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Run For Your Life

By Nesciri.

Run For Your Life

Thanks to Joanna for the original picture and Nesciri for the collage!

A story about Jimmy and Cody's first adventure and about fitting in and being of use....
© Nesciri 2000

Author's Note: The setting is the first episode in Season 1. And the usual disclaimer - the characters from the drama The Young Riders are the copyright of Ogiens/Kane. I have merely borrowed them for amusement and non-profit fun. If an infringement have been done please alert the web-mistress!

Part 1

"What the hell am I doing here?" Jimmy muttered to himself as he was cleaning out the stables for the second time that week. It was a weekly chore but since Teaspoon had decided that mistakes due to carelessness were to be punished, especially if the carelessness led to risking another rider or a horse, one rider or another often found himself doing a chore twice. Jimmy felt as if he had done everything twice. It certainly hadn't been his week, although he had to admit that the last event had been stupid of him. But he was fed up with all the training and riding - nothing ever happened. And only one of them had been allowed to take a run. Kid had headed out yesterday and wasn't expected to back until the day after tomorrow, or even later. And Jimmy was sure that the next ride wasn't going to be his either. Not after what had happened earlier that day. Teaspoon had requested that they should practice handing over the mochilla and Jimmy was definitely not in the mood. It was a boring practice anyway and he couldn't see the use of it. Hell, all they had to do was just to hand it over - nothing to it. At least he had thought so until it was his turn to receive it. Impatiently he had more or less reached over, which was an accomplishment in itself as his riding skills were far from excellent, and jerked the mochilla from Buck. Buck, who was unprepared for that, had been caught in the mochila with his bracelet for a second and had fallen of the horse, ending up under it. Hadn't it been for the young Indian's agility he would have been trampled and seriously hurt. As it was now, he got away with a few bruises and scratches. Teaspoon hadn't been pleased and had in harsh words told Jimmy so. Jimmy, on his part, felt wrongly accused, as it wouldn't have happened if Buck hadn't been wearing that bracelet. Defensive as always, he'd told Teaspoon exactly that and now he was sweeping the stables, pondering his situation.

That was part of the reason he wondered what he was doing as an Express Rider. He wasn't even sure of why he had taken the job in the first place. He'd thought it would be exciting and that he would be good at it. Besides it provided him with money and a roof over his head. Never had he imagined the hard work that came with it, or the skills that were desired. His only skill was with his guns and that wasn't what a rider needed the most. The others were more Express riders than he'll ever be. Kid had a good head on his shoulder; he was quick to think and to act, highly valuable for survival on a run. Buck had tracking skills and knowledge of the land the others only could dream of. Ike was great around the horses and it was obvious that with a little more training he'd be an excellent rider as well. Lou was a great rider and the fastest of them. He had a way of getting every horse to do his best for the small rider. And Cody was a crack shot with that rifle of his, not so bad when you were chased by outlaws or Indians. And all of them were certainly better riders than Jimmy.

The sound from the bunkhouse told him that Emma had dinner ready and it was with some relief he dropped the broom and left the stable. He saw the others entering the station and for a second he hesitated. All of them had been present when he had had his argument with Teaspoon and he feared their reactions. Especially since the stupid stunt trying to lure Kid into a shooting contest ending with him, Jimmy, actually challenging Kid. Jimmy didn't even knew why he had reacted that way - probably because he already then knew that all the others had specials skills and he needed to tell them that he had too. He sighed and slowly started to walk over to the bunkhouse, prepared for some comments. He expected that Buck would have something to say as he had seen him holding his arm tenderly around his ribs all day. The well-known anger rose inside him again - it hadn't been just his fault, had it? Then he calmed down. "You're being childish," he scorned himself, but the feeling of injustice wouldn't go away that easily.

