Storm Clouds Clearing
By Sally M
Chakotay has made some decisions regarding his life but will Kathryn go along with them? PG
By Nameless Ensign
Chakotay has made a holodeck program to surprise Kathryn. 1000 words purely NC-17 PWP.
To The Journey (Post Endgame) By Nameless Ensign
Summary: Pairing: J/C, J/Harry, mention of D/7 and C/7. Description: A story like none other I've ever written before. This is first-person-present-tense-Janeway-story that takes off where Endgame ended. NC-17 version. PG-13 version
This not for profit
site was created Jan 27, 2002.
Page updated Nov 5, 2002
It is purely a celebration of Star Trek:Voyager which is the property
of Paramount.