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Home All About Me My Education Professional

All About Me...

This page contains some information about my interests, however these are not all of them. 

One of my favorite things to do is to travel.  I plan to set foot on all seven continents in my lifetime.  Check out my travel page to see the places I have been.  In addition, they also have a lot of information on student travel deals.


I also love to cook.  My mom is a wonderful cook and that is where I get all my talent from.  The following are some of my favorite links to cooking sites.


Shopping is something I love to do whenever I can and have enough money to.  Unfortunately Harrisonburg does not have much of a shopping area, so I have to wait till I go home.  My favorite way to shop is by going store to store in a neighborhood, not by some large mall.  It feels very intimate, even in a large city. 

One of my absolute favorite place to shop so far is Oxford Street in London, England.  The streets around it and the street itself is full of a variety of shopping choices.

When I am not traveling, shopping, going to school, or cooking, I love to hang out with my friends.  Every once and a while we try to get together for dinner or a throw a get-together.  We also hang out and watch movies.
Internet Movie Database -the best site for movies on the internet