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Run For Your Life

By Nesciri.

Run For Your Life

Thanks to Joanna for the original picture and Nesciri for the collage!

A story about Jimmy and Cody's first adventure and about fitting in and being of use....
© Nesciri 2000

Author's Note: The setting is the first episode in Season 1. And the usual disclaimer - the characters from the drama The Young Riders are the copyright of Ogiens/Kane. I have merely borrowed them for amusement and non-profit fun. If an infringement have been done please alert the web-mistress!

Part 3

Jimmy stood still and tried to get use to the darkness around him when a soft small hand took his.
"This way," the soft voice told him and leading the way she begun walking. Jimmy followed her in silence and the only sound that was heard was the soft rustling of her skirt as she led him through a long dark corridor. Behind him Jimmy could hear the baffled voices of the men that had followed him and their argument. For a second he contemplated going back and surprise them. If he caught them off guard then maybe he could get the documents back, he pondered and stopped the girl.
"What are you doing?" she whispered.
"They don't know we're here," Jimmy replied in the same voice, "and if I go back now I might be able to surprise them."
"No," came the reply, "they will kill you. This way."
"You don't understand, they've got this document that I need to get back." Jimmy dropped her hand and turned to go back, when the girl grabbed his arm, holding him back. The movement brought them for a second closer together and Jimmy could feel the delicate fragrance of flowers and suddenly he wondered what she looked like. His eyes had got somewhat used to the darkness but all he could make out was her slim silhouette.
"But my documents--" he insisted as his thoughts returned to why he was here.
"I know how you can get them back - later. You better come with me now, they'll find the door soon."
The knowledge that the men might be storming through the corridor made Jimmy decide not to argue anymore. Besides the girl had told him that she knew how he could get hold of the documents later and he had to admit he was intrigued. She seemed to know a lot more about this than he did and for the second time he pondered that he might be led into a trap.
"There's a stair here," the soft voice told him again just as he stumbled on the first step. The girl hushed sharply at him for the noise he was making and suddenly he realized that she was nervous, even maybe scared. "What the hell have I gotten myself into," he mumbled under his breath as he got back on his feet. They continued up for what seemed an eternity for Jimmy who had no clue to where he was until they finally reached a small room. Sunlight emerged from a small window that from the size of it told Jimmy that this was an attic of some sort. The girl immediately walked over to the window and looked out.
"They're gone," she sighed with obvious relief.
"What the hell is all this about?" Jimmy demanded. "Who were those men and what did they want with that document? And how are you involved in all this?" The whole situation was just to much for him and he was running out of patience. He was just about to launch another set of questions towards the girl when she turned and looked at him. Jimmy suddenly found himself staring into a pair of dark appealing eyes. The girl before him was dressed in a plain shirt and an ordinary skirt and couldn't been much older than himself, probably even younger. Her skin was slightly darker than on any other girl he'd met. Her features were the most perfect features he'd ever laid eyes on. The way she held her head, the lines of her shoulders had something of pride over them although there was something similar to fear in her dark eyes. Her hair was black as ink and parted in the middle so that it partly covered two small golden rings that hung from her ears. For a second Jimmy just stared at her, at a loss of words. Finally he managed to stuttered forward the only two words that entered his mind.
"What-? Why--?"
"I need you to help me," the girl responded.
"Take it easy with that, Ike!" Emma called out as Ike tried to lift one of the heavy grain sack from the wagon. It was a bit too much for the boy and Emma hoped he wouldn't strain himself. Of course it was Cody that had started the competition in order to make their chores more fun and Emma had reluctantly realized that there was nothing she could do about it. She shook her head and was about to get back into the house when Teaspoon returned to the station. She nodded her greeting but as she saw the look on his face she turned and walked over to where the stationmaster.
"What's wrong, Teaspoon?" she asked without any further ado. She was certain something was not as it should be. Teaspoon shook his head.
"You know that run I sent Jimmy on?"
"With the letter to Camp Wichita? Yes."
"Apparently I was deceived - it wasn't any ordinary letter. 'Somebody'", Teaspoon sneered, "apparently thought it was a good idea to send classified information about army gold shipments by the Express - without notifying the Express."
"You mean Jimmy could be in danger?" Emma paled slightly at the thought of Jimmy on his own, maybe facing danger unknown to him.
"He probably already is - Sam told me that the Commander at Camp Wichita sent in a report last week about a gang operating in their vicinity and that he suspected that they had somebody on the inside working for them."
"So what's Sam going to do? Is he going after Jimmy?" Emma wanted to know.
"He can't. He's been called away on business to Blue Creek - ain't gonna be back until next week. He just had time to tell me the news. If I ever found out who it was that came up with that clever idea of using the Express---"
"No use dwelling over the past," Emma interrupted. "What are we going to do? We can't leave Jimmy out there on his own!"
"I'll go after him." Cody's voice startled them.
"How long have you been standing there?" Teaspoon asked as the blond rider emerged from around the corner of the bunkhouse.
"Long enough to hear that Hickok need some help," Cody said lightly, ignoring the fact that he'd been eavesdropping.
"And you think that you're that help, he?"
"Why not? Helping out people is my specialty." Cody grinned at them and Emma tried to hide a smile.
"I don't know about that Cody," Teaspoon stated. "Jimmy's already out there and---"
"C'mon on, Teaspoon! I can do this and you know it! All I have to do is find Jimmy and tell him about the whole thing - and help him get that documents over to that camp, wherever that is."
Teaspoon smiled.
"All right, since I guess there's no use telling you otherwise. Jimmy was supposed to pick up some additional papers in a small town called Carnegie. If you're lucky you might find him there."
"Don't worry - he can't be that difficult to find. I'll have him back in no time." Cody turned to get his horse.
"And you better be careful, Billy!" Emma called out after him before turning to Teaspoon. "You're sure about this?"
"They gotta start learning sometime, Emma. Might as well start now."
"Hmm," was all Emma had to say, as Teaspoon followed after Cody over to the barn to give the boy some last minute advice.

Nesciri, site owner of


Part 4