JustTV: Across The Timeslots
Across The Timeslots
    >All Timeslots by Network

>All Timeslots by Timeslot
    >Just the Big 3


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All Timeslots By Timeslot (ABC, NBC & CBS only)

Because Fox, the UPN and the WB do not air as many hours of programming as the Big 3 do, this chart will give a more accurate comparison of how those 3 do head-to-head. Surprisingly, the lowest rated timeslots (outside of Friday and Saturday, which are getting very slim), are Monday 8-9pm and Tuesday 8-10pm. Mondays at 8pm have been very slim for the big 3 as both CBS and NBC faded, while the only big 3 hits Tuesday 8-10pm were "NCIS" and "The Amazing Race" as Fox sucked the life out of virtually everything else.

Sunday 9:00 46.43
Sunday 9:30 45.83
Thursday 9:00 45.59
Thursday 9:30 45.57
Monday 10:00 41.58
Thursday 10:00 40.71
Sunday 8:30 40.14
Monday 9:00 39.91
Sunday 8:00 39.72
Monday 9:30 39.30
Sunday 10:00 38.63
Wednesday 10:00 35.45
Thursday 8:30 34.66
Thursday 8:00 34.61
Tuesday 10:00 34.07
Wednesday 8:00 32.39
Wednesday 8:30 32.39
Wednesday 9:00 32.24
Wednesday 9:30 31.77
Sunday 7:30 31.46
Sunday 7:00 31.19
Tuesday 9:00 30.31
Tuesday 8:00 28.68
Tuesday 8:30 28.64
Tuesday 9:30 28.48
Monday 8:00 27.69
Monday 8:30 27.57
Friday 10:00 27.36
Friday 9:00 25.56
Friday 9:30 24.94
Friday 8:00 23.87
Friday 8:30 23.40
Saturday 10:00 23.28
Saturday 9:00 20.99
Saturday 8:00 18.98
Saturday 8:30 18.98