"In 1996, ABC ran classic AMC, OLTL, GH episodes over the course of several weeks. The GH Daytime To Remember ran for three weeks, AMC was also on for three weeks, and OLTL aired over a two week period. Each day a :30 minute episode of "Daytime To Remember" was shown with an introduction by Reba McIntrye. Since the original ABC soap episodes were :60 minutes obviously ABC cut the original episode down to fit in the :30 minute time slot. The exception to this is the vintage episodes that aired when the show was still only 30 minutes such as the GH 1964 episode.

In some cases, it is possible that since they showed the episode over a two day DTR period and that the entire original episode was aired. I do not have any information on what scenes ABC didn't include. For the vintage shows the DTR re-airings were the only copies available at that time as this was long before Soapnet's existence so nothing to compare them to. Unfortunately, since vcrs were not around for the earliest shows so for the 1960, 1970 these are the only footage available that I know of. So while it would be great to have the complete episode sadly they just aren't available that I know of. Vcrs came out in the very late 70's and became more common by the early 1980's which is why for instance with GH, there are Luke & Laura episodes and some semi-edits available from 1980. Vcr usage continued to grow and by 1981 more fans were taping and saving their GH episodes so more is available from that year. So GH episodes from 1981 through current time are available, the earliest episodes on a more limited basis. I'm not as familiar with what is available from OLTL and AMC. I'm always interested in classic AMC and OLTL and if anyone has any early episodes please let me know especially from the 1980's. I do know an offline source who has complete daily OLTL and AMC episodes from 1994 through current time. There is quite a bit of GH episodes available from summer, 1981 into early, 1984...then complete daily episodes available from Feb, 1984 through current time."

A Daytime to Remember - AMC, A Daytime to Remember - OLTL, and A Daytime to Remember - GH, 

Here are my descriptions for the GH DTR episodes. I also have the OLTL and AMC episodes that aired. I used 8 hr tapes, so that is 16 shows per tape just over 3 weeks worth. I can fit all the GH classic shows on one tape as each show was 1/2 hr. There were 20 shows all together, looks like I definitely have 18 of them - not sure about the other two.

GH DTR - May 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, (missed 5/26), 28, 29, and 30, 1997
5/27 DTR on a separate tape - I may have 5/26 copied from a friend, but I would have to check to be sure.

GENERAL HOSPITAL episodes featured during "A Daytime To Remember"
(OAD refers to the Original Air Date of the episode)

May 5 (OAD 1964):
Vintage Steve and Audrey

MAY 9 (OAD 1980):
Luke and Laura spend an enchanted evening of romance
while locked inside Wyndham's department store.

MAY 16 (OAD 1984):
Blackie goes to jail for the murder of his girlfriend Lou.

MAY 22-23 (OAD 1986):
Frisco and Felicia's wedding.

MAY 6-7 (OAD 1980):
Tracy refuses Edward medical attention during his heart attack. [description]

MAY 12-13 (OAD 1980):
Luke attempts to stop the Cassadines from freezing the world with their "Ice Princess" weather machine.

MAY 19-20 (OAD 1985):
Robert learns Robin is his daughter.

MAY 26 (OAD 1993):
Surrogate mother Lucy gives birth to Dominique and Scotty's baby.

MAY 29-30 (OAD 1994):
BJ's death provides Maxie
with a sorely needed heart transplant.

MAY 8 (OAD 1980):
Having learned of his wife Monica's affair, Alan plots to kill her and her lover, Dr. Rick Webber. [description]

MAY 14-15 (OAD 1982):
Jackie Templeton butts heads with Luke as they attempt to locate her missing sister and his missing wife.

MAY 21 (OAD 1986):
Lucy gets a makeover and
goes from mousy wallflower to glamour-puss.

MAY 27-28 (OAD 1993):
On the run from the mob,
Scotty leaves Port Charles.