It was with some anticipation he walked into the room where everybody was busy seating themselves. Nobody seemed to pay him any special notice, which surprised him but at the same time made him feel more at ease. He glanced over to where Buck now sat and at his look the young Indian looked up and met his eyes. There was no anger in them, nor irritation. Jimmy turned away and sat down. He didn't understand Buck. Not a single hard word, no fists and no reprimands had followed on the incident. Buck had simply walked away to let Emma see to the bruises and scratches. It was as if he was careful not to upset anyone, and in Jimmy's eyes this was strange. If you didn't stand up for yourself, then nobody did. He had learnt that the hard way. Shaking his head, he sat down on his usual place opposite Cody. Of all the riders he found Cody the most easily to be around. He wouldn't mind learning how Cody had acquired his skill with the rifle and maybe even learn how to use it himself.

Teaspoon had seated himself at the head of the table and looked out over his boys as he tucked down the napkin in his shirt.

"You've done a good job today, boys," he stated smilingly as Emma brought over the stew.

Jimmy frown at the comment. Good job, indeed. All they had done was chores and that wasn't what he considered "a job". Cody saw his grimace and grinned back at him.

"Don't think the stable-hand agrees with you, Teaspoon," he remarked teasingly.

"Who you calling a stable-hand?" Jimmy replied angrily as he stared across the table.

"Well, I only see one that qualify for it," Cody replied with a grin in his face that was wiped out as a spoon of mashed potatoes landed in his face. Buck, Ike and Lou quickly moved from the combatants' corner of the table as peas and carrots flew over the table.

"Stop that this very instant!" Emma's voice sounded over the hullabaloo as she walked over to Jimmy and Cody, removing their spoons from their hands.

"He called me a stable-hand!" Jimmy objected.

"And you decided to throw away good food?" Emma replied with a look that made Jimmy sank down on the bench with a repentant look on his face. Even Cody stopped grinning and looked down at the table.

Emma looked exasperated at them.

"What am I to do with you, he?" she asked without expecting any reply.

"But Emma, nothing ever happens here," Cody complained. "It's boring. I didn't sign up just to clean stables and such - I signed up for the adventure."

Jimmy felt in his heart that Cody had spoken the truth, but after a look at Emma he wisely held his tongue.

"Well, Mr. Cody," Emma replied icily. "I believe you'll have plenty of adventure later, but if you ever want to grow into a fine young man," she continued, stressing the word man to ensure that he knew that she found his behavior childlike, "you better learn how to behave!"

Cody sighed loudly and Emma looked with desperation at Teaspoon.

Teaspoon smiled contently at her enjoying his stew, not having paid any attention to the two boys at the other end.

"Well, maybe I have the answer for you, Mr. Cody," he said lightly. "I just got this letter," he waved a thin piece of paper before them, from the head office, requesting a rider for a special run. So one of you'll have to leave early tomorrow morning."

Five pairs of eyes turned expectantly to him and Teaspoon let his eyes wander over the rider. Buck sat attentive with a hopeful look in his eyes, although he wasn't pushing the issue. Teaspoon knew he wouldn't mind having the assignment and although he was ready to take a run, Teaspoon hesitated. The town he was sending the rider to wasn't exactly known for its tolerance, he didn't like sending his riders into too much trouble on their first run. Ike looked hesitantly at him, and although he wouldn't mind going, Teaspoon knew that the boy still harbored some uncertainties about his abilities. It was better that he slowly realized that he was as good as any of the others, and Teaspoon was certain that Ike would come to that conclusion pretty soon. There was no need to force things. That left Lou, Cody and Jimmy. Lou looked at him intensely and he knew the young boy was eager to prove himself, not only to the stationmaster but also to the other boys. In his mind he decided to leave Lou out on this run. The boy would have to prove himself on an ordinary run. Overambition was not necessary on a delicate mission like this one. So it would have to be Cody or Hickok Teaspoon decided as his eyes turned to the two boys. He frowned slightly at their expression. Cody was leaning forward with an eager and confident expression on his face. He was sure he would get this assignment and it was obvious to Teaspoon that he was. Teaspoon turned to Jimmy, who apparently had given up the hope of getting it. He stared on the table with his arms crossed before him and a stubborn expression on his face. Teaspoon thought about it for a few seconds and poured himself a cup of coffee. A soft groan was heard from Cody as the stationmaster allowed himself a sip of the coffee before opening his mouth.

"Hickok, you feel you're up to it?"

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Part 2