 12413 John Hartman





                   5th DISTRICT CFC SHOW

    The 2003 CFC 5th district show was held in Oklahoma City Dec 6th. See link for all the color champions.5th DISTRICT 2003 Judge was Bob Vincent. All photos provided by Rick Berg.


Champion and Reserve Champion to Randy Wilson on a black YC and Powder Silver YH. Black was also best young of the show.




            THE FANTAIL CLUB

The oldest active fantail club around held their annual meet in the UK. The DONCASTER show was held December 6th with John Hartman of the Netherlands serving  as judge.



Champion to John Gray of Scotland with this pied







Reserve Champion to this Black YC shown by Gary McGowan of Scotland and bred by Bob Vincent







I thought this was a pretty nice picture too. Here is a shot of Roger Goode's best white.

Thanks to Jim McCallum for providing these pictures




The CCFC held their show in November 2003 judged by Brian Heck.  Pictured below is Dani Falcone's lavender hen which was 4th reserve.

Champ - Falcone blue
Reserve - Ferber Silver
2nd Res - Ferber Silver
3rd Res - Falcone Check
4th Res - Falcon lavender





Dani Falcone's 4th Reserve. lavender




Photos provided by Brian Pogue



This show was held in Richmond VA in November and judged by Lance Christensen

Grand Champion was Silver YH 4411  THE DIXIE BELLE by Bob Vincent, Photographed here as she came out of the mailing box upon return from the show. I'll get a picture of her after she has a bath.


Left is Reserve Champion Powder Cream YC 4433 from Bob Vincent

Right is second Reserve White YC from Andrew Kerns




Left is best Powder blue, YC 4416 from Bob Vincent

Right is best mealy by Andrew Kerns



left is best powder silver by Andrew Kerns

right is reserve silver and best YC by Andrew Kerns



The National Young Bird Show in Louisville was held in memory of Roy Winkles. Roy told me many times he always looked forward to this show and called it his favorite. Only fitting to have it in his honor. Many thanks to Rick "Toughman" Berg for tremendous quality pictures. For more pictures from this show click on the link below. ...RKV



                                                                                                                                    Three views of Joe and Donna Schabert's Champion young bird at the National Young Bird Show held in Louisville Kentucky. David Smith passed judgment on over 330 fantails at this show.



Three views of Randy Wilson's young white that went reserve champion





Three views of Greg and Joyce Duffy's champion tailmark that was second reserve.





The EASTERN FANTAIL CLUB held their young bird show October 4th 2003 and following are the birds in the top 3 placings. Thanks to Andrew Kerns for the pictures,. Andrew will try to get some other color class winners to me as time permits. Remember these are thumbnails for faster loading, click on the picture to enlarge....RKV




GRAND CHAMPION was this white young cock bred by Bob France





RESERVE CHAMPION also to Bob France with this pied Young Cock.






SECOND RESERVE to Andrew Kerns on this silver YH.





Color winners at EFC, Grizzle BillPursel, Saddle Bob France, NCC (opal) Kerns, powder silver Kerns and Mealy  to Andrew Kerns.


                    CENTRAL 3rd and 4th DISTRICT


The same weekend the Central Fantail Club held it Young bird and Yearling show at the home of master Breeder Bill Diemer. Bill has hosted this show the past several years. There will be a complete report on the show on the 3rd District's OWN web page coming shortly. You get me the material and I'll " get it up for you"



Grand Champion to Stan Osterbaan on this young Silver






Reserve Champion to Bill Gray on this white









Second Reserve to Stan Osterbaan on this TailMark




Let's start in South Africa. The show season is wrapped up there. I give my friend Foeta Louwrens only a passing grade on getting me material, but it will be fun anyway!!!!!!. The main shows in SA this year were the South African Championship which is all breed, and the South Africa Fantail Club Annual Show which was the David Malan and Kobus Blaauw Classic. Both shows were judged by Martin Veldhuis. Foeta has sent me pictures of some colour class winners where available but several of the champion photographs are missing. If you have them please get copies to me. Martin, you got any????

SA Championship         Grand Champion to Tailmark OH by CD and Barbara Kruger

                                    Reserve Champion to Silver OH of Chris Engelbrecht

                                    Second Reserve to Powder Ash red of Chris Engelbrecht

SA FAntail Club        Grand Champion to Yellow YH of Dirk Nortje

                                    Reserve to Pied OH of Nico van der Westhuizer

                                    2nd reserve to powder Ash red YH of Chris Engelbrecht


The South African Fantail Club Annual Meet was held in Honour of these gentleman. Left, Kobus Blaauw, centre David Malan, and on the right Wynard Wessels the President of the SA Fancy Pigeon Club presenting the award. That looks like a pretty impressive statue. Any awards chairmen want to follow up on that one???





This yellow young hen from Dirk Nortje was Grand Champion of the Blaauw/ Malan classic held by the SA Fantail Club. Judge was Martin Veldhuis. Congratulations Dirk !!!!!!!!!!!!








Another winner from Chris Engelbrecht. This bird was best check at both major shows in South Africa.





This young yellow hen from Dirk Nortje was Champion at the Club show.






Another winner, this time best red at the Club show on a young cock, also bred by Dirk Nortje






this Body mark was best junior pigeon at the National Championships against all breeds. I will get the name of the junior exhibitor from Foeta.







Black Cock Bred by Chris Engelbrecht




Three views of a brown check from Foeta.




An old red cock of Otto Holm






This young powdered indigo young hen was shown by Nico van der Westhuizen




Now off to Australia for the AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL PIGEON ASSOCIATION show held at the end of July in Melbourne.

             Judge was Trevor Joseph.





Australian National Champion  Powder Silver Young Cock by ALAN MUTIMER








ANPA reserve champion to Howard Piper's milky young hen, This fantail was also Champion Fantail at the Summerland show and at the Ipswich show



    Second Reserve to Alan again with a Cream hen, no picture available





Steve Pithers Hunter Valley Champion Fantail. Silver yearling hen