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It has begun...

The countdown has started and the U.S.S. Reliant crew has begun its preperations. 

In 2013, the Reliant will reach its 25th Anniversary as a Starfleet Command Unit. 
The Reliant is the oldest unit in Starbase 06 and 2nd oldest active unit in SFC. 
Watch for more updates for what we have planned for our 25th.

The galaxy may never be the same!

On the Evening of Saturday August 13 1988 at Richards Restaurant in Kokomo Indiana, We were commissioned as the U.S.S. Reliant NCC 1864-A with 20 founding members. The commissioning officer was ADM Donald H. Dailey.

In our first 3 years, we tried to commission a new design of Reliant (similar to a Nebula Class without pod - 2 years before the Nebula was introduced on TNG). We were redesignated from an A to a C model Reliant. As we closed in on our 3rd Anniversary, Reliant had 70 members and was the 2nd largest ship in Indiana. By the time our 4th Anniversary rolled around our membership had fallen to 30 but this was not a loss to us because we helped to give birth to 5 other units. Though we have not grown to the size we were in 1991, we have become a closer more than a unit, we are a family.

In our 24 years, we have had members Command Starbase 06, been on the Admiralty Board and Deputies to the Admiralty Board, and Members of the Command Staff Support. Though now, we now only have one member in a national level support position. We enjoy now spending our time serving the community and our charity activities and unit level activities that make our family, the Reliant, stronger as a whole.

Move Information to come...
Star Trek; Star Trek: The Next Generation; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; Star Trek: Voyager; STARFLEET, STARFLEET ACADEMY all ® Paramount Pictures, a VIACOM company. No Infringement Intended. STARFLEET - Starfleet Command is a non-profit corporation and is not connected with Paramount, VIACOM, or Star Trek: The Official Fan Club, and has been in existence since 1974.