Expanded Descriptions:

TUESDAY, MAY 6 and WEDNESDAY, MAY 7 (OAD May 23,1980) - Edward's Heart attack

May 23, 1980 - We see Jessie, Bobbie, and Dan Rooney at Jessie's house.  Dan and Jessie are having a trial marriage and have some details to work out.  Bobbie wishes Dan luck as he is going to need it.

Back at the Webbers, Amy is bringing Lesley breakfast is bed and she wants to know all of the details about the party.  Amy wants to know if Scotty and Laura were there, and Lesley informs her that they were.  Lesley tells Amy that all of the family support is helping her get through this tough time.

Over at the Quartermaine's, Alan is waking up with a vicious hangover.  He is in Monica's bed and doesn't remember anything about the party.  He also doesn't remember how he got into Monica's room, but Monica tells him that she had Lee bring him there so that he and Gail wouldn't know that they weren't sleeping together.  Alan says that it's too late and that he already told Lee.  Monica tells him that it's time they talked about divorce.  Alan doesn't really feel well enough to talk about the divorce, but knows that he has to.  He is still upset that Rick told him the baby is not his, and wants time to think about it.  He also wants to know what Monica wants to do about the baby.  Monica informs him that she wants the baby to stay with her.  She then heads off to the hospital to make rounds.
Tracy and Mitch are talking about Alan's drinking, and can't understand what Alan is so upset about that he drank that much.  Tracy heads over to the mansion to find out.

Jessie and Dan are discussing their household finances and how to split the bills.  Bobbie wants it to be a 3 way split but Dan thinks that she will be out on dates most of the time and shouldn't have to pay for everything.  Bobbie assures him that she isn't dating anyone.

Alan is still unable to make it downstairs.  Stella comes in with more coffee and tells him that Tracy is downstairs and wants to see him. Alan tells Stella to get rid of her but before she can do that, Tracy comes in with a sure-fire hangover remedy.  After drinking it, Alan starts to feel a little better.  Tracy is concerned for her brother and wants to know what he is upset about.

Jessie and Dan are still discussing the details of their trial marriage.  Jessie doesn't want to give up her bridge night with the girls, but thinks that Dan should find something else to do.  Dan says no way, but Jessie convinces him to stick with it.  He agrees.

Over at the Webbers, Alice is trying to tell Lesley that she shouldn't wear a certain outfit because it is associated with bad memories.  Alice is concerned that Lesley will slip back after having had such a nice evening the night before.  Alice tells her that she looked sexy the night she went to the party and she doesn't look that way in the outfit she is going to wear today.  Lesley states that she will never wear that outfit again.

Back in Monica's bedroom, Alan is wise to the reason behind Tracy's visit.  He denies that there are any problems with his marriage to Monica and that he has too many plans to let alcohol ruin them.  He escorts Tracy to the door without divulging any personal business.

At the hospital, Luke and Bobbie are discussing his engagement to Jennifer Smith.  Luke says that he is going to go along with the engagement and Bobbie argues that the only thing that will stop his marriage to Jennifer is if he could have Laura Baldwin as his wife.  Luke doesn't think that Bobbie understands the situation and Luke is very confused about what he wants.  Bobbie tells him that Laura is as hung up on him as he is on her. Luke says that Bobbie has always been jealous of Laura, but Bobbie won't admit it.  She is concerned that Laura is using him, but before they can discuss it further, Amy walks up and they end their conversation.

Jennifer shows up at Ruby's apartment to find out information on Luke.  She says that they may be engaged, but that she doesn't know that much about Luke.  She wants to know who his friends are, specifically Scotty and Laura.  She also wants to know why Bobbie doesn't like her.  Ruby tells her that Bobbie is still getting over Roy's death.  She tells her that Roy was shot by trying to kill Mitch Williams.

