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The Young Riders FAQ
A Guide to the Online Fandom

Section 7: Meeting the Fans

[7.1] How do you meet other fans?

  • The best way to meet other fans is to post messages on the message boards and to join in chat sessions. Other ways are to email authors or webpage owners privately and strike up a conversation of mutual interest. Most fans are willing to take the time to be courteous to newcomers, and friendships often evolve from this. Please don't be discouraged by the lack of response to an email or a post. Sometimes real life commitments get in the way of fans spending time on the internet.

    [7.2] When are fan chat sessions and how can I organize one?

  • Anyone can organize a chat session; it's just a matter of spreading the word. Find a chat room you like and post a message or email people to meet you there at a pre-arranged time. If you are going to use a chat room belonging to a specific web page, please email the owner in advance to make sure the room will be available.

    [7.3] Where do fans of TYR come from?

  • Fans of the show come from all over the world, although most online fans are from the US.

    [7.4] Will there be a "convention/reunion"?

  • A tradition began in 1999 called the Young Riders Fan Reunion for fans to gather in Tucson to meet each other and visit the studios where the show was filmed. Although years 1999-2001 have taken/will take place in Tucson, AZ, future Reunions might take place at other locations in the US.

  • Another tradition was established in 2000 called the East Coast Rendezvous. This gathering was created for fans who couldn't make it out to the Tucson Reunion. It is a yearly event open to fans all over the country (dare I say world? :) Check out Gail's ECR Page for more information.

    [7.5] How serious are fans of the show?

  • As you can imagine, the involvement of fans ranges greatly. There are some fans who take The Young Riders and the fandom extremely seriously, and there are others who just check out a few web pages for fun. Many fans have busy lives outside of the fandom, and this is something they only do in their free time. The best approach is to be respectful of what you don't know about others. Once you get to know people you will learn their level of involvement.

    Section 1 -- Welcome Letter
    Section 2 -- Basics of the Show
    Section 3 -- General Guide to Netiquette
    Section 4 -- Web Pages
    Section 5 -- Fanfic
    Section 6 -- "Inside" Information and Abbreviations
    Section 8 -- Trivia About the Show

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