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The Young Riders FAQ
A Guide to the Online Fandom

Section 2: Basics of the show

[2.1] What was the show?

  • "The Young Riders" was a western TV show that focused on the lives of the men, women and boys living at a Pony Express Station. The Pony Express was a mail service that ran from 1860-1861. Although the focus of the show was often on adventure and romance, it also provided some thought provoking moments when focusing on the early lives of some well known historical figures as well as the tensions felt amongst friends during a time when the United States was preparing to enter into a Civil War.

  • During its time on ABC from 1989 to 1992, and subsequent airings on The Family Channel and The Odyssey Channel, The Young Riders provided viewers with well written family entertainment.

    [2.2] Who starred in the show?

  • Stephen Baldwin -- William F. Cody
  • Josh Brolin -- James Butler Hickok (Wild Bill)
  • Brett Cullen -- Marshal Sam Cain (1989-1990)
  • Don Franklin -- Noah Dixon (1990-1992)
  • Travis Fine -- Ike McSwain
  • Melissa Leo -- Emma Shannon (1989-1990)
  • Ty Miller -- Kid
  • Christopher Pettiet -- Jesse James (1991-1992)
  • Gregg Rainwater -- Buck Cross
  • Yvonne Suhor -- Louise (Lou) McCloud
  • Clare Wren -- Rachel Dunne (1990-1992)
  • Anthony Zerbe -- Aloysious "Teaspoon" Hunter

    Click here to see a detailed profile on all of the characters!! -- Thanks Ursula Renee!!!

    [2.3] Who created The Young Riders?

  • This show was created by Ed Spielman and was produced by the Ogiens and Kane Company. They own all the rights to the show.

    [2.5] Why did various cast members leave/join the show?

  • Melissa Leo was not asked to return after the first season because she refused to make her character "sexy" (need link for ML article)

  • Here is the new link from Brett Cullen's web page on which he talks about his experience on the show, including why he left. Thanks Nici!

  • Clare Wren joined the show at the beginning of the second season to replace ML's role as stationmistress/cook/mother-figure for the riders.

  • Don Franklin joined the show at the beginning of the second season as a black Pony Express rider to enhance story lines and tension on the show.

  • Chris Pettiet joined the cast in the third season to create more tension on-screen as a young Jesse James.

  • Travis Fine left the show early in the third season to pursue a film career.

    [2.6] Is the show on the air now?

  • The show is currently airing in reruns on the Odyssey Network.

    [2.7] How can I contact the stars/producer?

  • There are some actors who have official web pages, and/or managers where fans can express their support. We hope that everyone will be polite and considerate of their privacy when trying to contact them.
    This section is under construction

  • Gregg's management/site

  • Brett Cullen's Official Web Page

  • Don Collier's Offical Web Page

    [2.8] How can I get copies of the episodes?

  • Unfortunately there has not been an official release of the episodes on video. However, if you are lucky enough to get The Odyssey Channel on your cable network, you can check out their schedule and tape the episodes for yourself.

  • There are some fans who are generous enough to make copies of their copies for the price of the tapes and shipping. You can contact these people by posting a general inquiry to any of the message boards.

  • NOTE: Any fan who is willing to make copies of episodes for you should only charge for the cost of the tapes and postage. Anything above this is making a profit on a copyrighted show. This is illegal. There are fans out there who will only ask for money to cover the tapes and postage, and you should not do business with fans who ask for more than this.

    [2.9] Where can I get "official" or "unofficial" TYR merchandise?

  • One place to get TYR merchandise: Jerry Ohlinger's Movie Materials Store - where you can get lots of B&W and color photos of the cast.

  • Another resource on TYR merchandise is, however you should be aware that some sellers will hike the prices of merchandise well above what you can purchase it for elsewhere. In addition, be aware that any bids placed on ebay are binding.

    [2.10] Where can I get infomation about the Pony Express?

  • Please visit the official Pony Express Home Station

    [2.11] What's the difference between a Marshal and a Sheriff?

  • This debate has come up often on the message boards. A Marshal is "a federal officer of a judicial district who performs duties similar to those of a sheriff"
    A Sheriff is "the chief law-enforcement officer of a county"

    Entries taken from the 1980 Random House dictionary

    [2.12] Are there any non-internet resources on The Young Riders?

  • This section is under construction

    [2.13] Why does Odyssey/Family Channel edit the episodes?

  • Editing the episodes is commonly done to allow more time to run commercials. Also the Family Channel seemed to edit the shows for certain content (for example, they would not air Season 3's "Dark Brother")

    [2.14] Where can I find episode guides for the show?

  • Just about every "general" TYR page has an episode guide. However, there is a particularly excellent one at Riders Coming! -- with detailed summaries and screen grabs!

    [2.15] What were the horses' names?

  • Kid's horse's name was Katy (Duke, male, in real life)

  • Lou's horse's name was Lightning

  • Fans voted on a name for Jimmy's horse to use in fanfiction. They call his horse Sundancer (?)

    [2.16] Where can I find a character guide?

  • This section is under construction

    Special thanks to Beth, Cass, Jeanette, and Nici for contributing information to this section.

    Section 1 -- Welcome Letter
    Section 3 -- General Guide to Netiquette
    Section 4 -- Web Pages
    Section 5 -- Fanfic
    Section 6 -- "Inside" Information and Abbreviations
    Section 7 -- Meeting the Fans
    Section 8 -- Trivia About the Show

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