"In 1996, ABC ran classic AMC, OLTL, GH episodes over the course of several weeks. The GH Daytime To Remember ran for three weeks, AMC was also on for three weeks, and OLTL aired over a two week period. Each day a :30 minute episode of "Daytime To Remember" was shown with an introduction by Reba McIntrye. Since the original ABC soap episodes were :60 minutes obviously ABC cut the original episode down to fit in the :30 minute time slot. The exception to this is the vintage episodes that aired when the show was still only 30 minutes such as the GH 1964 episode.

In some cases, it is possible that since they showed the episode over a two day DTR period and that the entire original episode was aired. I do not have any information on what scenes ABC didn't include. For the vintage shows the DTR re-airings were the only copies available at that time as this was long before Soapnet's existence so nothing to compare them to. Unfortunately, since vcrs were not around for the earliest shows so for the 1960, 1970 these are the only footage available that I know of. So while it would be great to have the complete episode sadly they just aren't available that I know of. Vcrs came out in the very late 70's and became more common by the early 1980's which is why for instance with GH, there are Luke & Laura episodes and some semi-edits available from 1980. Vcr usage continued to grow and by 1981 more fans were taping and saving their GH episodes so more is available from that year. So GH episodes from 1981 through current time are available, the earliest episodes on a more limited basis. I'm not as familiar with what is available from OLTL and AMC. I'm always interested in classic AMC and OLTL and if anyone has any early episodes please let me know especially from the 1980's. I do know an offline source who has complete daily OLTL and AMC episodes from 1994 through current time. There is quite a bit of GH episodes available from summer, 1981 into early, 1984...then complete daily episodes available from Feb, 1984 through current time."

A Daytime to Remember - AMC, A Daytime to Remember - OLTL, and A Daytime to Remember - GH

OLTL Daytime To Remember  April 21-May 2nd: 5 1/2 hrs 11 shows
4/21, 4/22, 4/23, 4/24, 4/25, 4/28, 4/29, 4/30, 5/1, 5/2

  • 4/21- Vintage Vicki
  • 4/22 & 4/23 Karen Wolek admits she was a prostitute 1979
  • 4/24 Marco & Karen switch babies 1979
  • 4/25 Jenny gives the back to Katrina 1982
  • 4/28 Vicki tells Clint she's pregnant 1986
  • 4/29 Vicki meets Joe in Heaven 1987
  • 4/30 Tina comes back from the dead 1987
  • 5/1 & 5/2 Megan dies 1992

**The End**

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