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My Virtual Photo Album - Fifth Month

Welcome to my online photo album.
My trip to Suren Peripa & Meera Perima's House (OMAHA, Nebraska)

With Athai Paati

Dad calls her 'Bada Athai'.
I call her 'Bada Paati'.
She is cool.

Gundu with Athai Pati on 5/26
Gundu with Akkas on 5/26

With My Akkas

Sushmitha & Namratha for you.
Favourite duo for me.

Guess What?

Nammi akka & myself did WWF with Suren Peripa.
Yea...We grounded him.

Gundu with Suren & Nammi on 5/26
Gundu with Sushmitha on 5/20

With 'Bada' Akka

We were doing Ramayana pop quiz with dad and bada paati.

More Glimpses

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