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Original picture courtesy of Beth.

Continuous Stories

Run For Your Life by Nesciri.

Rated PG

A story about Jimmy and Cody's first adventure, and about fitting in and being of use....

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

The Girl Who Knew Too Much by Caitlin.

Rated PG13

The riders are visited by mysterious link from the past.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Wayward Riders by Lauren.

Rated PG

Trouble follows Buck when he comes back from a run, and Ike must help his friend before it's too late.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

A Love Fortold by Kimberly.

Rated PG

He had met her once as a child, but now she was a grown woman. What was she doing in Sweetwater and why did he suddenly feel like claiming her for his own?

Chapters 1-6

Completed Stories

Demons by Kim.

Rated PG13

Unable to cope with Ike's death, Buck seeks solace in the wrong things in this story of loss, making mistakes and learning to accept what cannot be changed.

A Time to Say Good-Bye by Mary Ayers.

Rated PG

As Ike and Buck are about to embark on the biggest adventure of their lives, Ike takes a quiet moment to reminisce about his past.

The Pact by Mary Ayers.

Rated PG

Buck has diffuculties coping with a friend's death, and must find the strength to carry on.

Wildfire by Beth Goodman.

Rated PG

A face from the past and memories of times thought long gone begin to stir deep inside one of the riders. Long lost love and old regrets eventually resurface, forcing this rider to confront the past, buried feelings, and a guilty conscience.

Prairie Possessions by Melissa.

Rated PG

The first story in the Devon Saga.

It's Oct. 30 1861, the day before Halloween, and Buck, Lou and Jimmy take a run that takes them through a sacred Indian Burial ground. Before the run is completed their strengths, weaknesses, and friendships will be put to the ultimate test.

A Love Reborn by Melissa and Lisa.

Rated PG

The second story in the Devon Saga.

When a mysterious young woman comes into to town from Buck's past, can she make him believe in a love that spans centuries?

Second Chances by Melissa and Lisa.

Rated PG

The third story in the Devon Saga.

A woman Jimmy never expected to see again returns to Rock Creek and helps him romance Lou, but when feelings he thought were over begin to resurface, which woman will get a second chance with his heart?

Ride on over to Nesciri's Reading Room


Disclaimer: These stories are for entertainment purposes only and are the copyright of each author. "The Young Riders" and its characters are copyright of Ogiens/Kan Production. No copyright infringement is intended. This site is a fan-based site and was not created for commercial purposes. If any infringement has occured, please contact the webmistress.