Mitch is visiting Susan at work.  He tells her that he is going to ask Tracy for a divorce.  Mitch is serious, but he has to be careful.  He wants to know that Susan will be there for him, but Susan is concerned that Tracy won't let him divorce her.  Susan can't promise Mitch anything and won't commit to anything.  She doesn't want to play games with Frank Smith because it's wrong and dangerous.
Luke and Frank are meeting to discuss the business.  He wants Luke to take it over one day, so Luke needs to learn the ropes.  Franks associate is showing Luke all that Frank's business involves.  Luke wants to take all of the paperwork to study it at home, but Frank won't let him do that.  He also wants Luke to commit to a wedding date as Jennifer has her heart set on a June wedding.  Luke tries his best to postpone it, but Frank won't have it so they agree on the end of June.  Frank tells Luke that he enjoyed meeting Luke's family and that those are the kind of people that Frank wants supporting him.  Frank wants to make the business legitimate and wants Luke to help him.

Over at GH, Monica and Lesley make small talk about the party.  Lesley tries to leave, but Monica tells her that she's asked Alan for a divorce.  Visibly upset, Lesley leaves.  Ruby comes up to the nurses' station and tells Bobbie that Jennifer visited her today.  Bobbie tells Ruby that Luke has been backed into a corner and can't get out.  She tells her that Luke is only marrying Jennifer to protect Laura.  Bobbie is going to try to stop Laura from ruining their lives.

Alan sees a worker in the hall who is fixing the attic.  The worker assures him that there will be no more accidents with the construction, but Alan thinks the there will be another sort of accident.

May 24, 1980 - Tracy Refuses to give Edward his heart medicince, continued from above.
Edward and Tracy are in Tracy's penthouse.  Edward is about to sign a new will, which cuts Tracy out of the family fortune.  He tells her that he despises the very sight of her.  He wants her to prove her love for him by dropping the paternity suit regarding Alan Jr.  Edward tells her that if she doesn't drop it, he will disown her completely.  While he is lecturing her, he begins to have chest pains.  He tells Tracy to go and get his medication from his apartment.  She defies him and tells him that she is going to have to think about it.  He begs her for the medication, but Tracy doesn't budge.  She wants him to know that she is not dropping the paternity suit because she wants her son, Ned, to inherit the fortune.  As Edward falls to the floor, Tracy tells him that money is the most important thing.

We next see Lee and Gail, and Scotty and Laura, at dinner.  Monica and Rick come by and the conversation becomes strained.  Laura tells everyone that Monica and Rick deserve to be happy, and that she is not going to make her father feel guilty.  Laura tells them that there are two sides to every story and that she Rick and Lesley's marriage was probably on the rocks anyway.  Laura then leaves for work at the disco. 

Back at Tracy's apartment, Tracy is negotiating with an obviously distressed Edward.  He urges her to stop talking about money and go and get his medication.  Tracy leaves to do that.
Scotty is worried about Laura.  She is acting edgy and he doesn't know why.  Gail tries to reassure him by telling him that they are all going through a lot of changes right now.  Scotty wonders if he should get Laura a bigger house.  Lee tells him he shouldn't try to keep up with Luke and Frank Smith and that he should listen to what Laura tells him.

Laura shows up to work and finds Lesley there.  She is upset that Luke was dancing with Lesley.  He tells her to grow up and not spoil the evening.  She goes off to get changed for work, but stops by her mother's table first.

Back at Tracy's, she comes rushing in with Edward's medicine.  She wants him to tear up the will first.  He won't do it and begs her for the medicine.  He then collapses on the floor.  She says that all he has to do is tell her that he's not going to sign the will.  She walks away as he begs her one last time.  Tracy stares out the window and tells him what a beautiful night it is.
Over at the disco, Bobbie and Diana discuss Lesley and what a good job she is doing by getting back on her feet again.
Edward is crawling towards his pills.  Tracy tells him that they're on the table, but he can't reach them.  He tells her that he is dying, but she doesn't even move to help him.  He says," If you love me..." but Tracy won't help him.  She tells him that the only man she ever loved was he.  End of this episode.

The next episode begins with Edward lying on the floor and Tracy crying over him.  She rushes to the phone and with her back turned, Edward rises and scares her.  He calmly picks up the phone and calls his attorney.  Tracy hugs him, but Edward tells her that she is no longer his daughter.  Tracy tries to get him to rethink the new will, but he won't have it.  Edward is furious with Tracy and tells her to go up to her room and stay there until he calls her.  He also tells her to pray that Mitch didn't marry her for her money.

Mitch and Susan are talking about the same thing.  Mitch is telling Susan that he is going to divorce Tracy for Susan.  Susan tells him that she is trying to believe him.  They end in a warm embrace.

Back at the disco, Lesley tells Laura that Luke has been very nice.  Laura tells her that his is why Luke is so successful.  Lesley tells her that all the ladies were trying very hard to have fun.  Laura wants to know if she's ever felt attracted to another man after she married Rick.  Lesley does her best to answer her honestly.  Luke interrupts for one more dance with Lesley. 

We next get to see Ann Logan and Jeff Webber at Jeff's apartment.  Ann is concerned about Joe and is wondering when he will get home.  Jeff assures her that he won't be home anytime soon, so she has nothing to worry about.
Back at the penthouse, Edward is signing the will in the presence of a very upset Tracy.  After all is said and done, Tracy says that she will have the last laugh when the paternity suit shows that Alan Jr. is not a Quartermaine.  Edward leaves and Tracy calls Mitch.  She tells him that she wants him home, and he tells her that he wants a divorce.

MAY 8 (OAD May 24,1980) - Alan Plots Murder

THURSDAY, MAY 8 (OAD June 2, 1980) - Having learned of his wife Monica's affair, Alan plots to kill her and her lover, Dr. Rick Webber. This episode opens with Rick and Monica on the waterfront heading to a cottage.  Alan is stalking them and sees them go in.  Rick and Monica are obviously in love and Monica can't believe that they are actually together.  They embrace and Rick tells her that this is just the beginning for them.  They talk about Alan Jr. being their son and that Alan will realize this and then they can be together as a family. Rick says that he has waited so long to be with Monica.  Monica is nervous and feels like a schoolgirl.  She tells Rick that she loves him.  He then begins to take her clothes off.  Alan is still outside of the cottage.  Jessie and Dan are at the nurses' station.  They are discussing Jeremy's party and Dan asks if Ann got Jeremy off all right.

Back at the cottage, Rick and Monica are in bed.  They are both so happy and Monica wants to know if they can live together.  Rick doesn't want to hurt Lesley more than he has to, and he then proposes to Monica, who accepts passionately.  Lurking outside, Alan reveals that he has a gun under his jacket.  He then has a fantasy conversation about how he found his wife and her lover in bed together.
Dan tells Jessie that he spoke with a difficult patient for her and worked out the problems.  He then tells her that his poker game is going to be at their place tonight, but Jessie is upset.  Steve and Audrey come up and Steve tells Jessie how much he appreciates her letting them use her place for their game.  Audrey suggests using Diana's apartment for the girls bridge game and the guy's can use Dan and Jessie's place.  Steve then asks Jessie when she is going to marry Dan.

Monica and Rick are still in bed.  Monica says that she's never been this happy.  Rick assures her that she's not dreaming and that they will be together someday.  They talk about their future as a husband and wife medical team.  They make love as Alan checks his watch and heads towards the cottage.  He runs into a dockworker, and then heads up the stairs of the cottage just as there is a grand explosion.  This is the end of this episode.

We see Mitch and Susan together and they are having an argument.  He is wondering why she never married Frank, and she says that Mitch is far too concerned with money.  Frank comes in and discusses Jennifer's wedding day.  Frank sings Susan's praises and says that he doesn't know what he'd do without her.

Scotty and Laura are arguing.  Laura doesn't want to go to the wedding.  Scotty says that if she doesn't go he'll never talk to her again.  Laura says that is just fine.  Scotty then finds a letter to Luke written by Laura and he finds out that Luke is the one who raped Laura.

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